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Rate the unit day 20: Nowi


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The three seperate characters thing is stupid. Bias should be allowed with +/- 1 since at least we see how it impacts the ratings. If it's gone people will sneak it into the ratings anyway.

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The three seperate characters thing is stupid. Bias should be allowed with +/- 1 since at least we see how it impacts the ratings. If it's gone people will sneak it into the ratings anyway.

The reason behind limiting the character is that the goal isn't to have everyone write a paragraph every time because not everyone has the time to do so. But I still need to make sure that the people aren't rating purely on bias.

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I don't believe that the double bonuses have any active contribution towards a characters worth, with the exception of Fredrick. I also don't think should rate a character on how good a parent they are because then units like donnel who have a hard time being an active team member but passes on good skills and a good class set would have inflated ratings making people think that they are a very useful unit throughout the whole game. Again I'm open to suggestion I'll put up a poll and I will see what everyone thinks.

On the kids I don't have a solid plan yet. I might rate everyone possible combination. But right now I'm leaning towards polling the best farther.

Huh? Pair up bonuses are a huge part of characters' utility, in fact, Lonqu in the tier list is only so high up because of his pair up bonus. It should definitely be counted toward a units worth.

As for parents, I also think that potential should be counted. These RTU's shouldn't be taken so damn seriously. It's an RTU. If someone wants to give Donnel high marks because he turns out good later on and is a great father, why should we not allow that? Is a score that no one's going to care about a month after the end of the series really that important?

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I'm actually with Reggie here. If we don't consider pair up bonuses and pair up ability then we aren't really rating the characters.

Also I think the ability to have a great child should be considered when doing this I can't go into this more atm but I'll try to later.

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So right now it looks like both will be accounted for in the ratings and I will change the OP to replicate that.

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On the bias system it will be decided by the poll. And would the one person who voted for a new system please submit your idea.

Just as a quick note I will be offline for the next four hours. While I'm gone please discuss any potential changes and I will or will not act on them depending on the consensus.

Edited by Randa
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As much as I loathe seeing this started up again, my two cents on the subject are that bias needs to be dropped altogether. I remember talk about how in some instances, people got hammered by so much negative bias that they lost as much as an entire point from what their rating would've been without it as a factor.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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So we shouldn't hurt the Fe characters' feelings?

Come on its the only thing that makes the rtus interesting to partake in.

To me, bias is just another reason why the whole thing is a total farce.

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At this point it looks like the bias system will be out the window. I'll be on for about 30 minutes then I won't be able to answer questions or discuss this, so ask now or till tommorow hold your peace.

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However the way I'm interpreting the rework is that at the moment it should be removed but has the potential to come back. However nobody has said how to fix it so I am considering them to be votes against. At the moment.

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Rofl 2 votes immediately came right after I said that. What's the point of even doing Rtus if all people are allowed to do is evaluate them purely on a gameplay perspective. It's not like people are going to use the ratings for anything anyway, people just get angry because favorite character 1 is below least favorite character 2.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Rofl 2 votes immediately came right after I said that. What's the point of even doing Rtus if all people are allowed to do is evaluate them purely on a gameplay perspective.


I'm not sure what you mean.

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The main point that people seem to be making is that the bias system ATM hurts the entire idea of the system more than it helps I am willing to listen to ideas on how to fix it. If you want it to stay please bring out a way to make it better.

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