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Rate the unit day 20: Nowi


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edit: the silly rule was taken out so time for a real evaluation

Gameplay wise what do you expect, it's avatar, best unit in the game, all supports, all non-limited classes, 10/10.

However, neither male nor female can go berseker, horseman, nosferatu, and galeforce all at once, so minus .01 bias points for a score of 9.99/10. Gotta give credit where its due and avatar don't get that credit. If there was an avatar option for whiny little girl who may secretly be a gold digger, well, that would be an entirely different case

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Male MU and Female MU

Pros: Customizable although limited

Can support with every character in the game that can support

Veteran makes him/her godlike

Can give birth to not one but two badass children

Super easy to skill grind with

Cons: His personality is very unique so you can't really base your MU off of someone without it feeling really awkward


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I don't like the Avatar's character, but since I'm not doing bias (I think only Cynthia will get a bias point), I'm not gonna let it get in the way of the big picture.

Avatar is amazing in gameplay. 'Nuff said. Veteran enables him/her to level crazy fast with Pair Ups, and the Avatar works with just about...everyone! Tactician and Grandmaster are pretty cool classes, but holy wow, both genders can reclass to just about anything they want but the lord classes and dancer. Can't get much better than that.

And they have a part in making Morgan and whoever else amazing, too, but Avatar stays strong from the beginning to the end.


(I'm so tired, I think my post makes no sense. >_<)

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Avatar is quite a literal god unit.

Considering my biggest grief is that you always start as the best starting class in the game, anything less than a 10 is undeserved.


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The most versatile unit in FE13, can take on any role and be great at it, levels quickly because of ghetto paragon, supports everyone in the game, etc.

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Lets see

-gains experience faster then everyone else.

-can change into nearly all the classes in the game.

-Stats and growths are good as well.

10/10 for both of them. Male doesn't get galeforce, but he has so many options to break the game that it doesn't matter. He also has an easier time creating super babies then his female counterpart.

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Aeine/ Olwen (which do you prefer?)

The Avatar whether male or female is the most broken character in any FE, how can you give the male a 6, let alone either of them less than a 10? Unless you plan on giving every character from here on out a 5 or less, with all due respect sir (And I do respect you), you are a crack head.

As far as my rating goes, 10/10. The best unit.

BUT I think they are also the biggest Gary Stu/Mary Sue in the series, so my bias score is a 9/10.

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I do plan on giving every character except the turnshavers 6 or below.

The Female Avatar has a slow start for a chapter or two on average, hence the 0.5. A 9.75 might be more accurate.

Edited by Olwen
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Robin is, literally a Dick. A Gray Dick.

Oh wait

The most overpowered unit in FE IMO(with pantsless Marth as the only competition). Enchanced EXP rate, customizable base stats, giving massive boost on a specific area and a growth rate to match, and Tomes allow them to ignore Weapon Triangle for the early game, while Swords are useful for Axe Man. Also rally spectrum and can solo the game.

Support with everyone, most notably Chrom and Frederick, which eases up their training or give you a Lucy that is hax on jointime.

Acess to all Class is cool, but lets be real, the only class that I will bother with is Cavalier, Wyvern, or Pegasus Knight, because I have a mounts boner and allow them to do anything you want them to do.

The only way they can become even more broken, IMO is if they started as Cavalier(thus getting Discipline) while retaining Veteran, mostly because after reclassing into the 2 flying class with mounts, you are going to start with dumb E Rank Lance/Axe. Your first Arms Scroll, I believe comes in Anna Paralogue, or Pega Pony Princess, if you missed the first one.

Yes, this dude is so good, Im going to nitpick its only flaw(weapon rank), as small as that is

BTW I kinda suggested +HP -LCK, or +DEF -LCK for them

10/10. Best character in the game. IMO theres actually one unit in the entire game have a chance to challenge this claims


-1 bias into 9/10 because I hate how they are handled in the story and because my best runthrough are an avatar less run

Min Max:

I want to do this if im allowed to. IMO Male Avatar marrying Sully, Sumia, Tharja, or Lissa is the best option. Personally I would go with Lissa because Owain is a male


Tactician actually have one of the worst Base stats in the game, which makes the Avatar even more broken.

Edited by JSND
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The Avatar is ridiculously broken:

- Asset is like a free Speedwing/Spirit Dust/Dracoshield right at the beginning, along with higher growths.

- Can take luck or strength as flaw

- Good 1-2 range right off the bat

- Supports with everyone

- LOL Veteran

- Access to every normal class for his gender

- The last two points allow him to pick up some broken skills like Sol and Galeforce in a reasonable amount of time.

All of these advantages dominate any microscopic flaws he might have, which warrants a perfect 10/10

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Can do anything, has perfect avalability, and gains levels faster than anyone.

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

10 10 10 / 10 10 10

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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Avatar M 10/10

+ All male classes

+ All weapons

+ All male skills

+ Quick growth early on

+ Can make two superhero kids

- Locked out of Galeforce

Avatar F 10/10

+ All female classes

+ All weapons

+ All female skills

+ Quick growth early on

- Can only have one kid unless married to Chrom

- Locked out of Dread Fighter and other male classes

"Robin" 0/10

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