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Petition to Rename Fire Emblem: Awakening to Galeforce Emblem: Galeforcening

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So it's come to my attention that none of you have signed the extremely important petition in the op.

Come on guys, this is serious business. We can't let Nintendo get away with this travesty


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That looks shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time

It's Constable Galeforce now to you

his looks more realistic

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But SoC Google Translate says it's THUNDER Speed, not Lightning Speed, and there's obviously a huge difference as seen by Constable Galeforce's clear time beating yours by 23 seconds. That's almost half a minute, enough to clear the game like 10 more times.

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But SoC Google Translate says it's THUNDER Speed, not Lightning Speed, and there's obviously a huge difference as seen by Constable Galeforce's clear time beating yours by 23 seconds. That's almost half a minute, enough to clear the game like 10 more times.

Naturally. Thunder travels at the speed of sound, much slower than the speed of light. Of course, both are fairly slow compared to the speed of galeforce.

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But SoC Google Translate says it's THUNDER Speed, not Lightning Speed, and there's obviously a huge difference as seen by Constable Galeforce's clear time beating yours by 23 seconds. That's almost half a minute, enough to clear the game like 10 more times.

But remember, it's Lunatic+

His was on Normal Casual.

Thunder destroys more, even though it's slower... apparently.

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I'll have you know I'm an officer of the law.

jimmies, rustled, etc.

Funny, this generally applies to the bad players who don't accept the word of our lord and savior Galeforce Christ

Edited by Constable Galeforce
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I'm not quite sure how this works, yet...

But is it really that the "hardcore" "expert" "elite" gamers are the people that take the easiest most convenient methods in a game possible while the people who take the more challenging methods are spat at and labelled the "casual" gamers?

It kinda sounds pretty backwards to me x3

I say playing a game that I paid so much for just to finish around 10 seconds or less is hardly a game worth buying, or even playing.

Now that I've heard Awakening-now-Galeforcening is this easy to play and costs as much as it does I know I'll most certainly never buy it.

Monster Hunter life 5ever

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I'm not quite sure how this works, yet...

But is it really that the "hardcore" "expert" "elite" gamers are the people that take the easiest most convenient methods in a game possible while the people who take the more challenging methods are spat at and labelled the "casual" gamers?

It kinda sounds pretty backwards to me x3

I say playing a game that I paid so much for just to finish around 10 seconds or less is hardly a game worth buying, or even playing.

Now that I've heard Awakening-now-Galeforcening is this easy to play and costs as much as it does I know I'll most certainly never buy it.

Monster Hunter life 5ever

Well, the skill does have some strategic advantages (it's lovely on certain people like Lissa and Maribelle, who can dish out a lot of damage and are probably the two best healers in the game. And Emmeryn is a force to be reckoned with with Galeforce), but the amount of effort it takes to get it on everyone that isn't a Female Avatar, Sumia or Cordelia is painful if you're not huge on grinding and how it basically erases any strategic mistakes I've made doesn't make it a selling point. I mean, I'll get to pass it down to the kids and give them an advantage after their initial recruitment, but once they get better skills, I usually retire it.

It keeps the game challenging and forces me to think outside my normal scope without it.

But you're right. That does sound a bit odd, and while I'm not going to say I'm a great player by any means (I freaking suck and I'm not afraid to admit it), it does feel a little cheap to use it at times.

Edited by Vashiane
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i'm just gonna repost this from the Galeforce thread because honestly Renall's a pretty reasonable poster and it's a shame you people gloss over his posts in favor of Olwen being, well, Olwen

Thing is (and I have no idea why I'd defend Olwen on this so just pretend I'm not), there's no rational reason for people to not think Galeforce is good. And many people here have acknowledged as much, and that's fine, they are rating it appropriately and baffled as to why there are like five threads about it alone. But there is a certain segment that's basically just as bad as the OP in terms of being intentionally contrarian and trying to act like they're cool for not buying into a hype that doesn't even exist. There are more threads and posts questioning or bashing Galeforce than threads and posts praising it.

And lest someone bring in "other parts of the fandom, specifically GameFAQs," I should note that GameFAQs's honeymoon with Galeforce is long over and people have done some pretty serious thinking and discussion over the whole Nowi/Tharja/Sully thing for teambuilding and it's not even that uncommon to see a recommendation to give 2/3 of those women a non-Galeforce husband. I don't think there's anybody anymore who insists that a unit without Galeforce is shit. Hell, GameFAQs has been hyping Yarne and Laurent for a while, two guys who will never have it. Clearly they must not be looking at Galeforce's applicability to those guys and their potential builds, since there does not exist a single Yarne/Laurent build that will have Galeforce in it. Same applies to Sorcerers; you even see in most pairing threads now that people consider Team Sorcerer boring, and people are starting to come around to how suboptimal it is for the one time a good team setup matters, and realizing stuff like "oh hey Yarne's insane-ass stat mods from his insanely good mom turn him into Chief Thunderfucker with any halfway decent dad."

The flat truth is this: This is an easy game and you could probably beat it with all of your characters' skill slots completely empty. You could probably respectably LTC it with everybody's skill slots completely empty. You can probably beat the easier waves of TSON with everybody's skill slots completely empty. However, looking objectively at the skills it's impossible not to conclude that the effect of Galeforce makes it one of the most powerful skills in the game.

But that by itself doesn't establish a proper context, and context applies to every skill in the game. If max LTC is the point, Galeforce has extreme value. If TSON is the point, Galeforce has extreme value. If Streetpass is the point, Galeforce is worth absolutely nothing and never needs a slot. If you're grinding a character out, Galeforce is probably worse than Avoid+10 (I'd rather have the latter soloing R&R3). Context is everything. Breakers are good skills, but often worthless on Lunatic+ because Hawkeye exists there. However one wouldn't say there's no point in having a Breaker, as not everybody is playing on L+ or TSON. If you get nitpicky and pedantic you can argue things like "Sol and Renewal are worthless when you're taking 0 damage from everything," which is actually a true statement, but of course it's cherrypicking and that pretty much can be used to point out a flaw in any skill. Because skills have pros and cons. The thing about Galeforce is it has extremely good and relatively unique pros and few cons except in the obvious situations where it can't be used, in which case it has the con of "is no better than an empty skill slot."

We get that. We get that it's pointless in Streetpass. We get that it isn't needed to win. No skill is needed to win. It's still one of the best in a number of popular or interesting contexts and if you ever do intend to grind it's pretty much clearly the female-only skill of choice to give to any son. It is, at this time, pretty much acknowledged to be exactly as good as it actually is with its various weak contexts clearly established and acknowledged as situations where it isn't terribly important. It is no longer overrated by anyone who is sane, but underrating it is still stupid. Can we stop now?

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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i accept galeforce christ as my lord and savior for he will safely deliver me into the lord's embrace in 1 turn

my goldfish actually ltc'd this game so fast thanks to galeforce that his total turns was -1 and it broke my 3ds wtf

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