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Sacred Stones, alternate routes handled differently?

What would you have liked to see done?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you have liked to see done?

    • Doing both routes with set or chosen teams.
    • Stay the same. It's fine the way it is
    • Something different (Explain in your post)

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I had this thought a small bit ago. What if Sacred Stones had done what Fire Emblem Gaiden [the game that inspired it no less] did with Alm and Celica in having 2 alternate teams you switched between depending on the chapter.

When Eirika and Ephraim split up, Do you think they could have divided their forces with a set group or 2 groups you picked [kinda like FE10's final set of chapters before the Tower]?

I'd have liked it a bit I think, just have certain new characters show up only in either side and you get a more complete story that way, granted the personal Lyon interactions later might be gone as a result and that would be kind of sad I suppose. So what do you think?

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It'd be interesting to see. It might change who gets recruited where (does Ewan appear after the boat chapter, or after Saleh's chapter. Does Cormag fight/get recruited by Eirika or Ephraim, etc.), but it might be cool to see. Maybe someone can do a hack for this?

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It'd be interesting to see. It might change who gets recruited where (does Ewan appear after the boat chapter, or after Saleh's chapter. Does Cormag fight/get recruited by Eirika or Ephraim, etc.), but it might be cool to see. Maybe someone can do a hack for this?

Perhaps a hack could do this, I'm not sure how much effort it would take however ._. Probably a lot to get all that coding in for 2 separate teams and such.

The desert would probably have to be made bigger to accommodate both teams however haha. Maybe the size of FE4's chapter 7 desert which had alot more then just the desert section but eh you know what I mean.

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I read in a story once where Ephraim takes a specific group of people while Eirika takes the other group. It was handled well, and some characters were only recruited in specific routes (Gerik, Tethys, Innes, etc. in Eirika's route, while Amelia, Marisa, L'Arachel, Dozla, etc. in Ephraim's route.).

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I read in a story once where Ephraim takes a specific group of people while Eirika takes the other group. It was handled well, and some characters were only recruited in specific routes (Gerik, Tethys, Innes, etc. in Eirika's route, while Amelia, Marisa, L'Arachel, Dozla, etc. in Ephraim's route.).

Oooh, would you like to link said story? It would be nice to look at. Thanks in advance

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I also remember reading a story about it... though it wasn't that one. Certainly way more serious though...

Sadly I don't remember it, but I may find it again... perhaps.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I also remember reading a story about it... though it wasn't that one. Certainly way more serious though...

Sadly I don't remember it, but I may find it again... perhaps.

If you do find it in random searches it would be nice to see as well!

I thought of this myself before and I love the idea.

I was just thinking to myself after playing Gaiden a bit. What would sacred stones be like with a split group deal like this? This then became a thing.

Anything else you 2 have to share in particular while you are still around? I do love seeing brainstorms of how it could work

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well if one were going to make a hack like that it would likely be fe7 based, it wouldnt work having 2 units on the map, as far as 2 teams you could handle it with the character banner/forcer patch though the issue might the lord thing, not sure if you can unforce the main lord, though i know you can make multiple units sieze

as far as making a hack like this i had an idea to make this sort of thing and i had all the chapters planned out and it was really long since i went really in depth (esp with ephriam early on he had a matching set of chapters to eirika which was rather interesting i planned things like releasing the cavalries horses and burning supplies in addition to prisoner rescue and multiple chapters for the invasion of castle renvall) it totalled like 50 ish chapters and i never really started it but meh whatever

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It'd be like TRS route splitting, so that would be pretty cool. One of the teams wouldn't have Seth, so it'd be interesting how it'd affect the game. You'd have to redo the maps though, maybe.

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A problem with going with the Fire Emblem Gaiden approach is that the two teams operated separately of each other. Sure, there were specific points where Alm was waiting by a fire hydrant hoping for Celica to turn the damn thing on in the next century, but the actual stories in the chapters didn't really intersect. It'd be a lot harder to do that with Sacred Stones, because well, Sacred Stones actually has a lot of story.

I guess there's the alternating route idea, where you do Eirika 9, then Ephraim 9, and so on. But that's kind of boring, at least I think so. So here's my idea for being able to move both of them on the map independent of one another. After the first 8 chapters are completed, characters go with Eirika or defect to Ephraim (jerks, should've killed them off when I had the chance) based on the following.

Preliminary Route Characters

Eirika Route

Eirika- Eirika will always go Eirika route, obviously. Secretly she's very egotistical.

Franz- Unlike Seth, Franz will always join with Eirika. Gotta have one guaranteed knight of Renais, right?

Vanessa- But King Hayden's vassals are now Eirika's vassals, so they're going to be helping her instead. Except Gilliam. But Vanessa is too loyal to ditch Eirika for the war effort!

Moulder- And Moulder's too old and fat to be on the front lines. Also I guess he's kind of loyal too, so Eirika route with him too.

Colm- Being a conscientious objector (you know, a coward), he'll join up with Eirika.

Artur- As he's all about stopping the zombie monster goast menace, he'll join up with Eirika.

Joshua- Prince Charming over here has things to doâ„¢, so he'll go over to Jehanna as planned.

Ephraim Route

Gilliam- Since Ephraim is leading a Frelian battalion, Gilliam would join him.

Garcia- Seth did want him on the team because he was a feared military leader. So he'd work under Ephraim...

Natasha- As she originally hailed from Grado, that's where she'll go! Even if she has to follow a lunatic like Ephraim.

Ephraim- I know, it's a big surprise to me too, but that's just what Ephraim Route means.

Forde- As if he'd join anyone else! He must be with the one who he's not sure is quite sane.

Kyle- And Kyle too must be with that one, although in this case I'm talking about Forde and not Ephraim.

Either Route

Seth- Being the commander of Renais, he's obligated to follow Ephraim...that is, unless he has a B support or higher with Eirika. That'll change things.

Ross- But Garcia probably wouldn't want his son out there, so Eirika gets stuck babysitting Ross. I mean, Ross will totally protect her...yeah, right. But if Garcia somehow got offed, he'll join the army in his dad's place.

Neimi- She'll follow Colm, and go Eirika route. Unless Colm died somehow (man, you must really suck at FE8). Then she'd go all nihilist and join Ephraim.

Lute- And of course, Artur's stalker/friend/lover Lute would join him too! Unless she has a C support or higher with Kyle, then she just got conscripted.

Syrene- Not actually in the first 8 chapters, but bear with me. She'll join up with whichever team doesn't have Seth (if neither teams have Seth because you were a chump and got him killed, then it's off to Ephraim's for her). This way she's not a chump. We can just replace her with some generic Falcoknight with ridiculous stats in Chapter 17 (like that one messenger girl, wouldn't that be funny if she turned out to have all capped stats).

Route Split Characters

(chapters are all sorted by the Eirika join times for convenience...because Eirika's just cool like that)

Chapter 9

Tana- She joins up with whoever's Chapter 9 you do first. Personally, I'd pick the one where she isn't in jail for the whole chapter, but if you want Cormag...

Amelia- She'll join up with Eirika first. However, if she runs away and you haven't done Ephraim Chapter 9 yet, she'll show up there...unless Eirika has reached Caer Paladin or whatever it's called.

Chapter 10

Innes- Always joins up with Eirika, so bro of him. Suck on that, Ephraim!

Gerik- Usually joins at the end of the chapter for Eirika, unless Ephraim has less than a...certain amount of units compared to Eirika (I'm too lazy to decide an exact number), then he heads over to bolster the troops.

Tethys- And of course his lover must come with, wherever Gerik goes! She's not like Rosa, you know.

Marisa- Shows up in Ephraim's route if Eirika Chapter 10 has not been completed, otherwise it's Eirika route for her.

Chapter 11

L'Arachel- Goes Ephraim if you've completed Eirika Chapter 9, but not Chapter 11. Otherwise well, Eirika gets her lover all to herself.

Dozla- He basically follows wherever L'Arachel goes. Kind of like Gimli and Aragon, because L'Arachel is totally like Ara​gon, first 3 letters are the only important ones not counting ones with wierd punctuation after them.

Chapter 12

Saleh- He's also locked to Eirika route, you lucky Eirika routers, you.

Ewan- He's got the same conditions as Marisa.

Chapter 13

Cormag- Shows up in Chapter 10 Ephraim if Chapter 11 Eirika hasn't been completed yet (the one where at the end, Valter offs Glen). Otherwise, he's stuck to Eirika route...hopefully with his kick ass Japanese bases this time.

Chapter 14

Rennac- Whichever route L'Arachel is on. He truly cannot get away from her, can he?

Chapter 15

Duessel- Yeah, he always lives to serve Ephraim or something, moving on.

Knoll- Still always in Ephraim route, but hopefully as like, a super amazing druid with 0 luck still....I can dream, right?

Chapter 16

Myrrh- Joins up in Ephraim's route after he gets that darned Dragonstone in Selena's chapter...which is Chapter 13 for him.

Orson- Joins if you have Eirika speak to him. FOR LOVE AND FOR LACKHE waitdammitletmetrythatagain.

Also I'd assume various things would change if you procrastinate to long on a route instead of doing it the "god intended" way...Such as L'Arachel's ship getting replaced by another ship with more ZOMBIE GOASTS in GOAST SHIP chapter...or maybe procrastinating on Ephraim's important castle sieges leads to tougher Grado reinforcements showing up in Eirika's chapters. Or like how in FE Gaiden, Alm was stuck in the dragons' nest, now Eirika is stuck fighting endless reinforcements in the desert! You know, that sort of thing.

And you know how the routes have somewhat different chapters (well, at least for 15 and 16) even after they merge? That can be solved by giving the person who completed Chapter 14 first priority; so if Eirika did so, then you do her version of 15 and 16, and vica-versa. As for chapter 15, the problem is easily solveable. Just give Eirika and Ephraim like 5 deployment slots each.

Edited by Refa
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I like everything you said. You'd have to lower the time it takes to get certain supports in case the characters go to different routes (like Joshua and Natasha).

But there's the matter of Lyon and his differences depending on the route.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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well if one were going to make a hack like that it would likely be fe7 based, it wouldnt work having 2 units on the map, as far as 2 teams you could handle it with the character banner/forcer patch though the issue might the lord thing, not sure if you can unforce the main lord, though i know you can make multiple units sieze

as far as making a hack like this i had an idea to make this sort of thing and i had all the chapters planned out and it was really long since i went really in depth (esp with ephriam early on he had a matching set of chapters to eirika which was rather interesting i planned things like releasing the cavalries horses and burning supplies in addition to prisoner rescue and multiple chapters for the invasion of castle renvall) it totalled like 50 ish chapters and i never really started it but meh whatever

Ephraim having earlier chapters as well is quite an interesting thought I actually never had.

It'd be like TRS route splitting, so that would be pretty cool. One of the teams wouldn't have Seth, so it'd be interesting how it'd affect the game. You'd have to redo the maps though, maybe.

Yeah. That would throw things into a smaller bind now wouldn't it xD

and Refa's post a bit too long to quote. I quite love all the character ideas you have generally your whole post is a win there and something I'll think over. Although I think Marisa and Neimi would be better served on Ephraim's route considering Joshua's whole small arc in Eirika's and the fact that Eirika already has Innes but yea..

I like everything you said. You'd have to lower the time it takes to get certain supports in case the characters go to different routes (like Joshua and Natasha).

But there's the matter of Lyon and his differences depending on the route.

Yeah this would have to get sorted out. Unless it was.. Hmm.. flashback chapters to their training days and if you have a choice as to who interacts with Lyon more gets the unique convos?

Edited by Jedi
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But the flashback would have to be a string of in battle convos, occur before the first time both of your lords are in in use (so like in normal fe8 before the prolog) otherwise they gain exp during the flashback but it doesent show up until present time

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A problem with going with the Fire Emblem Gaiden approach is that the two teams operated separately of each other. Sure, there were specific points where Alm was waiting by a fire hydrant hoping for Celica to turn the damn thing on in the next century, but the actual stories in the chapters didn't really intersect. It'd be a lot harder to do that with Sacred Stones, because well, Sacred Stones actually has a lot of story.

I guess there's the alternating route idea, where you do Eirika 9, then Ephraim 9, and so on. But that's kind of boring, at least I think so. So here's my idea for being able to move both of them on the map independent of one another. After the first 8 chapters are completed, characters go with Eirika or defect to Ephraim (jerks, should've killed them off when I had the chance) based on the following.

Preliminary Route Characters

Eirika Route

Eirika- Eirika will always go Eirika route, obviously. Secretly she's very egotistical.

Franz- Unlike Seth, Franz will always join with Eirika. Gotta have one guaranteed knight of Renais, right?

Vanessa- But King Hayden's vassals are now Eirika's vassals, so they're going to be helping her instead. Except Gilliam. But Vanessa is too loyal to ditch Eirika for the war effort!

Moulder- And Moulder's too old and fat to be on the front lines. Also I guess he's kind of loyal too, so Eirika route with him too.

Colm- Being a conscientious objector (you know, a coward), he'll join up with Eirika.

Artur- As he's all about stopping the zombie monster goast menace, he'll join up with Eirika.

Joshua- Prince Charming over here has things to doâ„¢, so he'll go over to Jehanna as planned.

Ephraim Route

Gilliam- Since Ephraim is leading a Frelian battalion, Gilliam would join him.

Garcia- Seth did want him on the team because he was a feared military leader. So he'd work under Ephraim...

Natasha- As she originally hailed from Grado, that's where she'll go! Even if she has to follow a lunatic like Ephraim.

Ephraim- I know, it's a big surprise to me too, but that's just what Ephraim Route means.

Forde- As if he'd join anyone else! He must be with the one who he's not sure is quite sane.

Kyle- And Kyle too must be with that one, although in this case I'm talking about Forde and not Ephraim.

Either Route

Seth- Being the commander of Renais, he's obligated to follow Ephraim...that is, unless he has a B support or higher with Eirika. That'll change things.

Ross- But Garcia probably wouldn't want his son out there, so Eirika gets stuck babysitting Ross. I mean, Ross will totally protect her...yeah, right. But if Garcia somehow got offed, he'll join the army in his dad's place.

Neimi- She'll follow Colm, and go Eirika route. Unless Colm died somehow (man, you must really suck at FE8). Then she'd go all nihilist and join Ephraim.

Lute- And of course, Artur's stalker/friend/lover Lute would join him too! Unless she has a C support or higher with Kyle, then she just got conscripted.

Syrene- Not actually in the first 8 chapters, but bear with me. She'll join up with whichever team doesn't have Seth (if neither teams have Seth because you were a chump and got him killed, then it's off to Ephraim's for her). This way she's not a chump. We can just replace her with some generic Falcoknight with ridiculous stats in Chapter 17 (like that one messenger girl, wouldn't that be funny if she turned out to have all capped stats).

Route Split Characters

(chapters are all sorted by the Eirika join times for convenience...because Eirika's just cool like that)

Chapter 9

Tana- She joins up with whoever's Chapter 9 you do first. Personally, I'd pick the one where she isn't in jail for the whole chapter, but if you want Cormag...

Amelia- She'll join up with Eirika first. However, if she runs away and you haven't done Ephraim Chapter 9 yet, she'll show up there...unless Eirika has reached Caer Paladin or whatever it's called.

Chapter 10

Innes- Always joins up with Eirika, so bro of him. Suck on that, Ephraim!

Gerik- Usually joins at the end of the chapter for Eirika, unless Ephraim has less than a...certain amount of units compared to Eirika (I'm too lazy to decide an exact number), then he heads over to bolster the troops.

Tethys- And of course his lover must come with, wherever Gerik goes! She's not like Rosa, you know.

Marisa- Shows up in Ephraim's route if Eirika Chapter 10 has not been completed, otherwise it's Eirika route for her.

Chapter 11

L'Arachel- Goes Ephraim if you've completed Eirika Chapter 9, but not Chapter 11. Otherwise well, Eirika gets her lover all to herself.

Dozla- He basically follows wherever L'Arachel goes. Kind of like Gimli and Aragon, because L'Arachel is totally like Ara​gon, first 3 letters are the only important ones not counting ones with wierd punctuation after them.

Chapter 12

Saleh- He's also locked to Eirika route, you lucky Eirika routers, you.

Ewan- He's got the same conditions as Marisa.

Chapter 13

Cormag- Shows up in Chapter 10 Ephraim if Chapter 11 Eirika hasn't been completed yet (the one where at the end, Valter offs Glen). Otherwise, he's stuck to Eirika route...hopefully with his kick ass Japanese bases this time.

Chapter 14

Rennac- Whichever route L'Arachel is on. He truly cannot get away from her, can he?

Chapter 15

Duessel- Yeah, he always lives to serve Ephraim or something, moving on.

Knoll- Still always in Ephraim route, but hopefully as like, a super amazing druid with 0 luck still....I can dream, right?

Chapter 16

Myrrh- Joins up in Ephraim's route after he gets that darned Dragonstone in Selena's chapter...which is Chapter 13 for him.

Orson- Joins if you have Eirika speak to him. FOR LOVE AND FOR LACKHE waitdammitletmetrythatagain.

Also I'd assume various things would change if you procrastinate to long on a route instead of doing it the "god intended" way...Such as L'Arachel's ship getting replaced by another ship with more ZOMBIE GOASTS in GOAST SHIP chapter...or maybe procrastinating on Ephraim's important castle sieges leads to tougher Grado reinforcements showing up in Eirika's chapters. Or like how in FE Gaiden, Alm was stuck in the dragons' nest, now Eirika is stuck fighting endless reinforcements in the desert! You know, that sort of thing.

And you know how the routes have somewhat different chapters (well, at least for 15 and 16) even after they merge? That can be solved by giving the person who completed Chapter 14 first priority; so if Eirika did so, then you do her version of 15 and 16, and vica-versa. As for chapter 15, the problem is easily solveable. Just give Eirika and Ephraim like 5 deployment slots each.

Quick someone hack TRS.

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If anyone would like i have think i still have the plans for my fe8 remake that had both routes and some other interesting stuff like a fleshed early game for ephy on my other computer i can post it if anyone wants to see it

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If anyone would like i have think i still have the plans for my fe8 remake that had both routes and some other interesting stuff like a fleshed early game for ephy on my other computer i can post it if anyone wants to see it

Go ahead and show the class. I'm sure you have some interesting ideas.

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Okay, here we go, i made this forever ago like 2 or 3 years some of it is really vague, or weird and makes no sense to me, and for whatever reason, there is some side story ion carcino with a civil war thing, i guess its sort of interesting but it doesn't really do anything to progress the story

fe8+ plans.txt

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Voted first option... I would have loved to see a team split a la RD, maybe even like the one later in the game (before part 4 IIRC) when you have to choose who goes in which team.

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