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Which next-gen home console(s) do you plan on owning?



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the one that applies to you: I own/plan on owning:

    • Wii U, PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
    • Wii U & PlayStation 4
    • Wii U & Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
    • Wii U only
    • PlayStation 4 only
    • Xbox One only
    • None

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For me, the Wii U is a must. The next Zelda (probably), SSB4 and Fire Emblem calling is very.

However it's a tossup between PS4 and One for me.

Back in the day when PS3 and 360 were newish, I got the 360 for the sole reason that Ace Combat 6 was not available on the PS3. But I was happy with the Wii60 combo.

While the next Ace Combat is going to play a heavy role towards which of these two consoles I'll be getting, the coverage One has been receiving to date has been nearly completely negative. I will have to wait for the complete details of both of these consoles before making a final decision.

But for now, it's probably 4U for me.

Edited by Raven
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Probably just the Wii U, honestly. It's very rare that I see a game for a non-Nintendo system that appeals to me so much that it warrants investing a few hundred more dollars on its system just to play the one game.

Besides, the Wii U's getting not only new installments in Nintendo's lovable IP franchises, but it's seeing a rerelease (or first-time release in the case of... not North America or Japan) of EarthBound, the second entry in the strange, funny and heartrending trilogy many have heard of but few have played. I'm gonna get a Wii U especially for EarthBound to cast my vote for Nintendo of... not-Japan (okay, Japan too) to give the series more love 'round the world, as opposed to the near-exclusivity to its country of origin that lasted until very recently.

The PS4 doesn't really interest me and there is no reason anyone should have to put up with the XBOX One.

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i knew from the outset that i was likely going to pick up a Wii U in the end anyway, and the announcement of the EarthBound VC release kind of sped up my loosely-defined plans

at this point i don't see any circumstances in which i'd go for the PS4 or Xbox One, but hey, who knows what'll happen? i'm certainly not ruling it out, and i honestly hope that the One actually proves in practice to be actually decent instead of the laughing stock that was its unveiling portrayal

Edited by bookofholsety
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Probably Wii U - Super Smash Brothers is a must have, I'm interested in Monster Hunter and hope for a Metroid (or a F-Zero.. maybe.. please?).

Not sure about the Xbox One, but it might be a viable option.

I voted for Wii U + Xbox One although only the first one is safe.

Edit: I loved Wind Waker (GC), I'm looking forward to the HD version.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Well, I don't consider any of the options to be particulary appealing at the moment.

There are no franchises anymore, that effectively force me to buy a console and the more powerful hardware only means that games are getting more expensive and consoles will get even more power hungry.

Of course, if the Xbox One.2 or the PS4 would have had backwards compatibility, that might have been an incentive to try out all these things that I missed in the last decade. But unfortunately Microsoft and Sony seem to be more concerned in increasing development cost and controlling their users.

Personally I still figure that if I would be interested in the stuff these two offer, I would be better served with going back to playing PC games.

I mean in terms of power, PCs are FAR superior as always.

So I guess if anything, it's the Wii U then.

Even if just for the sake of seeing a few old friends again.

Edited by BrightBow
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Wii U only.

Which is what I see in the forseeable future, mine at least. I would have voted for Wii U and PS4(only for Gran Turismo and those RPGs that always catch my interest teehee), but if I had to be stuck with one until more money, I'd rather have a Wii U for my gaming needs.

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Wii U and PS4.

My dad and me have always loved Nintendo, so we already have a Wii U. Though, I haven't turned on the power for months (literally) since there's nothing to play. Gotta make sure I get the 30p Super Metroid though :P

I originally gamed on the Xbox 360 and the Wii. The WIi was mainly because, again, I love Nintendo exclusives. The Xbox was my console of choice mainly because of Halo 3, which drew me into it. I could have switched to PS3, but first I played Halo 3 for some years. Fuckin' loved that game. Second, a LOT of my friends were already playing on the system and 3rd I prefered how easy it was to do stuff on there. I didn't really want to switch from the Xbox 360's interface to the PS3s.

But now, the PS4 looks a lot more promising to me than the XboxOne. A lot of my friends are already beginning to leave Xbox behind because of how disappointing the console is.

The reason I'm taking two consoles is because, while it has improved, I see Nintendo's online services to be complete shit compared to PSN and Xbox Live. Those two allow users to send messages, talk, invite friends etc. all off their menus, which can be used wherever you are (playing a game, watching a movie etc.)

With Nintendo, you have to use the ingame friends list etc. It doesn't feel like a good console to game online with. I still MUST have a Wii U because dat smash bros, dat metroid, dat zelda.

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I'm not getting any of them haha. My most favorite games are on handheld consoles, and since my boyfriend's getting a Wii U and we have similar taste in games I can just play them when I'm at his place. Yay, saving money!

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pc master race

So far I lost most interest in the current console war since it's turning more into a media war more than anything. I might give one a try when I'll get some actual income, but when I thought it would be the next Xbox, I was extremely disappointed by the info revealed. Nintendo has my favorite exclusives and I guess Sony has the multiplatform games I actually give a shit about when they're not on PC (thank goodness Brütal Legend got finally released, now could we please not fuck up Devil May Cry ports next time). That and I still don't trust them much after that Internet fiasco a few years ago.

Therefore, WiiU is a possible maybe, PS4 a distant one and Xbox One is a most definitely not.

Edited by Doga Blockovich
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I already have a Wii U, so PS4 is next on my shopping list. At this point, I actually want Microsoft's new console to fail, the more negative feedback for it the better, and I'll contribute by not buying it. Although I like the Halo franchise, that's about it for Xbox exclusives. MGSV is probably going to be on the PS4, so that means it's already a must buy.

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The Wii U eventually when there's some games that justify the purchase, maybe though probably not ay this point a PS4 and i'm almost certianly never getting a Xbox one at any point.

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I'm sticking to my usual patterns for this gen. I already have a Wii U, as a primarily Nintendo player, and as someone who's never owned any Xbox, there's no way the One is going to change that. I have no immediate plans to buy a PS4, but I ended up getting a cheap PS2 and PS3 after they'd finished their runs, and I figure the odds are I'll do the same for the PS4 in five years or so.

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I already have a Wii U and I've never been interested in many games outside of Nintendo aside from the ones I play on PC, so I have no need for any Playstations or Xboxes. My Wii U is fun enough anyway. ^^

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Honestly, I'm a rather set-in-stone PC gamer, so I'd only really need a console for the sake of having a console. This gen, I picked a PS3, last gen I picked a PS2, the gens before that I stuck with Nintendo consoles, though I only had a SNES, with much of the same justification as my PS3; I had it to complement my computer in terms of gaming.

Don't see this changing, so will likely get a PS4 well after release.

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I got a Wii U at launch date, and that's all I'll need regarding home consoles for this gen.

But just so I don't sound like a Nintendonly guy, I will admit that there are quite a few Sony exclusives that have my interest like Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, the LittleBigPlanet series, and the Dissidia series (though it's PSP and not PS3/4).

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I definitely want a wii u for the aforementioned reasons, as far as the xboxone goes its a no it looks a bit under whelming, i might get a ps4, and if it has reverse compatibility to ps3 then i will buy it

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The XBox has never had any must-buy exclusives for me, so more than likely I'll pick up a WiiU when there are more games I want, and then pick up a PS4 late in its lifecycle when it has also picked up some good RPGs and has gone through a price drop with some higher capacity models. I'm also planning a major PC upgrade in the near future, so that's basically my holy trinity of gaming.

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The sad thing is, once I get a PS4 I'll be too broke to get anything on it, or my Wii U. :(

I wish I had the disposable income of a PC gamer.

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Nintendo fangirlism is in my blood, pretty much, so the first console I'm getting is a Wii U, of course. PS4 depends on my dad or not, and Xbox One so far looks like a definite "no".

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