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Most Attractive/Least Attractive Characters


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Henry (adorable)



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Echidna (cool though)






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...There is a serious imbalance in unattractive males and females in this series

Edited by Owain Dark
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I'd say, the most attractive female is Lucina, then behind are Jill, Minerva, Lachesis, Cordelia and Lackche
HM: Lyn, Miledy, Sophia, Louise, Farina, Catria, Ethlin, Tiki, Linde and Cherche

Most attractive males, I'd say Marth, Lucious.

Least attractive females, Vaida, Sue, Roy, Tharja, Sumia, and Caeda

Least attractive males, I'd say any generic bandit boss, and a lot of knight characters as well.

EDIT: Now that I think for a minute, Caeda actually is pretty attractive...

Edited by Knight
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I still can't choose who I think is the least attractive female of all, so I'll just list those I find unattractive.

Least Attractive Females: Vaida, Lucina, Raimi (is that her name? The heavy knight woman from Regna Ferox in Awakening), Niime, Hannah (seriously, they're both old hags lol).

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Most: Male

Chrom HMs to Hector, Ike and Marth

Least: Male


Most: Female

Lucina, Lyn, Micaiah and Olivia

HMs to Elincia, Ninian and Caeda

Least: Uh...I'd have to say, well, Hannah.

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Most atractive: I can not decide on a specific character, neither for men nor women

HM: Minerva, Linde, Ninian, Sophia... etc.

Less atractive: Gheb

DHM: Gerenic Bandits, Excellus

Edited by Troykv
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Lol, it looks like Ike still beats Freddy-bear??? I'm astonished....

I'll limit mine to one from each game that I've played:

Most attractive female:

FE4 (so far): Ayra/Raquesis (I can't decide! And I haven't seen second gen yet... >_<)

FE6: Lilina (Sophia and Clarine are runner ups)

FE7: Lyn (second is Karla)

FE8: Eirika (Marisa is a close second)

FE9: Titania (Elincia and Leanne runner ups)

FE10: Nailah (Elincia runner up)

FE11: Nyna (Caeda and Nagi are runner ups)

FE13: Lucina (default F Avatar and Severa runner ups)

Most attractive males:

FE4 (so far): Finn (Sigurd and Quan runner ups)

FE6: Rutger (Klein is close second)

FE7: Erk (Heath is close second)

FE8: Joshua (Ephraim and Lyon are runner ups)

FE9: Reyson (Ranulf and Ike are runner ups)

FE10: Sothe (Reyson and Ranulf are runner ups)

FE11: Camus (Marth and Xane are runner ups)

FE13: Chrom (Lon'qu and Inigo are runner ups)

I don't really have people I find terribly unattractive other than a few villains....

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I've decided that my previous post wasn't accurate, I shall now correct that.

Most(male): Xane

Least: Xane

Most(female): Xane

Least: Xane

I think it fits quite right.


Caeda should not be there! Neither should Sumia actually.

But other than that it's fine.

Edited by David the SecondWorld
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So, gonna do that "one for each game" thingie cause I'm undecisive. Also will stick to canon artwork/drawings, as there is likely a good third party drawing of every character that I would like.


FE 7 Fem - Lyn. Power is sexy. (HM: Karla. Despite her not being that great as a fighter or character.)

FE 7 Male - Matthew. I found him charming and relatable. (HM: Hector....Power is sexy.)

FE 8 Fem - Marisa. Apathy is sexy. (HM: L'Arachel. It's amazing how much a pretty name can make you love a character.)

FE 8 Male - Seth. I like his nose. (HM: Ephraim. See Hector.)

FE 9 Fem - Astra. Just a personal taste thing, really. (HM: Tie between :Titania....Power....You know the rest and Lucia. Got's a thing for blue hair.)
FE 9 Male - Uhh....this wasn't an amazing male FE for me....let's just say Gatrie.

I didn't really play FE10 through all the way; wasn't really my thing. (didn't help that I never owned a Wii.)

Not amazingly hot on FE 11 either, and 12 never released in my region.

FE 13 Fem - Cordelia. She hits too many of my "waifu" triggers to not be here. (HM: Lucina, who is adorable. Second HM: Sumia. Mostly because of this, even if it is fan drawn.)

FE 13 Male - Basilio. Look to the left for my reason. (HM: Henry. This is only when I picture him saying "It's murdertime, funtime!")

(I won't do dishonroable mentions because that would be dishonorable. Also I am lazy.


FE 7 Fem - Isadora. Something about the canon drawings of her annoy me.

FE 7 Male - Dorcas. He looks like a jerk.

FE 8 Fem - Vanessa. Don't really dislike her, per say, but like her the least out of FE8.

FE 8 Male - Moulder. Shave your damn mustache.

FE 9 Fem - Calill. Get the same feeling about her as Isadora.

FE 9 Male - Brom. This picture is why.

FE 13 Fem - Tharja. This is only with her canon artwork. I've seen other art of her that isn't canon that I've liked.

FE 13 Male - Vaike. I call him Vicodin, cause I dilike him and am immature.

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Most Attractive Dude: Geoffrey

Honorable Mentions: Kieran, Rath, Kent, Forde, Alan, Cain, Noish, Chrom, Ike, Seth, Kyle, Sain and many many many many more!

Most Attractive Lady: Juno (In-game she may suck; but combine that personality of hers and that beauty and VOILA! The perfect lady and mother rolled in one!)

Honorable Mentions: Louise, Lilina, Thany (Oh dear, she's cute!), Minerva, Sophia, Sumia, Emmeryn, Cherche, Selena, Tana, L'Arachel, Priscilla, Guinevere, Sigrun and a whole lot more.

The BLECH award for the Dudes: Excellus (Like said, he looked like Valtome and Oliver fused together and that is B-A-D)

Dishonorable Mentions: Validar, Valtome and any of those other Begnion Senators not named Oliver cause they grate my brain endlessly.

The BLECH award for the Ladies: Niime (She's an old hag! Although I like her attitude)

Dishonorable Mentions: Vaida and Raimi

Edited by Rejected Lifeform
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I've decided that my previous post wasn't accurate, I shall now correct that.

Most(male): Xane

Least: Xane

Most(female): Xane

Least: Xane


Caeda should not be there! Neither should Sumia actually.

But other than that it's fine.

I edited it, I can't remember why I put Caeda on there. I just don't like Sumia's hair, otherwise I'm fine with her. I think everyone else fits fine.

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I've decided that my previous post wasn't accurate, I shall now correct that.

Most(male): Xane

Least: Xane

Most(female): Xane

Least: Xane

this is the only correct post

seriously though:

most attractive female: Jill (HM: Miledy, Titania, Cordelia, Severa, Elincia, Nephenee) (must balance OP's anti-redhead bias)

(these hair colors are like a Christmas tree here)

least attractive female: i dunno....maybe Meg?

most attractive male: Volug (HM: Chrom)

least attractive male: Excellus (HM: Valtome)

Edited by shadykid
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Most attractive male: Homeros and Volug

Least attractive male: Gharnef I guess. If it's someone that was probably meant to be attractive and isn't, FE10 Ike.

Most attractive female: Thajra and Calill

Least attractive female: Sully. Ashera is too severe, as well.

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Most attractive man: Ephraim. I still find him to be quite a knockout, eheh...

Honorable mentions: Chrom, Yen'fay, Ricken, Henry, Roy, Ewan, Klein, Joshua, Artur, Colm, Sothe, Ranulf

Most attractive woman: Titania. If I were into women, I'd want a woman like Titania.

Honorable mentions: Eirik, Lucina, Sumia, RD-Elincia (no hideous orange dress, thank god), Lucia, Severa

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(I find red heads the least attractive of all. To me, they are hideous.)

You are officially my sworn enemy.


Most: Jill

Least: Vaida


Most: Volug

Least: Any and all of those hideous looking villains. Doesn't matter which. Excellus, Oliver, Valtome...

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Most Attractive Female: Miledy. She's stylish and kicks the living daylights out of everything that opposes her!

Honorable Mention: The fashion advisors for the following: Micaiah, Ninian, Ayra (or whatever she's been renamed to), Say'ri.

Least Attractive Female: That boss chick with the awful blue lipstick in Ilia whose name I can't be arsed to remember.

Dishonorable Mention: Whoever told Nephenee to dress like that. She'd make a lot more sense if her armor didn't abruptly end at her waist!

Most Attractive Male: I have an entire tier list somewhere devoted to that. I could ramble on about all the cute guys in the series~!

Least Attractive Male: Most of the generic bad guys. Oh, and Nergal.

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