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Lets Make a Class Tier List! (Spoilers in today's Poll!Apotheosis+Endgame)


When you hear these classes, what do you think?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Grandmaster

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!
  2. 2. [SPOILER] Grima(Final Boss)

    • The best of the best! (And toughest of the tough...)
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty hard to beat
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done... (If I had it)
    • Never to be used! I mopped the floor with him, easy!
  3. 3. Soldier

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!
  4. 4. [SPOILER]Merchant (Apotheosis)

    • The strongest one's name!
    • the best of the pretty good bosses!
    • Not too tough, not too weak...
    • Disappointing to fight!
    • So weak, she's not worth the fight!
  5. 5. Merchant (Not Apotheosis)

    • The best of the best!
    • the best of the pretty good classes!
    • Pretty good
    • i wouldnt count on it to get the job done...
    • Never to be used!

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Tied with Arcthunder, but Arcthunder is pretty strong, having equal MT to Rexcalibur and having only 1 less MT than a Silver Sword. Tharja is not the best Mire user but she's not the only one either, but honestly her accuracy issues are way overblown. She can hit things just fine with Waste, which is only 5 hit better than Mire if you apply both Hex and Anathema to a target.

Call me biased/wrong/whatever you like, but Sorcerers have a unique advantage as the only class with siege tomes, allowing them to carry out a lot of very low-risk strategies like sniping those 1 HP Vengeance and Vantage-equipped enemies in Death's Embrace from a safe distance.

Edited by Samias
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Tied with Arcthunder, but Arcthunder is pretty strong, having equal MT to Rexcalibur and having only 1 less MT than a Silver Sword. Tharja is not the best Mire user but she's not the only one either, but honestly her accuracy issues are way overblown. She can hit things just fine with Waste, which is only 5 hit better than Mire if you apply both Hex and Anathema to a target.

Call me biased/wrong/whatever you like, but Sorcerers have a unique advantage as the only class with siege tomes, allowing them to carry out a lot of very low-risk strategies like sniping those Vengeance and Vantage-equipped enemies in Death's Embrace from a safe distance.

er.....Double Bow/Longbow, assuming these guys have 1-2 range in the first place

but more importantly, how did this go from boss sniping to Death's Embrace

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Well, for boss killing you could conceivably set up a rescueskip chain on any map that's not Nah's, making the Mire strategy just one of the viable strategies. Death's Embrace is just another example of a map where Sorcerers shine, since while the Vengeance enemies don't have 1-2 range, a lot of the enemies have Bowbreaker.

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Sorcerors suck in turn count playstyles when compared to Dark Knight. Higher movement and higher durability (Dark Knight!Tharja or Henry fears nothing from physical enemies until like... Ch.23 and 24, and Mages are /really/ rare in this game outside of Ch.21 (Ch.13 has none iirc, Ch.14 has around two, Ch.15 has ~5, Ch.16 has 0, they're kinda common in from Ch.17-Ch.21, and then they mostly stop existing outside of a handful of Sorcerors in 23 and 25.

Nosferatu hype sucks and its worse than Galeforce hype.

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Sorcerors suck in turn count playstyles when compared to Dark Knight. Higher movement and higher durability (Dark Knight!Tharja or Henry fears nothing from physical enemies until like... Ch.23 and 24, and Mages are /really/ rare in this game outside of Ch.21 (Ch.13 has none iirc, Ch.14 has around two, Ch.15 has ~5, Ch.16 has 0, they're kinda common in from Ch.17-Ch.21, and then they mostly stop existing outside of a handful of Sorcerors in 23 and 25.

Nosferatu hype sucks and its worse than Galeforce hype.

one shaves turns, one doesn't

which one is which should be obvious

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So, Dark Mage : Better than Mages, Tanky, access to cool Magic, Skills aren't the best, but they do adds some nice helps, especially for their Shaky accuracy. Pretty Darn Good.

Sorc : Vengeance has it's use, and is generally sure to activates (xhich can be annoying on its own right...), Tomebreaker is pretty good. Improvced version of the Dark Mages, so Pretty Darn Good. Dark Knight and Flier are preferd option, especially if you have Shadow Gift, though.

Cavs : One of the best 1st tier Class with Tactician ! Access to move, 2 weapons, balanced stats. Discipline is really awesome, and helps them perfectly. Outside Fighter is better than Inside Fighter. Not a bad skill, but not the best. Can have its uses.

Paladin : The best reclass options for the Lords, as said precedently ! Good balanced stats, High moves. Defender isn't really usefull, adn Aegis is pretty good.

Pretty Darn Good. If they had better skills options they would have ascended to Godhood. Well...

Great Knight :Full weapons Triangle control, Pretty high Movements, Awesome Skill Selection, both offensively and defensively, Awesome Attack and Defense...

So what stops them to ascend to Godhood ? That Skill Cap is absolutely awfull, and they are weak to both Armour- and Beast-Killing equipment.

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I love how even after they almost suceed at balancing Mounts vs Foots, they create Great Knight and its manry skillsets >_>

Too bad Luna's the only good Great Knight skill... <_<

Edited by Levant Fortner
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DG+ is absurdly good. Luna is also amazing

Well, I don't think Dual Guard+ is nearly enough to make wading through Great Knight for 15 levels worth it. >_>

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My Freddy soloed the Dark Flier + Griffon Squad with a SILVER SWODO in Inigo's paralogue

At level 4

Worth it

Maybe to you, but I'd likely reclass out once I hit level 10 because I just don't care for Dual Guard+ >_>

...And what difficulty was this on anyways?

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Next set of polls are up and the results have been recorded (Yes, it is most popular vote, and yes it is up an hour early)

Happy voting!

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Thieves, Myrmidon, and SMs are all sword-locked, and the only ranged sword is Levin Sword (you get 25 uses of Amatsu, maybe, for Myrm/SM, as well, assuming no DLC, and Ragnell very late), so not that great. I understand that Thief isn't exactly a combat class, but still.

I gotta love that Spd, though, on all three classes.

Assassin is nice, as those bows can really come in handy, but still not exactly uber. Great Spd and Skill, though, and the Str isn't bad.

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Thieves: Because keys aren't buyable from any merchants except the rare Streetpass team, it's good to have Locktouch and Mov+1 but the extremely low bases of thieves makes it not a desireable class to actually stick around in. Sword-locked, too. Gaius and Anna are pretty much all the thief duty you need, but one more thief couldn't hurt. Overall not great though.

Myrmidon: Avoid+10 is a nice right-off-the-bat skill and as far as combat goes they trump thieves in their entirety. Vantage is also not bad for a 1st tier skill. Overall average.

Swordmaster: Improved myrmidon with some shiny exclusive weapons and two good skills to their name, but their extreme speed cap is somewhat hindered by swordlock, rare 1-2 range weapons, and a low strength and defence cap. They give a nice pair up bonus so they're a good pocket unit, but honestly the swordlock makes them feel pretty average. I don't like extended stays in this class either.

Assassin: They lose out on some exclusive swords in exchange for bows, and have slightly worse skills than swordmasters, but they have slightly higher strength and this class is shared with thieves, giving it some fairly wide availability. I still like Pass a whole bunch. But overall I think the class is pretty average and about equal to swordmaster.

Trickster: I looove Tricksters, but the truth is they have low bases and low caps and their weapons are locked to swords too, though they utilize Levin Swords better than both Swordmasters and Assassins. However Lucky Seven and Acrobat are two of my favourite skills! I said they're okay because they just lack in combat compared to a majority of the other classes in the game, but they have cool utility with staves. They're just not as rad as war clerics/monks.

Overall these guys are kinda middle-of-the-road, because the speed is useful but there are some key areas where they all lack.

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Thief: Locktouch is pretty darn good ingame(and I'm stuck with Gaius because I don't use Anna and I don't reclass people into Thief), but otherwise they're average.

Assassin: Great caps, but Lethality has a low proc rate, and Pass isn't really useful(except for Snipers). Still pretty darn good tho.

Trickster: Not really rad. Was cursed with low caps and decent skills.

Myrmidon: Pretty darn good. Vantage is pretty essential.

Swordmaster: They're still good...albeit a bit nerfed. Swordfaire is a nice skill to boost their attack, and Astra isn't bad.

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Thief: Middle-of-the road sounds about right.

Assassin: Ehhh, I'd say they're also not too bad, not too good. They really suffer in the skills department (Lethality is a wasted skill slot, and Pass sounds useful in theory, but in actual practice, is kinda hard to find uses for).

Trickster: Pretty rad, since they can use Levin Swords well and they have staff utility.

Myrmidon: Again, not too bad, not too good.

Swordmaster: Pretty rad.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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You guys! The currents poll results for trickster are symmetrical!

Edit: as soon as I posted that it wasn't any more.

Edited by Saint
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Thief : Good Utility Class : Picklock is essential in some maps, and Move + 1 is pretty great, too. Low combat utility hinder their performance though

Assassin : Lethality have it's uses, even if the Activation rate is too low to be reliable. Pass is pretty cool, especially with Bows. High skill and Speed. All in all, a really good class. They also boost movement by 1 in Pair Up. More Grimla - ly than Naga - ly, though...

Trickster : The best utility class of the game, Acrobatics and Move + 1 is really great, They can heal or open chests in a record time ! Lucky Sven is good if you can end the map early.

Their caps are pretty low, though, especially offensively and defensivey.

Myrmidon : Pretty good speed and Skill, Avoid +10 is a nice boost, and Vantage is awesome for a starting class.

Swordmaster : Pretty disappointing, honnestly. Sword Locked. Astra as an ewtremely high damage possibility, but at worst you use 5 weapon use for less damage than a Crit. Besides, the activation rate is shaky... They have an exclusive 2 range weapon, but it's too rare too see any use (+ Astra doesn't really helps...). Swordfaire isn't bad, but not awesome either. An OK class.

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Assassin : Lethality have it's uses, even if the Activation rate is too low to be reliable. Pass is pretty cool, especially with Bows. High skill and Speed. All in all, a really good class. They also boost movement by 1 in Pair Up. More Grimla - ly than Naga - ly, though...

Bold: Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to Assassins (it DOES, however, apply to Tricksters).

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Bold: Unfortunately, that doesn't apply to Assassins (it DOES, however, apply to Tricksters).

Oh, my bad. Let this be a lesson : always check your information before posting.

Well, one more reasons to use Tricksters I guess : Great Pairings Partner

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Oh, my bad. Let this be a lesson : always check your information before posting.

Well, one more reasons to use Tricksters I guess : Great Pairings Partner

no, it's because the RNG goddess is a Trickster

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Astra only uses 1 weapon use, unlike Path of Radiance. It can also critically hit with each strike, so it is somewhat disingenuous to call it weaker than a critical.

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