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fe7 sux/10

Not as bad as FE13.

This is a Fire Emblem board. Obviously all of us hate Fire Emblem

...You either didn't read or didn't understand my post... or you're being sarcastic.

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what i'm never sarcastic you take that back immediately

*Takes back* sorry man. I didn't know you were so sensitive.

yeah man don't you know

everyone here hates FE

that's why we're fans.

That makes perfect sense.

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"If your conclusion's true, then why couldn't (I be) married to Ninian?"

[spoiler=because I like wasting time more TEACHING]

お前 = you (asshole, jerk, etc.)

の = particle for ownership, like Spanish's "de"

結論 = conclusion

は = particle indicating subject of the sentence

事実 = true, fact

だったら、= if

なぜ = then

ニニアン = Ninian

と = with

結婚 = marriage

できなかったんだよ?= could not do

Thank you. I DID take Japanese 1 and half of Japanese 2, but I'm still not accustomed to reading katakana.

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Our FE7, who art in GBA, hallowed be thy Pent.
Thy Ravens come.
Thy will be most susceptible to being RNG screwed,
on Illia as it is in Sacae.
Give us this day our daily RNG blessing
and forgive us our statsboosters,
as we forgive those who flirts to Lucius.
And lead us not into poison mutton, but deliver us from Dorcas.
For thine is the Pherae, the Caelin, and the Marcus now and forever, Amen

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