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So? Who has the best Battle Quotes?

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Too many characters for a poll, mang.

Anyway, the best battle quotes and cut ins? WHO HAS THEM! I dont think they can be pinned down to just one character, because theres so many awesome ones.

Henry has some great ones:





"My sword hand twitches."


"Just look at the brute!"


"One, for the BARDS!"

"Shall i make you...famous?" (so sexy!)

"Oh shame on me."

"Rest in PIECES!"

"Its been a pleasure!"

"You are SO DEAD!"

Frederick's "Pick a god and pray" is amazing.

Edited by Florina Stark
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how about we pick out the best quote from each character, we can do polls for that

Frederick's "Pick and a god and pray" is amazing.

pick and a god? what's that

Edited by shadykid
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Thats a massive poll, bro.

how about we pick out the best quote from each character, we can do polls for that

pick and a god? what's that

A typo. :P:

Libra's got some nice ones:
"Allow me."

"I am your omega!"


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one character per day, just like the Ignis/Luna and Aether/Astra skills thread

Go through all the characters, then pit all the winning quote together? Still a rather large task.

And there are a lot of really good ones anyway, so much so that I don't know where to start.

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"Pick a god and pray" is almost like an instant-win, so I would pick another line I suppose
Like, er
"Stay frosting."

"I'll kill you twice!"

I couldn't think other that sound catchy in my head, so maybe that's all until I hear some more.

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I've a favorite from every character, here are fave crit quotes. (I've seen so far at least, i've got Emmeryn but haven't heard crit quotes yet)

Chrom: "Anything can change!"
Robin: "Checkmate!"
Lissa: "You asked for it!"
Frederick: "Pick a god and pray!"
Sully: "I'll kill you twice!"
Virion: "Die, with magnificence!"
Stahl: "You are so dead!"
Vaike: "Looks like Teach just got tenure!"
Miriel: "Desist at once!"
Sumia: "I'll end this now!"
Kellam: "Come on! Look at me!"
Donnel: "Git ready!"
Lon'qu: "How well will you die?!"
Ricken: "Don't look down on me!"
Maribelle: "I will ruin you!"
Panne: "I smell your fear."
Gaius: "So long, sucker!"
Cordelia: "Out of my sight!"
Gregor: "Gregor SMASH!"
Nowi: "You stupid bully!"
Libra: A tie between "I am your omega!" and "Repent, sinner!"
Tharja: "You're already dead..."
Anna: "Ready to get gouged?"
Olivia: "Stop staring!"
Cherche: "Rest in pieces!"
Henry: "I'm gonna kill you!" (The way he just says it so gleefully is what makes this)
Say'ri: "Submit!"
Tiki: "Not a step closer!"
Basilio: "Hot death comin' through!"
Flavia: "Step aside!"
Gangrel: "Beg for your life!"
Walhart: "You shall fall to the wayside!"
Lucina: A tie between "You will not stop me!" and "Hope will never die!"
Owain: "Behold!"
Inigo: "This is your last dance!"
Brady: "I'd pray if I were you!"
Kjelle: "Have you made your peace?"
Cynthia: "This is the end, friend!"
Severa: "I'm just getting started!"
Gerome: "Move!"
Morgan (M): "Game over!"
Morgan (F): "Checkmate!"
Yarne: "I've got sharp, pointy teeth!"
Laurent: "Give thee hence!"
Noire: "To the abyss with you!"
Nah: "It's squashin' time!"

Edited by Henry
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Go through all the characters, then pit all the winning quote together? Still a rather large task.

And there are a lot of really good ones anyway, so much so that I don't know where to start.

well all of the quotes are in round 1

you're right though, that would take a full 7 weeks to go through every character assuming one per day

then we laugh at Europe for still not finishing DLC

actually on second thought, if we do only critical/skill activation quotes, we could fit 3 a day

Edited by shadykid
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gets kicked because too many caps


i'm disappointed

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"I'M A MAN OF ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ P A S S I O N ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"

no matter what i do i don't think i'll ever be able to place enough typographical emphasis on the "passion" part

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"I'M A MAN OF ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ P A S S I O N ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"

no matter what i do i don't think i'll ever be able to place enough typographical emphasis on the "passion" part

personally I like "This is your last dance!" better, especially with Astra, but that one's good too

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Needs more Japanese battle quotes. Here are some of my faves:

Chrom: 俺は負けん!運命を変える!本気で行くぞ!

My Unit (Ore): 読みが甘いぜ!これも策の内だ 戦局を変える!

My Unit (Watashi): 読みが甘いです!これも策の内です。戦局を変えます!

Frederick: これで決めます!お別れです!

Miriel: 邪魔です。消えてください。片付けます。

Sumia: 成敗します!これで決めます!覚悟してください!

Lon'qu: 片をつける!悪く思うな!目障りだ!

Licht: 甘く見ないでよね!食らえ~!か~くご~!

Olivia: 手加減しません!どいてくださ~い!ごめんなさ~い!

Henry: 死んじゃえ~ あっはははは~ 楽しいなぁ~。

Lucina: 運命を変えます!私は負けません!本気でいきます!

Donnel: これでも喰らうべ!きっとできるべ!いっくべ~!

Inigo: 手加減しないよ!なに見てんの?…ごめんね。

Brady: ぶっとばしてやる!覚悟しろよ!ボッコボコにしてやるぜ!

Cynthia: がんばっちゃうよ~!これで決めるよ!覚悟なさい!

Severa: あたしの見せ場がぁ~!しつこいのよ!終わらせてあげる!

Laurent: 消えてください!興味が失せました!邪魔です!

Noire: あの世に行くがいい!ふははははは!遊んでやろう!

I wish I could translate half of these myself, but I do love how cool all of these sounds.

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I assure you... this will hurt.

Guide Me.

I'm just getting started.


Now you've angered me.

I'm a man of passion.

I make deep cuts.

...Die now...


This might get unpleasent.


Do you like darkness?

Clear a path everyone.

Begone, foul miscreation

Let's make a scene!

Edited by Dinfinitysymbolfina
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Miriel and Laurent's "please disappear" in Japanese.

Anything Noire says also qualifies, but "Go to the other world!" is my fav.

And while this is not a critical/occult cry, my favourite voice clip is Nah yelling "DESU!" while bringing her enemies to death. No pun intended.

(Her excessive use of "desu" is a major reason why I like her so much.)

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"Pick a god and pray" is a pretty cool one, to be honest. Made me see Frederick in a new light.

"I'm gonna kill you!" was cool until "Yeah, blood!" came out. "Line 'em up" and "Special delivery!" are good too (I'm not being biased at all).

Lucina's "I challenge my fate" is probably one of the best, if not the best, lines to hear in Awakening. The best 2nd gen character by far, and easily one of the best characters in the game.

Tharja's "You're already dead..." it's already cool enough, but it also made me think about ripping my shirt off and... (You WA shock!). Plus, DAT JAPANESE GIGGLE :D

"BLOOD AND THUNDER!". Though "TO THE ABYSS WITH YOU!" sounds good too. Love when Noire snaps.

"My sword hand twiches" is automatically top-3. Owain cracks me up, and is one of my fave children characters. "Down, sword hand!".

There are many others, but the post would be huge... And I'm so lazy. So, I'll pick "I challenge my fate" over "My sword hand twiches" and "Yeah, blood!". It's such a powerful and meaningful line...

"Pick a dog and play!" is awesome.

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And while this is not a critical/occult cry, my favourite voice clip is Nah yelling "DESU!" while bringing her enemies to death. No pun intended.

(Her excessive use of "desu" is a major reason why I like her so much.)

Most people here probably wouldn't get that pun though. xD

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... Okay, ESL here, and I really don't get what Vaike's "looks like Teach just got tenure" quote means. Could anyone explain that to me? Is there something really obvious that I'm missing? I feel really dumb...

Anyway, I really like Lucina's and Tharja's. "Rest in pieces!" made me laugh the first time I heard it.

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... Okay, ESL here, and I really don't get what Vaike's "looks like Teach just got tenure" quote means. Could anyone explain that to me? Is there something really obvious that I'm missing? I feel really dumb...

Anyway, I really like Lucina's and Tharja's. "Rest in pieces!" made me laugh the first time I heard it.


That should explain it for you. :)

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