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Sumia is underrated


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Saying attacking more gives a better chance in a round of procing a dual strike is about as insightful as saying a forged hammer strike from a high strength character on a armored foe'll basically kill it. =___=''

1. you tried too hard with this simile

2. this has been proven insightful ever since the part 3 adept arguments in the days of the FE10 tier list

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As far as Sumia goes, I've found that her lategame offense is pretty decent... so long as you're pairing her with someone who can support her (for Dual Strikes). The three most likely candidates for this are these guys:

Chrom: When reclassed to Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight, Chrom can provide her with Strength and Defense. However, Chrom may want to go Sully, who comes earlier, and can build up a faster Support (and Sully takes better advantage of the bonuses that Chrom gives as a Lord/Great Lord in case you want to save on Second Seals). You can also go Great Lord, but that class (as well as the Lord class) only give Speed and Luck + the usual 10-20-30 bonuses (And Sumia will never worry about either of those). I'd only consider it if you make Chrom a Cavalier class. Probably the best for Falcon Knight Sumia in late-game, since Chrom is forced on every chapter and can thus naturally get strong enough to last during the lategame and beyond.

Frederick: A combo that absolutely destroys earlygame, lategame will mostly be to take advantage of the pair-up bonuses that Frederick gives, because his stats will be insufficient to allow him to switch out (for example against bow users). Frederick will also have a somewhat shaky offense against units whom he can't hit for effective damage, whenever he dual strikes, and a GK Stahl/FK Cordelia combo will be superior both in terms of stats and in versatility.

Henry: The absolute best combo for Dark Flier Sumia, Henry gives her everything that she could ever want for the role. Give her an Arms Scroll when you promote her to Dark Flier and stick an Elthunder tome on her, and her rank should be sufficient by the time you get into late-game. Training Henry as well is also beneficial to this combo, and his Defense will be sturdy enough that he can switch in on the axe and high-defense units that Sumia would have problems with otherwise. The fact that this combo uses Tomes, arguably the most consistent damaging weapon type due to enemy units mostly sporting low Resistance rather than low Defense, is also a boon, especially as she gets access to a weapon type that can attack from afar which, coupled with her awesome mobility, can allow you to get the drop on enemies on both player phase and enemy phase (as well as allowing you to get the drop on pesky Bow Knights, and on enemies that pack both bows and melee weapons). The downside to this is that you will have to build supports throughout the Valm arc, but if you have a couple of Paralogues unlocked (which you probably will), an A Support is achievable before taking on Walhart, and a C and B support is nothing to sneeze at (especially as both Henry and Sumia have good Skill, a stat which contributes to the ). Henry can also achieve a high Skill stat, which combined with Sumia's means more Dual Strikes for you. A thing to note about this though is that Henry is reliant on Speed Tonics or a Speedwing during his training phase in order to get the Speed needed to double, and a Nosferatu Tome is also preferred while you're training him so you can place him among groups of enemies and see his experience sky-rocket.

And of course, if you don't want to go with any of the three above, go with Avatar.

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My Paladin Chrom x Dark Flier Sumia says otherwise

Hell if I know why I should give a damn about Henry when Chrom ORKO Valmese generals with a Javelin

I'm assuming it was forged, or...?

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To be honest, I didn't really need Sumia or Henry to Dual Strike for the other while I built up their supports in my mid-game (lol enemy!Resistance is all I can say on this).

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I haven't kept up with the tier list in any way, but from what I'm hearing the problem with Sumia was that as we went further and further into the game we needed to throw more and more stuff at her over other people and she still doesn't get clean ORKOs while other people get clean ORKOs with less stuff. Or am I hearing wrong? I certainly am not doing a hell of a lot of research here.

Also, why isn't this in the tier list thread? It's incredibly arrogant to make this thread and expect anything to happen in the tier list because of it. You're just going to have to debate with another set of people there (and probably a few of the same people from here).

Edited by nflchamp
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There's no reason to penalize Sumia for needing "stuff" if feeding her said stuff doesn't decrease efficiency.

Seeing as the OP has his own tier list, I suspect he isn't interested in influencing the outcomes in SDS's tier list.

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I'd say she's not.

While she has a pretty damn good skill set (Galeforce, Lancefaire, Luna, Pavise, Renewal, Tomefaire, Miracle), she needs a ton of grinding to be used efficiently, especially when you want to make her magical (which she's better at definitely). Though Sumia is one of those units like Owain who's good at both magical and physical: which is helpful when giving her those skills. ...but, considering her growth rates in both Strength and Magic, she'll take ages to max out or even get good for endgame in either of those~

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I'd say she's not.

While she has a pretty damn good skill set (Galeforce, Lancefaire, Luna, Pavise, Renewal, Tomefaire, Miracle), she needs a ton of grinding to be used efficiently, especially when you want to make her magical (which she's better at definitely). Though Sumia is one of those units like Owain who's good at both magical and physical: which is helpful when giving her those skills. ...but, considering her growth rates in both Strength and Magic, she'll take ages to max out or even get good for endgame in either of those~

i swear, these people popping in about endgame/postgame stuff is hilarious

(for the record, Sumia is one of the better first gen characters in the postgame)

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There's no reason to penalize Sumia for needing "stuff" if feeding her said stuff doesn't decrease efficiency.

Seeing as the OP has his own tier list, I suspect he isn't interested in influencing the outcomes in SDS's tier list.

I am not trying to penalize using Chrom/Sumia over Sumia/Henry, but it means I can do Sumia/Henry and not lose much over not using Chrom or Frederick.

I'd say she's not.

While she has a pretty damn good skill set (Galeforce, Lancefaire, Luna, Pavise, Renewal, Tomefaire, Miracle), she needs a ton of grinding to be used efficiently, especially when you want to make her magical (which she's better at definitely). Though Sumia is one of those units like Owain who's good at both magical and physical: which is helpful when giving her those skills. ...but, considering her growth rates in both Strength and Magic, she'll take ages to max out or even get good for endgame in either of those~

The problem with this post is that the offense Sumia has, while bad starting from lategame, can still be worked around by giving her Chrom or Henry, and before that, she is probably one of the best units you have, once you get her going, which is not hard to do at all.

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I still think the Male MU can surpass Sumia; the only real difference between the two is that one lacks Galeforce (which it can be debated is a big difference), but the MU can still become any sort of class that can have high movement or speed, or something else that tickles your fancy.

Something else that I like about the MU in general is his power to use both magic and physical attacks in Grandmaster/Dark Knight. I'll admit that FeMU is better overall (grudgingly), but I don't think Sumia is; she can't gain access to a couple of notable skills like Aggressor, and personally I think that Sumia's reclass options are pretty blurgh, too.

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Sumia Reclass is perfectly made to do what most units want to do the most. I say this alone put her in AT WORST Top 3 in Gen 1

Also I just finished dinner


General Sumia is great... but I doubt Chiki likes General Sumia

What does that mean?

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Fine, I can grant you Male Avatar, as well.

How about top 3 then?

General Sumia is shit except for Apeotheosis purposes.

Edited by Chiki
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I don't think so. The only reason one would want to use Sumia in Apeotheosis, in my opinion, is if Chrom marries Sumia. Sumia will want to take advantage of Chrom's pair up bonuses, and become a General.

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