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Who's your favorite fanfiction author?

Da Bear

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I don't read fanfiction. I.... had a bad experience with one.... It was terrible. It was offensive to all five of my senses and a few I didn't even know I had.I'd dare not mention it's name in fear that one of you might search for it out of damned curiosity....but just rest easy knowing that you've not experienced pure digital torture I have...

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What the...?

"The angel blood boiled as he summoned the great meteor, swathed with the blood of the tiny fucklings at Hogwarts, leapt onto it, and flew into space. He encased the entire meteor in a wreath of holy fuckfire and flew through Mercury, killing the fuck out of it. Then he sent Mercury's carcass into Venus, killing the fuck out of it and making every vagina in the galaxy explode, and inside every vagina a booby sang of mortal life's fleeting precipice."

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"The angel blood boiled as he summoned the great meteor, swathed with the blood of the tiny fucklings at Hogwarts, leapt onto it, and flew into space. He encased the entire meteor in a wreath of holy fuckfire and flew through Mercury, killing the fuck out of it. Then he sent Mercury's carcass into Venus, killing the fuck out of it and making every vagina in the galaxy explode, and inside every vagina a booby sang of mortal life's fleeting precipice."

That's the weirdest story of all time....

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"The angel blood boiled as he summoned the great meteor, swathed with the blood of the tiny fucklings at Hogwarts, leapt onto it, and flew into space. He encased the entire meteor in a wreath of holy fuckfire and flew through Mercury, killing the fuck out of it. Then he sent Mercury's carcass into Venus, killing the fuck out of it and making every vagina in the galaxy explode, and inside every vagina a booby sang of mortal life's fleeting precipice."

That's actually a true story.

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iirc zxvalarevan and death were the main contributors to lyle story one so them, though I have a feeling that as the writer of lyle story two there are plenty of people who would also choose me

edit: personally I am rather embarassed about lyle story two because even ironically there were things that I did that were just cringe-worthy dumb because of the irony behind it, though I think that dickgrenadeexplosions made up for it

Edited by Hikarasuman
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Oh, that's easy for me. My co-author, Falchion1984 (he uses this name on ff.net and Deviantart, anyway) is the best I've ever seen by far. His style, imagery, wording, and everything are just beautiful! I'm so glad and honored to have him helping me out. x3

I also developed a crush on him for awhile too...

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Frank Veranderosa (sp?). I got easily distracted by his FF7 fanfics when I was younger. "Yay, Aeris came back," etc.

I also liked Convergence, a crossover fic of villains getting redeemed on the RPG character battle site thing.

Edited by SeverIan
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