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Lucina: Wait are you.....

Frederick: Milady, I am Frederick, a knight who serves your father, Lord Chrom. Please... try to remember me.

Lucina: So you're Frederick... Cynthia told me all about you.
Please accept my gratitude for watching over her all these years.

Frederick: Actually, Your Highness, I have an admission to make.
The thought of looking for you never crossed my mind as I was convinced that you hadn't survived under Gangrel. And yet you were raised by that craven cur. And its all my fault I.... im

Lucina: Its fine, turns out Im save in the end, ummm Frederick, you're crying... What's wrong?

Frederick: I... I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Forgive me...

Lucina: Wait... I do seem to remember something of you, Frederick. I always had to be around you, didn't I... Yes, that was you. I'm sure of it. And I always wanted your attention, didn't I...

Frederick: Milady, I...

Lucina: Please, Frederick, can you hug me?

Frederick: But, milady one such as I did not deserve you kindness. Its all my fault! Had I sharpened my attention for you, none of this will happen!

Lucina: Please, I want to recall them, the childhood that I missed, the love of my father, my real father. Don't you want to help me?

Frederick: ....if you say so milady

Lucina: Ahh, I remember this warm feeling. I remember, my father once has someone who cares for him, someone who always put him over everyone else, and most of all, the person who take care of me when I was little. Back when I was with Gangrel, I always asked him, where did you go? what happened to you? Turns out im the one who left my home.

Frederick: Milady.... welcome back

Lucina: Its nice to be back home, Uncle Fred

Credits to Pedoclaw13 and a Blue Haired FE character with Brave Lance

>_> :Kappa:

Edited by JSND
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Why put the effort into writing terrible fanfiction when you can put that effort into writing GREAT fanfiction instead? We need more good ones >_>

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Why put the effort into writing terrible fanfiction when you can put that effort into writing GREAT fanfiction instead? We need more good ones >_>

Every now and then, I write something terrible as stress relief. When I'm writing seriously, there's a bajillion things I have to take into account. When I'm writing badly, it all goes out the window.

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Why put the effort into writing terrible fanfiction when you can put that effort into writing GREAT fanfiction instead? We need more good ones >_>

Because for every 9 terrible ones written we get 1 good one.

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