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You're suddenly thrown into the Fire Emblem world

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Probably wyvern knight or hawk laguz, I have alot of experience IRL with riding dragons and transforming into a bird.

Actually I would be a myrmidon, it sounds alot of fun being a quick swordfighter but I really wouldn't last long, unless I manage to promote ofcourse in which case I would dodge everything and crit the crap out of everyone.

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Mercenary...Horrible mercenary with 10% low hp, luck, and defence growths with mediocre strength, speed and skill growths and awkard high magic and res so they would probly reclass me.My other classes are: Dark Mage cause I love the bad guys more and wyvern rider cause I loved ze dragons! I would like to have cleric over wyvern rider but wyvern rider just fits me best. My supports would be with Chrom, Gaius, Gregor,Henry and Merric.

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Oh you guys. I studied aikido for about 2 years but I've been doing archery for longer and have shot in regional and national student competitions. So, archer (and probably higher than level 1). If I had reclass options, myrmidon would probably be one of them, given the aikido background.

Guys, a bow designed to kill people will have a draw force of more than 36 pounds (depending on its construction, probably a lot more). There's an old saying about traditional archery: "to make a great longbowman, start with his grandfather". I hope you all appreciate that if you really ended up in the world of FE your chances of survival are pretty slim, even if you were equipped with a bow, because you wouldn't be able to hit anyone with it before they removed your spleen.

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Oh you guys. I studied aikido for about 2 years but I've been doing archery for longer and have shot in regional and national student competitions. So, archer (and probably higher than level 1). If I had reclass options, myrmidon would probably be one of them, given the aikido background.

Guys, a bow designed to kill people will have a draw force of more than 36 pounds (depending on its construction, probably a lot more). There's an old saying about traditional archery: "to make a great longbowman, start with his grandfather". I hope you all appreciate that if you really ended up in the world of FE your chances of survival are pretty slim, even if you were equipped with a bow, because you wouldn't be able to hit anyone with it before they removed your spleen.

I wouldn't dream of trying to use a bow. Training archers was like the bane of every army's existence. Enormous pain in the ass.

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I'd be a pegasus knight.

I'm cute and I'd much rather swoop down from the sky and attack with a lance or javelin rather than be on the ground with a sword or a tome.

It would also be fun and magical to be able to ride a flying horse.

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Seeing as I lack physical strength and endurence, have a fear of heights, like reading and learning, am often lost in thought and have bad hand and eye cordination...

yeah a mage probably with sub par skill, defense, hp, and luck... but I'd probably have high magic (averge speed and resistance...)

I'd probably try and learn every magic becuse well I like to collect knowlwge and base my self worth on intelect...

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Oh you guys. I studied aikido for about 2 years but I've been doing archery for longer and have shot in regional and national student competitions. So, archer (and probably higher than level 1). If I had reclass options, myrmidon would probably be one of them, given the aikido background.

Guys, a bow designed to kill people will have a draw force of more than 36 pounds (depending on its construction, probably a lot more). There's an old saying about traditional archery: "to make a great longbowman, start with his grandfather". I hope you all appreciate that if you really ended up in the world of FE your chances of survival are pretty slim, even if you were equipped with a bow, because you wouldn't be able to hit anyone with it before they removed your spleen.

I come from a family of archers. That's why I figured it would probably be best if I pursued it.

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Pegasus Troubadour ! Why did girls have access to the best class...

All my growth are around 5-15% (Except Magic as 75%), but my Luck growth is 255%, despite my luck base being 0...

Edited by TendaSlime
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I could say the same about Barbarian for boys

Oh well even if I was a dude I probably still won't fit the size requirement being short does that

back to swinging swords and punching people in the face

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I'd love to come in as an archer, but realistically I'm more of the early game shaman -> druid. Fits my personality too well -- bookish, sardonic, stubborn to a fault, intrigued by the arcane, and driven to personal power.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Now that I'm in the Fire Emblem world, I should find a place to live, I'll be sure to stay away from any country that has primarily Wyvern Riders and Dark Mages, because they are most likely to be evil. I'll also never join up with bandits, because I don't look good enough to not be slaughtered.

There is no such a thing as a safe place in the FE world.

I suppose I'd be an Axe Armor with bad speed, average def and str, average res and decent HP. Basically Meg/Wendy/Wallace... With Wrath.

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I'd say my default would be a myrmidon, and if I were to get an Awakening-style class set, I would be able to second seal myself into a mage or a cavalier.

My physical abilities matches that of a myrmidon, being pretty fit and agile but having lower stamina and strength, mainly due to my thin build.

I am a bookish person and a thinker (as I'm sure many of us are), but I don't have many of the personality traits common in dark mages/shamans, so having a mage in my class set makes sense. Cavalier is there because I tend to be Lawful Good most of the time, and I think cavalier fits that aspect of my personality. Plus I'm pretty solid at horse-riding from the few times I've done it.

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Maybe we can roll this subject a little further, being your classes, what would be your first actions to being in the universe? would you find somewhere to settle down? would you hire yourself as a sell sword? hide somewhere? Join an army? Lie down in a field and wait for Chrom? find out how to get back home?

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Either a mage who enjoys flinging Wind (or Ice, maybe?) magic and eventually ending up as a Sage or...

As a curse-slinging Shaman and enjoy watching the pain of others while they get horribly damaged from my Dark magics.

Growths? Er....


HP: 35% l MAG: 85% l SKL: 50% l SPD: 75% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 5% l RES: 60%

Dark Mage / Shaman:

HP: 40% l MAG: 90% l SKL: 45% l SPD: 75% l LCK: 5% l DEF: 5% l RES: 70%

Man, I just love making myself suck completely in-game...

First actions? Well... survive! Then find ways to thrive in this new world. Hide off and may my terribad luck be nulled out since any Lord might need of my service and find a way to get home. That's all...

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I hope you all appreciate that if you really ended up in the world of FE your chances of survival are pretty slim, even if you were equipped with a bow, because you wouldn't be able to hit anyone with it before they removed your spleen.

If FE warfare played by real world rules, Myrmidons would be nonexistent, knights wouldn't wear armor the size of a house, Archers wouldn't fight solo and could attack from much longer distances, there would be a lot more burning pitch and diseased bodies hurled from trebuchets and mangonels, people wouldn't wait their turn to attack each other, walls could be taken down with petards, units wouldn't be able to shrug off being lit on fire or hit with axes and lances repeatedly without long-term damage, and just about everyone here would be screwed if zapped in to FE and put straight into battle in the next five minutes. Even if you have trained in martial arts, I don't know of any that teach countermeasures for mages dropping meteors on your head or dragons belching energy at you. I think a *little* fantasizing and imagination is okay given the circumstances.

Edited by Sheik
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Maybe we can roll this subject a little further, being your classes, what would be your first actions to being in the universe? would you find somewhere to settle down? would you hire yourself as a sell sword? hide somewhere? Join an army? Lie down in a field and wait for Chrom? find out how to get back home?

Where I'd go would depend where I'd arrive. If I landed in antagonist territory I'd probably submit, but try to find a fairly major city - somewhere that wouldn't be overrun with thieves and bandits.

Otherwise, I'd find an orphanage since fate conspires to send badasses their way.

As a low level staffer, I'd have good Mag and Luck, average HP/Skl/Spd and poor Def/Res. I would have Paragon with me though since despite my awful willpower, I pick things up pretty quickly.

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What I'd do, uh ? Complain about not being a Pokémon

I'll try to avoid fighting as much as possible. I can propose to be the group Tactician. turtling like crazy may be more effective in a real fight...

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Maybe we can roll this subject a little further, being your classes, what would be your first actions to being in the universe? would you find somewhere to settle down? would you hire yourself as a sell sword? hide somewhere? Join an army? Lie down in a field and wait for Chrom? find out how to get back home?

HAHAHAHHAHAHA that's really funny, not meant in a sarcastic way. Honestly? If I knew this was Awakening, I'd lie down in a field and wait for Chrom. If not, I'd probably go find a city, like someone else said before, or at least a village. To settle down, as you say! I'd only join an army if completely necessary, or if....you know, I run into certain Fire Emblem lords ;): I don't think I'd try and find a way back home, I enjoy my adventures very much. They'd probably get me killed in the FE world, but...oh well.

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