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Why is LTC hated?


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Aeine, read the rest of my post that you quoted. I said that people who think that all LTCers are all egomaniacs are just as bad as the LTCer's who look down upon "casual players." My main issues are with the extremists on each side, not Casual and LTC playstyles or the player bases as a whole :P.

Sorry, but you're still among the group of people who insulted LTC players. Calling both sides egomaniacs changes nothing.

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Sorry, but you're still among the group of people who insulted LTC players. Calling both sides egomaniacs changes nothing.

I'm not quite sure you took away the right message from my posts, I think you're taking it a little too personally. I wasn't calling both sides egomaniacs, I'm saying that anyone who makes sweeping generalisations about a playstyle playerbase is silly, regardless which side they're fighting on.

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I believe that the "elitism" is associated with someone who posts LTC topics and tries to force his opinions on others.

I've chatted with the majority of these LTC oriented people, and they're decent people. The ones that aren't are generally known to be abrasive and have a huge ego.

Now on the other spectrum we have people obessed with getting all stats capped and foaming at the mouth if someone says something like "Gerik senpai caps more stats than Seth so he's better overall.".

So, LTC Egotists vs Stat Whores.

no, it can't be Shanna the She-Devil. It's clearly a MALE peg knight.

the only kind.

Edited by Aquaman
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I believe that the "elitism" is associated with someone who posts LTC topics and tries to force his opinions on others.

I've chatted with the majority of these LTC oriented people, and they're decent people. The ones that aren't are generally known to be abrasive and have a huge ego.

Now on the other spectrum we have people obessed with getting all stats capped and foaming at the mouth if someone says something like "Gerik senpai caps more stats than Seth so he's better overall.".

So, LTC Egotists vs Stat Whores.

Another personal insult to "some" LTC players. No one has forced their opinions on anyone. The arguments have been concentrated in tier list threads / RTU threads / LTC threads and nowhere else. So it's impossible for one to "force their opinions" on anyone.

Edited by Chiki
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Let's assume we're playing something in a 'hardcore' rather than 'casual' way with no reference to LTC. Low level game (switching higher-levelled characters out), no promotions, 0% growths, mages only, girls only, whatever else.

Now assume you aim for lowest turns within the 'challenge' framework chosen. Will there be more or less planning as a result of the decision to aim for turns? And see, the answer is rather simple so I don't know what induces rage in such a belief (turns go lower, you try harder) besides specific face-threatening acts by specific users who disregard ethics or forget about it in the heat of a debate.

You can ask yourself a question; is having your playstyle somehow 'acknowledged' by Olwen or whoever else important for you, do you want him to care? If not, move along.

I do not think that there is a better playstyle.

But Elitism is still elitism. Even if the Elite really is superior.

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Another personal insult to "some" LTC players. No one has forced their opinions on anyone. The arguments have been concentrated in tier list threads / RTU threads / LTC threads and nowhere else. So it's impossible for one to "force their opinions" on anyone.

thing is that this has been happening.

Besides, I'm kinda buddies with alot of these LTC players. The thing with the RTU threads was covered when the fad started and died a year ago.

The complaints are probobly not coming from SF any more and are probobly on gfaqs or youtube nowadays.

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No one was elitist towards other people's playstyles. I think people are just making things up here.



Two threads where I talk about casual playstyles. How can I be forcing my opinion on others if I myself like to play casually? Lol.

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When was this? I've never insulted or flamed anyone on this forum. At least not intentionally.

Calling "good players" the ones who love Galeforce isn't an insult--it's a video game, lol.

No I'm not. It means someone is playing for enjoyment. That doesn't mean LTC is above casual. I don't know where you get that idea.

You've done it in the past but it's nice to know it wasn't intentional.

A lot of people on this site take "a video game" extremely seriously. You can't just say that it's not an insult because "lolvideo games". The fact that you're

ITT: Olwen redefines the meaning of the word casual when playing FE. Casual is considered by many to be an insult because they take these video games very seriously. I agree with the last part of your post though LTC is no different than any other playstyle unless people try to make it such.

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someone's missing the point.

besides, LTC to me mean LOVE THAT CASUAL.

also, stop taking everything as if it were a personal attack. You seem to be acting like a victim for some reason.

The rest of the LTC guys aren't acting the same way.

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No one was elitist towards other people's playstyles. I think people are just making things up here.



Two threads where I talk about casual playstyles. How can I be forcing my opinion on others if I myself like to play casually? Lol.

Most people have issues with the act of belittling other people's playstyles, I don't see why you're taking it as a personal attack on yourself :P. You can like whatever you want, both LTC and casual, it's not a crime. However, if, hypothetically, one were to call a group a bunch of turtling cowards, that's when the problem would arise.

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I've never called anyone an "egomaniac." That is a personal insult.

So is saying that a specific playstyle > any other playstyle. People care a lot more about video games than you seem to be willin gto acknowledge.

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So is saying that a specific playstyle > any other playstyle. People care a lot more about video games than you seem to be willin gto acknowledge.

1. I never said that. Show me where I did.

2. It isn't a personal insult. A personal insult is when you attack a person. Attacking a playstyle is not directly attacking a person. But if a person takes it offensively, then that's their problem.

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Sorry, but you're still among the group of people who insulted LTC players. Calling both sides egomaniacs changes nothing.

The entire world doesn't exist in pairs of camps, dude. There's a happy middle ground here. How does Shin being among the group of people who "insulted" LTC players change anything and why does that mean anything at all?

No one was elitist towards other people's playstyles. I think people are just making things up here.

"No one" in what context? There are definitely people who are legitimately dicks about the opinions of people who don't play LTC when the latter try to talk about balance/etc. Obviously, there are people who are legitimately dicks about the opinions of people who DO play LTC, too. Both exist.

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The entire world doesn't exist in pairs of camps, dude. There's a happy middle ground here. How does Shin being among the group of people who "insulted" LTC players change anything and why does that mean anything at all?

I accused some people of insulting LTC players. He called us egomaniacs. He therefore insulted LTC players. That's all.

There are definitely people who are legitimately dicks about the opinions of people who don't play LTC when the latter try to talk about balance/etc.


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I accused some people of insulting LTC players. He called us egomaniacs. He therefore insulted LTC players. That's all.

He called both sides egomaniacs, and he only called the fringe of both sides egomaniacs. I'm a Republican in general, and I don't get peeved when people insult the fringe right.


I'm going to be blunt here: I'm not going to go digging for quotes here. I knew you were going to throw this out there and I almost edited just to qualify for it, but I decided against it.

Fact of the matter is, I can't be fucked to go finding specific sources for something that you seem convinced that this community is collectively hallucinating.

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Calling "good players" the ones who love Galeforce isn't an insult--it's a video game, lol.

You're right, only good players can understand that ltc is the best style of play.

This can not be taken as an insult. Because videogames LUL

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I wasn't dividing anyone into camps. All I did was claim that LTC players are unfairly accused of being elitists and therefore insulted by others. Shin was one of them.

Secondly, calling people who can see the uses of Galeforce "good players" is not encouraging LTC, because Galeforce has a lot of uses that trivialize the game that have nothing to do with LTC. For example, Apeotheosis is made a complete joke by Galeforce. It's the best skill in that context apart from Luna, maybe, and LB.

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I wasn't dividing anyone into camps. All I did was claim that LTC players are unfairly accused of being elitists and therefore insulted by others. Shin was one of them.

Except that you're acting all offended (unless i'm massively misreading you) that Shin insulted "LTC players" when he by no means insulted the whole camp of LTC players, which you'd know if you divided them into anything more specific than "every LTC player ever".

Yes, the hate spills over from the fringe sometimes. That doesn't mean it's targeted at the more moderate folks, it just means that they get some undeserved flak for the actions of a few. As a moderate Christian, I sympathize with this tremendously, but that's literally all there is to it.

EDIT: You know, an example did in fact come to mind. There's a guy I knew who would, honest to God, give people shit for playing on anything less than the highest difficulty at max efficiency. This wasn't a little heckling between friends, he would seriously be a douchebag to people who talked about doing anything less than the most optimal thing all the time.

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Except that you're acting all offended (unless i'm massively misreading you) that Shin insulted "LTC players" when he by no means insulted the whole camp of LTC players, which you'd know if you divided them into anything more specific than "every LTC player ever".

Yes, the hate spills over from the fringe sometimes. That doesn't mean it's targeted at the more moderate folks, it just means that they get some undeserved flak for the actions of a few. As a moderate Christian, I sympathize with this tremendously, but that's literally all there is to it.

Nah, I'm not offended at all. I was simply stating a fact, because calling someone an "egomaniac" is an insult. That's simple.

I said in an earlier post that he targeted "some" LTC players.

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But dude, videogames.

I don't see the problem with asserting anything you want on the filthy casuals with that concrete reasoning right there.

edit: some people can't stand the truth of loolvideogames, so I'll stop here

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Nah, I'm not offended at all. I was simply stating a fact, because calling someone an "egomaniac" is an insult. That's simple.

For not being offended at all, you're sure fighting this battle really hard and pretty mean.

The word "egomaniac" is - IMHO - a light insult at best and one you're sticking on way more than you should be. Why are you fixated on Shin's use of the word "egomaniac"? I thought it was very fitting for the point I assumed he was trying to make - that the fringes of both sides have a tendency to want to make themselves/their ways seem superior - see my edit to the post you quoted.

I said in an earlier post that he targeted "some" LTC players.

But targeting some LTC players doesn't mean he's targeting the style in general, which is what this thread is about.

EDIT: Reggie, kindly cut the snark and either participate or don't. Thanks.

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All I am trying to prove is that some people are unfairly targeted by others. That has nothing to do with being offended by anyone.

fringes of both sides have a tendency to want to make themselves/their ways seem superior

No LTC player has done this. Not in the Galeforce thread (already explained this) not in the tier list thread (simply arguing for a playstyle/criterion does not mean you are a narcissist) and not anywhere in this forum.

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