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Why is LTC hated?


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I'd really appreciate it if people could find examples of me being elitist about the LTC playstyle, or insulting people personally due to a video game.

It's simple: going as fast as possible makes you think more. A LOT more.

I could do Interceptor's playlog in just a couple days. It's mindblowingly easy for me. My RD playthrough took 2 months. Though that was partially because I moved, so a month total.

That pass as degradating Interceptor for no reasons, and makes you looks like an insufferable prick.

'm sure you didn't meant it that way, but that's how everyone saw it...

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How am I degrading Interceptor? All I did was say that it was relatively easy for me because I've done far more challenging playthroughs. Someone who beat it in 155 turns can beat it pretty easily in 270+.

See, this is what I mean by sensitive.

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itt olwen literally cannot tell what does and does not rub people the wrong way

oh well, at least this means it isn't intentional

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Welcome to yet another playlog thread; there are others like it, but this one is mine. I am playing Hard mode -- with restrictions, and using a few specific characters -- at as rapid a pace as I can safety maintain without relying on ninja dodges, miracle crits, or twenty hours of planning. We will call it "pretty efficient".

It sounds like Interceptor wasn't going to the lengths Chiki was to shave turns. The only thing we can conclusively say is that they were both playing to have fun. For this reason, I consider both playthroughs to be equally good, since it sounds like they both had fun.

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itt olwen literally cannot tell what does and does not rub people the wrong way

oh well, at least this means it isn't intentional

Probably not, on GameFAQS he pretended to be a new player asking about how useful Frederick is saying Frederick Sucks just so he could mention his own playthrough(without specifically saying it was him) of FE13.

I question whether he's just trying to make it seem unintentional.

Edited by arvilino
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Welcome to a world where people don't realize that the personality and characteristics of other people can actually affect the way they might accidentally word things when they're replying on the internet.

If somebody who plays LTC comes off as an elitist, but only in slight influence and what they're saying to a degree is either modestly true, not degrading or not entirely ignorant, then it seems that person must instantly be an elitist and that you can't still try to be more optimistic about someone after you've made your final judgement on what they're like.

I'm concluding that the reason people think that LTC players act elitist is because they let so much as one post get into their brain and make their entire conclusion based around what they said in just that one post, and that since LTC players speak factually due to their experience they have no choice but to sound slightly elitist anyway, meaning that most LTC players will seem elitist to anyone else.

I'm not saying that no LTC player acts elitist at all, and vice versa, but it's not like half their group acts all in the same way.

Edited by The Fush
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Welcome to a world where people don't realize that the personality and characteristics of other people can actually affect the way they might accidentally word things when they're replying on the internet.

If somebody who plays LTC comes off as an elitist, but only in slight influence and what they're saying to a degree is either modestly true, not degrading or not entirely ignorant, then it seems that person must instantly be an elitist and that you can't still try to be more optimistic about someone after you've made your final judgement on what they're like.

I'm concluding that the reason people think that LTC players act elitist is because they let so much as one post get into their brain and make their entire conclusion based around what they said in just that one post, and that since LTC players speak factually due to their experience they have no choice but to sound slightly elitist anyway, meaning that most LTC players will seem elitist to anyone else.

I'm not saying that no LTC player acts elitist at all, and vice versa, but it's not like half their group acts all in the same way.

"A King without entertainment is the saddest person alive". Pascal.

(Because if I don't quote Pascal at least once on a Olwen/Chiki topic, my life is worthless)

That's easier to see ourselves as the victim. And, everyone enjoys a good show....

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I'm not saying that no LTC player acts elitist at all, and vice versa, but it's not like half their group acts all in the same way.

Vocal minority sort of thing, then. The elitists and/or abrasive members of the community are just so much more visible than the reasonable ones.

Same kind of thing with pretty much every semi-competitive metagame, really, and usually more trouble than it's worth.

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Idk why hate LTC

Just do it or not and don't bother people who aren't interested about it

arguments about the philosophy and such are silly/pointless to me except for just "I'm bored so I wanna discuss this stuff" which is okay I guess as long as people don't get too serious and get offended and such


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I don't like Ltc's, but that's mostly because they look very very boring to me. I don't play fire emblem for the lowest turn count. I won't purposely turtle trough the game, but I want to at least kill all the enemies, get all the treasure, etc.

I think Ltc's gets in the way of that and I like to change characters every game and I don't think many characters are really usefull in getting the minimum amount of turn, so i'm stuck with a team with little change.

I won't insult anyone for liking Ltc's, but I don't see the appeal and I don't want to hear my playstyle is wrong.

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That gets brought up a lot, and the answer is of course not, but not every way of playing that isn't LTC likes to be referred to as casual, because using that term doesn't just imply a different aim from the people logging their turncounts, it implies a level of detachment from the outcome of a playthrough that simply isn't there, at least for most of the people here who do things like look up growth rates and item placement.

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No one calls 0% playing casual, soloing casual, and so on.

Casual is when the sole purpose is for fun rather than for a challenge.

Edited by Chiki
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But challenges are for fun too...so would a LTC run be casual if im having fun with it?

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Lol, this is the problem that people have. Apparently, I think people are inferior when they play a game for fun.

People love to invent stories, it seems.

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Lol, this is the problem that people have. Apparently, I think people are inferior when they play a game for fun.

People love to invent stories, it seems.

do you know the meaning of the word "connotation"

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Let me put it this way: I'm not inclined to call a playthrough that doesn't even have any specific goal at all, "casual," just for that alone.

"Casual" has a different connotation to it in gaming culture at large than simply "playing for fun." It's a label that gets associated with close-mindedness, short attention spans, surface-level thinking and generally not caring about the gameplay in any capacity beyond a short term, "exactly how much do I need to know about this game to progress" kind of way. There may not even be anything wrong with playing games with exactly that mindset, but people interested in learning the ins and outs of a game's mechanics (say, growth rates, average character stats, RNG modifiers, support values/build times, weapon stats, the list goes on etc) generally haven't seemed to appreciate the association.

dondon you stolem y word before I posted it you crackerbox *shakes fist*

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"Casual" has a different connotation to it in gaming culture at large than simply "playing for fun." It's a label that gets associated with close-mindedness, short attention spans, surface-level thinking and generally not caring about the gameplay in any capacity beyond a short term, "exactly how much do I need to know about this game to progress" kind of way.

it does not, have you ever been on a general video game forum lately

you know, it's generally used to distinguish from "hardcore" gamers, which obviously varies depending on the forum

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Connotations are subjective and vary from person to person. I see no reason for others to be insulted by calling them a casual player. It's a video game.

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No. I define casual as when solely played for fun.

so are you implying that playing the game as an ltc isn't "playing solely for fun"

because if so gosh i really should stop doing that

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Shady, I've lost sight of the context I'd need in order for me to determine whether you're being serious. I've browsed more video game forums than I can count, not that that's intended as a boast, and I don't know what you think you're talking about.

"Casual" is often conceived of as the polar opposite of "hardcore," yes, but it's also used as an insult. Like, frequently. Like, an "I'm-not-sure-if-you're-being-sarcastic-when-you-deny-it" kind of really frequently. You got me trippin here I'm confus

It's often used to imply a smaller level of investment in games than I, at least, think is appropriate to ascribe to your average sf regular, whether or not they engage in objective-oriented playthroughs.

Besides, as is obvious from tons of comments in this thread, people wouldn't be doing those playthroughs if they didn't "have fun" with them, so that definition falls all the more flat. I just think it doesn't make sense to say to somebody who doesn't call themselves a casual player that you consider them a casual player and expect to be well-received.

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so are you implying that playing the game as an ltc isn't "playing solely for fun"

because if so gosh i really should stop doing that

It can also be to compete with others, to set records, etc.

It might ultimately be for fun, but what I'm trying to give importance to in my definition of "casual" is the motive. What differs between casual and challenge playthroughs is motive.

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but not every way of playing that isn't LTC likes to be referred to as casual

When was this ever done? I haven't seen anyone insinuate that non-LTC = Casual.

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