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Best critical/skill quote, Serenes Forest edition Tourney Final results and disscusion

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The way Cherche delivers that line is what edges it out over Vaike's for me, even though Vaike himself has a pretty sweet delivery, not to mention the line's great on paper.

Couldn't say it better myself.

Also all this this love for Cherche makes me happy. Even though Lucina won other polls.

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Vaikes are cool....

But I dont like how he delivers all his lines. Cherche's lines are good and I think she puts weight behind them well.

thus: My vote for Cherche

I do keep forging axes called "Tenure" for Vaike though. So when he says that line I always think "But you already have tenure Vaike you blind fool"

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I'm not going to vote in this round, simply because I've never actually heard Stahl's (and I use him from time to time, so... Strange. I also used Libra all game and only heard "I am your omega" when I got him Vengeance... Which, as people who use it know, triggers, like, eighty percent of the time).

I don't like Brady's, though, so I'm sure Stahl's is better. But I guess I don't have enough data to know...

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I voted "Get busy dyin'!" from Brady. Gotta support mah son :3

I can relate... *Looks at Awakening Character Contest*

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Oh, this is gonna be a bad match-up, as "Checkmate" changes for both gender and voice picked.

Some of them bad, some of them good.

However, Morgan's doesn't change.

So everyone can experience all "flavors" of checkmate:

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