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[FE3] Book 1 Walk-a-Thon


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If the title didn't give it away, this is an infantry draft. :P

1. This draft is for 4 people, each receiving 11 units.
2. Marth and Wendel are free to use.
3. Standard snake style draft

4. All mounted units are presumed dismounted. If they start a chapter mounted, they must move 6 spaces or less the 1st turn and immediately dismount.

1. Undrafted units are free to talk to units, get recruited, shop and trade items.
2. Undrafted units may not do anything else! Including but not limited to the following; attack, promote, use a staff, use an item, use the arena. They must also follow the same mounting rules as drafted units.
3. An illegal action by an undrafted unit results in an 4 turn penalty for that chapter. They stack.
3. Drafted units are free to die or not be recruited.
4. Arena use is permitted.
5. Warp is banned from all use.
7. Julian is free for thieving but not for combat unless drafted.

8. Using the boots on Marth is banned.

Characters Remaining:


Jedi: Oguma, Cain, Barts, Wolf, Rena, Machis, Samson, Ricardo, Jeigan, Paola, Est

Doga: Doga, Gordan, Kashim, Raddy, Tomth, Linda, Biraku, Katua, Mishelan, Alan, George

SRC: Navarre, Abel, Roshe, Banutu, Astria, Thomas, Boa, Saji, Zaggaro, Chiki, Maria

Sharpy: Julian, Marich, Hardin, Sheeda, Chainy, Caesar, Maji, Lawrence, Midia, Ellis, Minerva

Edited by SRC
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I'll just go ahead ahead and add you, Doga, for the sake of getting things started.

There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Jedi
  2. Doga
  3. SRC
  4. Sharpy

It's all yours, Jedi.

EDIT: Do you guys think it would be good to ban boots!Marth and boots!Doga for this thing?

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Alright, whenever this thing starts, let it be known that my first choice is Doga. Like, if I'm not here for my turn immediately, just give me him.

If anyone else chooses Doga before me I'm gonna pop a blood vessel. And I don't mean one of my own. I will go to your house, I WILL find you, and I will pop some vessel all up in that.

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I'll stick to my list and pick Bantu.

So if Nowi looks like she's 10 and is like 1000 years old, does that mean Bantu was alive before the Aritian ice age?

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