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Worst unit in the game


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Uh, okay? So what? Just because I think that's the best point doesn't mean I think it's the only point worth mentioning. And I have mentioned Dark Knight Ricken before.

How much would you value Ricken if he didn't have access to rescue at all?

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I just wanna say this on the subject of Ricken, (although it's not reliable as Annas are not in any way shape or form reliable), but Arms Scroll + Ricken = a potential 3rd (depending on how you used MU and Miriel) unit that wields Celica's Gale at CHAPTER 5.

FYI: Liquid Assets as of Ch5, (assuming 10,000 Renown): 15000 Gold

Access to 1 CG.

Arms Scroll: 2500 g

CG: 1720 g

Total cost to have 3 CGs at practically the start of Ch 5: 5,940

You'll have 9,060 g left over from that.

And... CG wrecks... everything.

Maybe it's just me, but that whomped Ch 5 and 7 Lunatic+.

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That's an understatement. He was Silver in the DLC draft I did due to Rescue and Gregor helping his combat. I think drafts make Ricken shine. He's mediocre everywhere else, but is far from worse than Virion Donnel Inigo Brady and Basilio Flavia.

I don't know about this. I feel like you can at least get a good strength bonus from Basilio. Not saying you can get nothing from Ricken but if your doing one of the drafts were we use the Spotpass paralouge Basilio can be very helpful with them.

Class set and stat caps.

Okay so ricken's is far from ideal, and Donnel has a great set. I don't feel like its a huge difference though.
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Whoa there, I'm not the one saying that rescue is the only thing we should consider.

Don't you have anything better to do than follow Olwen around to argue with him at any given chance you get?

As for the topic discussion, I'll be going with the obvious answer of Donnel.

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I don't know about this. I feel like you can at least get a good strength bonus from Basilio. Not saying you can get nothing from Ricken but if your doing one of the drafts were we use the Spotpass paralouge Basilio can be very helpful with them.

Okay so ricken's is far from ideal, and Donnel has a great set. I don't feel like its a huge difference though.

Basilio sucks. Ive used him before in a draft (due to being the last round and i had to draft him) and he didnt do anything. Ricken is much better in drafts. He was second mvp after Panne (Silver).

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Okay so ricken's is far from ideal, and Donnel has a great set. I don't feel like its a huge difference though.

Uhh, it's a huge deal in the context of grinding/maximization, which is why I called you out on it.
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Basilio sucks. Ive used him before in a draft (due to being the last round and i had to draft him) and he didnt do anything. Ricken is much better in drafts. He was second mvp after Panne (Silver).

Not as an actual unit. As a support bot for when your old support bot is falling behind. Like I said I have never drafted him. In my efficiency run he did okay got replaced halfway through by a reclassed tiki.

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Virion makes a surprisingly awesome Griffon rider.

Getting him to that point, though, is the problem.

Virion becomes decent with enough love. Its giving the love that people have a problem with lol. :(:


Get. Out.

As for worsties? Hmmm...I dont play above Hard so my opinions apply to that mode and that mode alone. (I dont play Normal anymore)

Donnel isnt completely useless but hes probably up there in terms of crap unit out of the box. Hes the epitome of growth unit and this can really hurt your team if you put him on it. But he can get exp leaks through pair up and stuff. Donnel is real pain in the ass.

Ive never used the Khans so i cant comment on them, but i wish they had joined earlier. :(:

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Ricken is not the worst unit in the game. That's Donnel. And to explain why lets look at it from multiple directions.

Absolute LTC: Neithr is going to be very useful.

I used Ricken in my LTC run to great effect.

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You know, I love how Donnel's getting flak for being a difficult unit to train when there's another one who only marginally easier.

Fortunately, I don't mind grinding but... training Olivia is NOT a fun and easy task at times. At least you get Donnel by chapter 4... with Olivia you get her at chapter 11, which means Valm and prepromotes spam are right around the corner.

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You know, I love how Donnel's getting flak for being a difficult unit to train when there's another one who only marginally easier.

Fortunately, I don't mind grinding but... training Olivia is NOT a fun and easy task at times. At least you get Donnel by chapter 4... with Olivia you get her at chapter 11, which means Valm and prepromotes spam are right around the corner.

Olivia is hard to grind up, yes. Maribelle, same story. But out of the box, those two can do something. Donnel is really hard to keep alive right out of the box and getting him to land some kills without a lot of grinding is a bit tough.

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Ive never used the Khans so i cant comment on them, but i wish they had joined earlier. :(:

I've used them in their join chapter (Lunatic), and I really wish they just came with auto A rank supports. I had them pair up, and Basilio Rally Str'd a few times and I then switched to Flavia to block a spawnpoint while simultaneously blick a Warrior and draw in/tank an Assassin EP, so they've had their uses, albeit not majorly. Their stats were actually pretty competitive with my Morgan (who is, admittedly the weakest statistically on my team but still very good), considering I was playing nogrind and don't have limit broken everythingmaxed units.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You know, I love how Donnel's getting flak for being a difficult unit to train when there's another one who only marginally easier.

Fortunately, I don't mind grinding but... training Olivia is NOT a fun and easy task at times. At least you get Donnel by chapter 4... with Olivia you get her at chapter 11, which means Valm and prepromotes spam are right around the corner.

Well, I can't speak for anyone else here, but I generally get Donnel after chapter 4 (which isn't the type of chapter I'd want to drag him along to), and it just gets worse for him before it gets better. And like I said, training Gaius isn't exactly easy street either.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Not sure why people hate Olivia so much. I know personal experience doesn't mean much when talking about characters, but she's crit like a mother****er when I get her to Swordmaster (without Killing Edge) on every playthrough I've done.

Cherche and Cordelia should never be considered the worst characters because they are red heads which automatically makes them superior to characters whose crotches lack fire.

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Cherche and Cordelia should never be considered the worst characters because they are red heads which automatically makes them superior to characters whose crotches lack fire.

Or how about instead of gross comments, they actually are decent units who perform well without a lot of effort? |:[

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Or how about instead of gross comments, they actually are decent units who perform well without a lot of effort? |:[

It is a well known scientific fact that red heads are awesome. You can't argue with science. Beware of their close cousins the Gingers though.

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The prevalent opinion seems to be that he completely sucks, even though he’s exactly the type of unit many people like to train (in the vein of Nino, FE8 trainees). He’s quite good when trained too, unlike those units. He’ll outstat most characters for the majority of the game after getting over a tiny hump (in NM, HM).

He has easy access to 100% Armshrift Helswath and Sol. Aptitude makes some kid amazing. He gives both Galeforce and Armshrift access to some lucky child if desired. Etcetc

I do think he’s the “worst” character by a good margin, but I had lots of fun with Donnel and Donnel!Owain my very first FE13 run. >_>

100% Armsthrift Helswath with just one run of +2stats dlc, tanker at chokepoint in Rouge and Redeemer 3 for early Limit breaker.

Donnel is created for 'end-game' purpose with the same intention of having Apothesis and LB, and yet because of LTC it is the most useless?

There's severe favoritism problem when one just ignore all the pros and focus on cons for the sake of bashing some characters because they doesn't suit your play style. (Edit: Not directed to you XeKr, I quote you for the good points Donnel has)

Ricken's growth is slow, killed off easily in RnR3 if never position him properly, no galeforce, can't kill without pair-up when the killing by the one pairing is easier, etc

Lissa, Marribelle, or even spotpass Characters have further range for support, can heal with bonds after rescue, have more support skills, can rally more different stats.

Ricken is the worst class. (See what I did here?)

Anyway, Virion is the worst class, since I did a Bow-only run, and he still doesn't stand out. Purposefully having snipers, bow knight and stacked stats for children with luck and skill (Virion's strong point) and yet the outstanding first generation is Stahl.

Edited by SirSalute
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yet because of LTC it is the most useless?

Read the topic please.

LTC: Donnel is unsalvageable; Ricken is great here thanks to Rescue.

Efficiency: Donnel is not as bad but still horrible. Ricken is still great here because he can become a Dark Knight or he can use Rescue.

Drafts: Never played one, but I think Donnel would be shitty here too. Ricken can become a Dark Knight.

Lunatic+: Ricken can avoid Counter and become a Rescue bot. I think Donnel might be untrainable here.

0% (hypothetical): Ricken can become a Rescue bot. Donnel is completely unsalvageable.

Casual: Nothing matters here.

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Not sure why people hate Olivia so much. I know personal experience doesn't mean much when talking about characters, but she's crit like a mother****er when I get her to Swordmaster (without Killing Edge) on every playthrough I've done.

It takes quite a long time to get her to Swordmaster. And knowing this forum, a lot of people don't have the time to make Olivia awesome.

She's not terrible by any means, but she isn't spectacular, either. Well, when it comes to combat. She dances, so of course she's useful.

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It takes quite a long time to get her to Swordmaster. And knowing this forum, a lot of people don't have the time to make Olivia awesome.

She's not terrible by any means, but she isn't spectacular, either. Well, when it comes to combat. She dances, so of course she's useful.

she has bad defense but for me she crits like crazy and kills any enemy because of vantage, astra and a Forged Brave Sword.

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It takes quite a long time to get her to Swordmaster. And knowing this forum, a lot of people don't have the time to make Olivia awesome.

She's not terrible by any means, but she isn't spectacular, either. Well, when it comes to combat. She dances, so of course she's useful.

No way! Dancing is a LTC-only move!

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she has bad defense but for me she crits like crazy and kills any enemy because of vantage, astra and a Forged Brave Sword.

She crits for me fairly often as well. In fact, she capped STR, SKILL, and SPD already as a dancer.


She went Dancer > Myrmidon > Swordmaster > Dancer. Do you have any idea how long that took to accomplish? It's pretty impractical, while awesome. I mean, it's your game so do what you want, but grinding takes quite a while. Olivia might as well just dance.

No way! Dancing is a LTC-only move!


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