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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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If you had just said "I don't like that she's included," I don't think you'd have gotten such a response. You said "she's a waste of a slot." With that attitude, you're bound to get bad reactions from people who wanted to see her in the game.

All about word choice.

Eh, I think Rosalina's a wasted slot too and I'm going to always think that, because that's my opinion regardless of how much I like her fighting style (which from the trailer, looks bloody great). Similarly, I feel the same about Toon Link rehashing older Link and Wii Fit Trainer. Personally, if someone gets offended over the original post, I think the problem lies within them. Likewise, getting offended about someone being offended over your opinion is of course a silly thing to be offended about.

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... I don't know what to think about Rosalina being included. Her moveset looks kinda cool but I feel like they sort of wasted a slot...

I think the Mario series is worthy of having five reps and she is worthy due to the extraordinary success both critically and in terms of sales of both SMG. Would you feel it was a wasted slot if Bowser Jr,Toad, or Waluigi was revealed for the game?

That's a... kind of, or rather... very ridiculous thing to say. If you don't like something, say it.

I for one believe they wasted a slot with Wii Fit Trainer, nor do I want to accept her as a serious instalment to the series, but I'm still going to buy the game.

If you can accept Mr. Game and Watch and R.O.B. as "serious installments," then I have no idea why you would not be able to accept Wii Fit Trainer. If you don't accept these other two as "serious installments," then I don't know what to tell you, other than that those two previous characters prove that Wii Fit Trainer is pretty standard in the series.

Eh, I think Rosalina's a wasted slot too and I'm going to always think that, because that's my opinion regardless of how much I like her fighting style (which from the trailer, looks bloody great). Similarly, I feel the same about Toon Link rehashing older Link and Wii Fit Trainer. Personally, if someone gets offended over the original post, I think the problem lies within them. Likewise, getting offended about someone being offended over your opinion is of course a silly thing to be offended about.

First of all, the thing is you're not stating why you think either Wii Fit Trainer or Rosalina is a wasted slot.

Secondly, having opinion does not make you free from criticism of said opinion. Especially when there is no explanation why you feel a certain way. There are people that either identify with the character, the games they're from, they're movesets, or some combination of any of those factors. So it's well within their rights to criticize your opinion.

The problem doesn't really lie with anyone. You just have a difference of opinion. But a certain attitude can create problems, and that goes into how you say something.

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I didn't even like Super Mario Galaxy and I like seeing Rosalina included.

This. Her play style is going to be very interesting.

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I don't think of Rosalina as a wasted slot for the sole fact that I don't believe in wasted slots. If a character is in the game, it's because it's got enough merits to belong there.

Specially Rosalina, who looks like one of the most unique and versatile characters so far.

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If you think she's a wasted slot because she might get in instead of your most wanted character, then prepare to get dissapointed.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

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A thought just occurred to me. This might seem obvious, but since Mario now has 5 reps, wouldn't it seem plausible that other franchises would also get increased representation? So the idea of Fire Emblem getting 3 representatives in the games is getting even less far-fetched to me than before.

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A thought just occurred to me. This might seem obvious, but since Mario now has 5 reps, wouldn't it seem plausible that other franchises would also get increased representation? So the idea of Fire Emblem getting 3 representatives in the games is getting even less far-fetched to me than before.

This isn't the first time Mario had 5 people. Look at Melee

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This isn't the first time Mario had 5 people. Look at Melee

oh i forgot about melee what about project m????? afasfasgasherhjerkrtsjnsrtkrs

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Secondly, having opinion does not make you free from criticism of said opinion. Especially when there is no explanation why you feel a certain way. There are people that either identify with the character, the games they're from, they're movesets, or some combination of any of those factors. So it's well within their rights to criticize your opinion.

Exactly my point, you can dislike the fact I don't think their worthy of character slots and I don't mind. Funny as you should mention, as I did lament Game and Watch's appearance in melee (although have accepted it) and double so for R.O.B in Brawl. If you think the problem was criticizing the opinion, you need to reread the post as the problem lies in people getting offended over either post, which is ridiculous and extreme over-reacting.

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The only character I've ever considered a waste of space is Pichu, for being a clone of Pikachu but with no redeeming value to speak of. I'd rather have a unique but gimmicky character than one who can barely differentiate itself from an existing piece of the roster. Rosalina adds to the very limited number of female playable characters and I love her just for that alone, but I also really like the look of her gameplay and how it adds some completely new elements to the game. Sakurai has really gone out all out to make the newcomers seem NEW. Now I just have my fingers crossed that the game doesn't end up with some ridiculous scenario like three Landmasters again.

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I'm tempted to join Jave and Doofina and have a Rosalina sig/avatar to celebrate her SSB4 reveal, but I already went overboard with my female sig/avatar during October/November.

Anyways, as long as a character isn't a second version of an existing persona in Smash Bros. (Iike Toon/Young Link since it's still the persona of Link. Luigi, Falco, and others I'm okay with since they're different personas than their originals Eg: Fox and Falco are different personas. I just think the idea of a character having two slots is unfair and biased) and they're not a 3rd party with little relevance to Nintendo compared to other game consoles (like Snake, who's much more Sony oriented), I'm okay with them. Though Wii Fit Trainer did a really good job at almost making me change that stance (she still fell under my two rules, but was a really weird choice all the same). I don't mean to start any arguments with my opinions on inclusions I do/don't like, since I'll accept anyone's inclusion in the end and buy the game regardless. Since everyone else was stating their opinions on certain inclusions, I thought I might as well state mine.

Ice Climbers and Game & Watch never bothered me, since old, forgotten Nintendo characters and franchises need love and representation too, especially since they'll probably never get new games (unless you're Pit or Little Mac or something) and Smash Bros. is the only way characters like them will ever get revived and debut in a modern game (barring things like Captain Rainbow which was all about forgotten Nintendo characters). I'm probably one of the few people that found R.O.B.'s inclusion awesome (except for the initial "why are you the villain of Adventure Mode?!" mindset and thinking he was bad and evil, until I learned he was a reluctant villain and just wanted to lower the death count of his kind). I've always found robots awesome and the fact that he helped market the NES to a crowd that became lukewarm and bitter towards gaming consoles after the crash of 1983 makes him well deserving of his spot.

And now time for a random R.O.B. fanart where he's shipped with Monita from Nintendo Land:


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Amazing in the span of one page this became the

Who do you hate in smash thread >.>

Not a big surprise. This thread has seen every topic imaginable related to smash bros.

Let's keep it going. Who else despises Ice Climbers? Show of hands?

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I got grabbed out of the air by the ice climbers once, as Wario

while in one of the many, many situations that would have been completely safe for Wario to be in against many other characters

and it wasn't even a shield grab! fucker ran up and grabbed me out. the. air

And that was against a player who could actually do grab shit, so of course I got the hurt right after

And some of those guys have the nerve, the gall to say "Oh our grab range is just ~awful~ ha ha"

I love you assholes, Ice Climber players who can actually do any of their crazy shit,

but also, at the same time, fuck you nerds

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Amazing in the span of one page this became the

Who do you hate in smash thread >.>

Sorry. I just thought I'd throw in my two cents regarding the current topic everyone was discussing.

Not a big surprise. This thread has seen every topic imaginable related to smash bros.

Let's keep it going. Who else despises Ice Climbers? Show of hands?

If only there was more discussion on the previous games' roster development along with links. I really want to add to my gold mine of roster development of previous Smash games (if you know of any info I'm missing and have links to the sources, inform me since I really want to know as much as possible about the roster development).

Sorry, it's the exact opposite for me. When I saw them in Melee, I was all "Neat!! I know who they are and played their game as a kid!! I got to main them and show that just because they're not that well known, they're still tough stuff!!" I really sucked with them at first (I lost Nana many times and shouted "I'm single!!" as a joke every time that happened), though I eventually got really good with them until they became my 2nd best. I don't do 0-death chaingrabs or anything like that (and I likely wouldn't use them even if I was skilled in them, since that's like unplugging your opponent's controller), but I still do know quite a few tricks like meteor smashing people downward off the edge out of a grab (I enjoy this way more than I should) and doing a twin blizzard on my opponents.

Also, I doubt any of the 20 Melee veterans will be cut. Even with Sakurai saying characters with multiple models are difficult to implement on the 3DS, I'd still say that Ice Climbers won't get cut if he's able to implement Olimar and his Pikmin along with Rosalina and her Luma in the 3DS version.

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