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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Hey, someone on Deviantart says it's Sakurai's birthday today, so a big happy birthday to him! ^^

August 4, so today in Japan and in some time zones, yes.

(Just wanted to clarify since it's still the 3rd in most parts of the world)

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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August 4, so today in Japan and in some time zones, yes.

Oh yeah, I always forget about timezones. lol But he's obviously in Japan, so no biggie. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah there should totally be a Super Bash Sisters tournament.

Doofina for host plox

edit: Also, happy Birthday Sakurai. A Shulk cake should be my gift4u. SHULK IS LOVE SHULK IS LIVE SHULK4SSB4 amirite

Edited by Quintessence
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No one's interested in my Super Fire Emblem Bros tourney? :( Oh well, I'd still join a female characters only one since I'll be using Robin. Haha.

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No one's interested in my Super Fire Emblem Bros tourney? :( Oh well, I'd still join a female characters only one since I'll be using Robin. Haha.

Well, the problem is that there are still only 3 truly unique movesets for Fire Emblem characters. Even in Brawl, girls only would be more interesting than that.

I'm sure we could allow Captain Falcon for a Super Emblem Bros. tourney, though. Right?

Fox Only.

No Items.

Final Destination.

Yo. Leave me out of this.
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Well, the problem is that there are still only 3 truly unique movesets for Fire Emblem characters. Even in Brawl, girls only would be more interesting than that.

I never said more than one person couldn't use the same FE character in a match though. I just find that Super Fire Emblem Bros. would be far more interesting now than it would be in Brawl because in Brawl, we'd only see Marth and Ike all over the place lol. We can see four different FE characters in Smash now!

Edited by Anacybele
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I never said more than one person couldn't use the same FE character in a match though. I just find that Super Fire Emblem Bros. would be far more interesting now than it would be in Brawl because in Brawl, we'd only see Marth and Ike all over the place lol. We can see four different FE characters in Smash now!

Obviously competitors could use the same character. And yes, of course it would be better than Brawl, but it would still be very limited.

By all means, go and do it if you want to. It just doesn't sound very interesting to me personally, but what do I know?

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Well, I don't want to start it and then find that only a few people sign up. xP

So I'm going to just throw out the idea unless a lot of people decide to join.

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Happy Birthday Sakurai!!

It's quite neat how his birthday is actually a day before mine. I wonder if he's going to make a really cool update for either his birthday or mine. Even something as simple as a new Wii U stage or (ironically) another retro/obscure character as an assist trophy (Dillon and Takamaru have already been shot down and they were the newcomers I wanted most, so any other retro/obscure characters being assist trophies are completely alright with me at this point).

can greninja count as a girl pls

I personally count Greninja as a guy, due to starter Pokemon having an 87.5% chance of being male. Same with all the other playable starters in Smash and Pikachu (there'd be an indent in its tail otherwise).

Jigglypuff, I consider to be female though due to her 75% chance of being female. I say Jigglypuff should be allowed in the Super Bash Sisters tournament.

On a side note, Ice Climbers would be okay for the Super Bash Sisters tournament, right? (Just in case I can't use Rosalina well whatsoever like I couldn't use Lucario well) I mean, you can technically have Nana as the lead climber. I suppose I could technically use Lucina if Ice Climbers aren't allowed (though I don't really like Lucina), but her lack of a tipper sweet spot means KOing people will likely be a tough task (and I doubt her knockback power will be anywhere near Marth's tipper power).

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Jigglypuff, I consider to be female though due to her 75% chance of being female. I say Jigglypuff should be allowed in the Super Bash Sisters tournament.

Not only that, it's pretty clear that the Jigglypuff in Smash is meant to be female due to the pieces she can wear.

On a side note, Ice Climbers would be okay for the Super Bash Sisters tournament, right? (Just in case I can't use Rosalina well whatsoever like I couldn't use Lucario well) I mean, you can technically have Nana as the lead climber. I suppose I could technically use Lucina if Ice Climbers aren't allowed (though I don't really like Lucina), but her lack of a tipper sweet spot means KOing people will likely be a tough task (and I doubt her knockback power will be anywhere near Marth's tipper power).

Ice Climbers only allowed if Nana is leading the pair ;):.
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Not only that, it's pretty clear that the Jigglypuff in Smash is meant to be female due to the pieces she can wear.

Yeah, especially with the ribbons and the sun hat. I never really got why some people insist that Jigglypuff in Smash wasn't intended to be a specific gender, when its costumes say otherwise.

Ice Climbers only allowed if Nana is leading the pair ;):.

Sounds good to me. I hope they keep the "both white" costume, since I had a lot of fun confusing human opponents as to who's the lead climber in the heat of battle (yeah, there's the player arrows, but people will usually focus on the character themselves and not the arrow pointing at the characters).

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