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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I personally am not too fond of her new costumes, but it's a Zero Suit pic, so I love it!

It doesn't matter if it's a playable character or hidden in the trophy gallery. If something is in the game and pushes the game's rating, it will do so.

Brawl likely got a T rating because of the more detailed explosions in the SSE cutscenes and because of Solid Snake, who used realistic-looking weapons as well as the neck-breaking grab among his moves. Since all of that is gone now, an E10 rating might be easier to approach, although it's possible the Wii U version will still be rated T due to the more detailed graphics.

I'm not saying you're wrong. But what you're saying is that the Wii U could get a higher rating than the 3DS version because it's more detailed (meaning more realistic looks shots)? I guess...

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Samus's Zero Suit actually covers her up more, duh. I never did like the unrealistically huge boobs though.

Yay music updates. :D

Though if Samus gets an outfit obscure as this (it only appeared in one of her many games, it seems), Ike better get Vanguard. PLZZZ, SAKURAAAI.

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...I do NOT like this. That outfit is far too revealing for a game like this. CHILDREN will be playing it. Samus looks like she's in nothing but a sports bra and boxer brief underwear!

Now I won't be surprised if parents take the game away or forbid their kids from getting it after seeing this.

It's not that much less than Wii Fit Trainer, not to mention that the games they appeared in originally were rated E and 7+.

Not to mention that you're expecting the parents to be that clued up about the game if they're not interested in playing it, so are unlikely to even notice this unless it gets on the box art or something.

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Samus's Zero Suit actually covers her up more, duh.

Maybe this is just me, but I've always found full bodysuits to be, well... sexier than a top + shorts outfit.

Sometimes it's not about how much skin you're showing, but how you wear those clothes.

Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually pretty happy with these alts.

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The amount of people who haven't played Zero Mission is astounding.

Not surprising really. It's funny when people complain about something that has been around for years and when it's in something really popular people go all out crazy over it. I personally like Zero Mission the best out of all the Metroid titles.

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Not surprising really. It's funny when people complain about something that has been around for years and when it's in something really popular people go all out crazy over it. I personally like Zero Mission the best out of all the Metroid titles.

Still, it surprised me that people don't know the origins of Zero Suit Samus nor this particular costume.

Just imagine the looks on peoples faces if she had gotten her Super Metroid "beat the game fast while getting everything" outfit. The outrage would be even worse despite the fact that Samus has been like that for years since even the NES!

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Still, it surprised me that people don't know the origins of Zero Suit Samus nor this particular costume.

Just imagine the looks on peoples faces if she had gotten her Super Metroid "beat the game fast while getting everything" outfit. The outrage would be even worse despite the fact that Samus has been like that for years since even the NES!

Well you have to remember Zero Suit Samus wasn't popular until Brawl. Even then Zero Mission bombed in Japan and it sold less than Awakening worldwide so the popularity of her origin remake isn't all that well known. The thing is, everyone seems like clamour about how much the Metroid series is a giant big series but it really is not. It's actually a pretty niche series in terms of sales and Japan does not care about it all too much. It's mostly only popular in North America.

Edited by kingddd
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The amount of people who haven't played Zero Mission is astounding.

Not surprising really. It's funny when people complain about something that has been around for years and when it's in something really popular people go all out crazy over it. I personally like Zero Mission the best out of all the Metroid titles.

Are you guys referring to anyone in particular? Because I didn't read anything that suggest that anyone here doesn't know where the Zero Suit comes from. In fact from what I read, the Zero Suit was just now brought into the discussion in comparison to the new costume. The origin of the suit doesn't seem to be an issue at all.

Edited by BrightBow
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Well you have to remember Zero Suit Samus wasn't popular until Brawl. Even then Zero Mission bombed in Japan and it sold less than Awakening worldwide so the popularity of her origin remake isn't all that well known. The thing is, everyone seems like clamour about how much the Metroid series is a giant big series but it really is not. It's actually a pretty niche series in terms of sales and Japan does not care about it all too much. It's mostly only popular in North America.

Yeah Metroid isn't popular in Japan at all.

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I forgot to ask... What exactly qualifies as an "alternate costume" and what is just a "palette swap"?

Kinda a stupid question, but I never really understood which was which. Because Ness's black shirt with Mr. Saturn, and then Link's Skyward Sword design thingy. Are those just palette swaps?

Would today's Pic of the Day count as a "alternate costume"?

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I actually like this better than the regular Zero Suit, to be honest. The amount of little detail on her is amazing. And the 3DS version especially looks soooo good. I don't care if it's skimpier, it just looks more like sports gear to me.

As always, I agree with Samias here. Jet-heels aside, it looks like a pretty decent representation of her Fusion best-clear outfit.

It looks like ZSS after a round with the Wii Fit Trainer. ;/

I like how her arms are, erm, rendered. Her spine, on the other hand. . .

With everything else that's whacked out, like Wario's lack of a neck, Samus's spine just sticks out to me for a few minutes. I got over it pretty quickly after remembering that this is a SSB game

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For gender fanservice equality, I now request speedo Captain Falcon.

Or Zero Suit Camus. And I doubt a certain few would care if there was a shirtless Ike.

But seriously? Thinking this would bump it to M rating? Really?

Words fail me.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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We should get Pantless Marth from the FE1 boxart. That one is actually canonical.

I'd love Yukata Lucina but hitboxes would definitely be a problem there.

Edited by Jave
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Yay, Flaco!

So, I was thinking, when the Japanese version gets released, there's going to be a lot of stuff revealed that some people might not want spoiled. (Myself, at least.) If there are any others thinking the same thing, I was thinking maybe there should be a thread for that stuff separately and have only stuff announced officially and the usual debates here, so as to not spoil people.

Either that...or well have to stay away from the thread when it comes out a few weeks in Japan.

Stay away from the thread then. Or stay off the internet. Only two ways you won't be spoiled.


I actually think this is a pretty good idea.

Originally I was going to say (closer to release) that all content "leaked" from the Japanese release would need to be in spoilers, but having separate topics is probably a better idea for those who still want to browse without any worry of being spoiled.

...And stating "WARNING SPOILERS" upon the topic title...too.

Alright, I have the moderator on board with this, who else feels the same way?

I do.

And then the Internet happens and stuff posted on twitter, instagram, facebook, tumblr, reddit, livejournal, deadjournal, ign, mynintendonews etc.

It'll have to make me stay away from youtube and those other places too. -.-

Hello kids, you word of the day is fanservice!

Here's the actual photos:



I love the Metroid series so much. It's nice for them to give these for her alternates. This brings alot of love of Zero Mission. Now the Dark Huntress is returning! Again, seeing this pic really wants me to play this game. -.-

Am I remembering something different? I don't recall ever seeing her corpse. Seeing her unsuited for a second sure but from what I recall she's in the process of exploding more so than leaving a corpse behind. Her Super Metroid outfit is also quite different. Moste noteable greyish-black in colour.

You see her like that during every Game Over.


Also, I think it looks blue.

I agree.
Upon being in her suit, she should explode when she dies.

Samus has been shown safe and sound in her bikini since she appeared on the NES. It's always been an endgame bonus to do well and be treated to a shot of sexy Samus. I think it's kind of a stretch to say they're showing her as a "corpse" when there's been so many instances of her being out of the suit just fine.

Actually it'd be kinda cool if they managed to make a no-helmet alt skin for regular Samus, to reference the other possible endings you get throughout the games. But it'd be a lot of work to add in a face when she doesn't have one to work with. Peeling the animation off of ZSS's facial rig is a harder task than it sounds. I don't think it'll be happen but I'll be pleasantly surprised if it does.

Ha ha ha...
The endings to them goes male teasing again (Going Princess Peach again as she teased the Mario Bros to rescue her more ways than one when she secretly had feelings for King Koopa. Duh.) (Super Mario Bros)
It's the same for Ike/Captain Falcon for the gurls. ^_^

They actually had a voice acted scream for her when she died in Super Metroid but took it out because it sounded too creepy/sexual for the rating

I whole heartedly agree with and support this idea.

It would already spoil everything for those who haven't played Metroid. Still not knowing that Samus is a girl. Oh wait...shoot, smash bros. x.x

I would say it is far from a stretch.

You need to beat these games in less then 2 or 3 hours. I know speedrunners love Metroid but the games are designed around exploration and collecting items. So rushing through it is rather unintuitive. You would have to plan your route in advance and would have no time to go after items. The really fun part is that even when you can beat any boss without any energy tanks, in Super Metroid you actually need to collect a certain amount of items to avoid getting killed by the Hyper Beam.

On the other hand, most people have probably died in those games. Especially in Fusion because Nightmare is always a pain and the SA-X kills you in two hits and the first one freezes you.

Yes we do. Because it's fun to play these like Sonic the hedgehog while remembering to get everything at the same time in less than three hours. ...And people would get 100% completion under three hours which is alot more achievable.

Has the Internet ceased to function yet because of these pictures?

This site was under construction last night that Jyo was working out all of the kinks.

Eh, I definitely wouldn't consider myself a casual player, but I've seen all the best endings for both Fusion and Zero Mission and could probably do the same for the first two Primes (if they had such rewards). Of course, I've played and beaten Fusion 20+ times and can beat it in an hour now, but all it takes is knowledge of the game from playing through a few times. I don't remember Zero Mission well enough, but I do know that Fusion's best ending is collecting all items and beating the game in under 2 hours

It was really fun playing Zero Mission with only 15% completion. Meta Ridley was hard as shit with this achievement. x.x

...I do NOT like this. That outfit is far too revealing for a game like this. CHILDREN will be playing it. Samus looks like she's in nothing but a sports bra and boxer brief underwear!

Now I won't be surprised if parents take the game away or forbid their kids from getting it after seeing this.

Well...*sigh* that is a problem. D:
The game needs to be rated T then. How are children going to enjoy it now?! -.-
Even so...I got excited last comment...because that is an absolute spin off of Zero Mission which is one of my favorite Metroid games of all time!

I can't tell if YOU'RE being serious or just trolling.

There's no reason for me to troll. I don't like this outfit, simple as that. I've a feeling this game's rating is going to be bumped up to mature now. Meaning I can't get it promoted at work as a hot Christmas present for kids.

Way to instantly lower sales, Sakurai.

It's hopeless. Sakurai has already proven more ways than one to be a feminist. Many of us wanted Chrom to be in over Lucina. Did he make it in...noooooo. Plus I wanted to stare at his designs up close. x.x


It's pretty awesome to see this considering the endings in Metroid games have always had this kind of fanservice. I like it.

I laughed. XD

Samus's Zero Suit actually covers her up more, duh. I never did like the unrealistically huge boobs though.

Yay music updates. :D

Though if Samus gets an outfit obscure as this (it only appeared in one of her many games, it seems), Ike better get Vanguard. PLZZZ, SAKURAAAI.

Like to see him emit blue flames rather than red. That way it fits more into his FE10 design. :D
Plus, those muscles outta look good on the Wii-U. ^_^

Maybe this is just me, but I've always found full bodysuits to be, well... sexier than a top + shorts outfit.

Sometimes it's not about how much skin you're showing, but how you wear those clothes.

Not that I'm complaining, I'm actually pretty happy with these alts.

Well...her full body suit is more appropriate, actually.
The way that she dresses in those alts is just as what to wear out in the summer. No complaints, as Sakurai was meanting to give this a real kick out of reminding us of one of the older franchises that we have probably played.

I just noticed something; there's an important character missing from the poll.


Make them trophies plz, Sakurai.

For gender fanservice equality, I now request speedo Captain Falcon.



Follow his moves.

We should get Pantless Marth from the FE1 boxart. That one is actually canonical.

I'd love Yukata Lucina but hitboxes would definitely be a problem there.


I would love that SO MUCH. Please make it happen, Sakurai? Plus it'd be a spin off of his NES/SNES games.

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Smash 3DS is already rated E10+.

PS I think it's cool just cause the orange one is a nod to a costume from the actual series.

Both of them are. The Blue the one is from Fusion which I also think is neat.

While looking at the high res pic of the Smash Bros posters, I just noticed how cute Wii Fit Trainer's smile is in the rosalina poster


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And I doubt a certain few would care if there was a shirtless Ike.

I certainly wouldn't complain if this happened (RD Ike is just SEXY! x3), but I'd rather it not since Ike never actually had a shirtless outfit anywhere. It'd be done for fanservice only, whereas this Zero Suit Samus outfit actually did appear in one of her games. If shirtless Ike were DLC, though, that'd be fine.

Edited by Anacybele
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We should get Pantless Marth from the FE1 boxart. That one is actually canonical.

I recommended that one here but was "eww'd" out. :(

I certainly wouldn't complain if this happened (RD Ike is just SEXY! x3), but I'd rather it not since Ike never actually had a shirtless outfit anywhere. It'd be done for fanservice only, whereas this Zero Suit Samus outfit actually did appear in one of her games. If shirtless Ike were DLC, though, that'd be fine.

So you're fine with fanservice if it's a guy, but if it's Samus's older design, then it's ZOMG IT GETS M RATING.

Do you see the logic fail?

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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The amount of people who haven't played Zero Mission is astounding.

The number of people who want my mother as a playable character is also astounding.

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I certainly wouldn't complain if this happened (RD Ike is just SEXY! x3), but I'd rather it not since Ike never actually had a shirtless outfit anywhere. It'd be done for fanservice only, whereas this Zero Suit Samus outfit actually did appear in one of her games. If shirtless Ike were DLC, though, that'd be fine.

I support this for the Samus Zero costume alternates. Since this get it, so that their parents don't have to get their children this...

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