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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm very excited for the Wii U version. To be honest, the 3DS's controls seem a bit cramped, but it'll be better with the Wii U version. Also, Smashville and Onett are returning, and Ness looks very cute. So I'm happy.

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All I know is that Falco's Smash 4 voice is the same actor from Star Fox 64 3DS and Fox's Smash 4 voice is the same guy who did the original Star Fox 64 and 3DS.

But they sound nothing like their voice acting in SF64.

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Wow, you completely dominated me GoldenMarth. I couldn't even get one win in on you.

You know, with your skill you should really try facing PKL sometime, since he's one of the strongest Smashers on SF and supposedly even in the US.

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I don't know, I think PJSalt is the best here. He smoked everyone in the hype tourney.

Also, Rando, I know you asked to play me and I'm available to play now, but Jave asked me first, so I'm going to play with him for a bit. But your turn is right after, don't worry. :)

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Sry Gemma et al; I gtg

That was some brutal lag man.

Ana if you've got time...I wanna see the mighty Ike in action

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I don't know, I think PJSalt is the best here. He smoked everyone in the hype tourney.

Also, Rando, I know you asked to play me and I'm available to play now, but Jave asked me first, so I'm going to play with him for a bit. But your turn is right after, don't worry. :)

PJSalt is PKL. That's just his most current name change.

Sounds good. Just post in this thread saying so when you're ready to battle.

So besides PKL/PJSalt, are there any SF members that are well-known for their Smash Bros. skills? There was Inui, I think. I'd add GoldenMarth to that list, but we can't make a decision like that solely from my opinion.

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Oh lol. Oops. XD

I WAS one of the best Ike and Luigi players at Zelda Universe.net. which is a massive Zelda site and the biggest one on the net. I could even beat the best Meta Knight player there every now and then. And I used Ike.

But getting those skills back is going to take more time. I mean, I'm still getting used to the 3DS controls and we don't have the Wii U version yet. :P

Also, question about Mii Fighter costumes. What kinds are there? Is there, like, a ninja costume? Cyborg? Regular everyday clothes?

Yeah, there's a ninja suit and cyber suit, but these are only on the Sword Miis. I have my Frederick wearing the cyber suit because I think it looks so much like his armor. XD But not every outfit is available right away, you have to unlock the rest.

Edited by Anacybele
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Psh perhaps tonight, Anadear. I just found out i hafta leave now for something i thought was in 2 hours, so UNTIL NEXT TIME

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Ah. So there are certain outfits that are exclusive to certain types of Miis? I can't have a cyborg Gunner or a ninja Brawler?

The gunner already looks cyborg to me. xP But no, no ninja brawler.

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Ana, srsly add my friend code. Its in that FC thread. B:

After playing the game for a few days, here are a few of my current thoughts on it.

-Shulk plays quite well, my only issues with him are that I wish a few of his aerials (N-Air, F-Air, and B-Air specifically) and smash attacks were just a bit faster, and that his F-Smash and Up-Smash weren't 2 hits, as if you space incorrectly the first hit will knock them out of the second hit's range and you'll get punished.

-Facing a good Little Mac turns into a game of who can camp harder, until you get him off the edge, and then he's pretty easy to gimp

- Megaman is good at camping, but pretty bleh at everything else.

- Palutena is quite slow.

- Rosalina is easier to deal with than I thought she'd be.

- Greninja doesn't seem like he'll be a very good character.

- Duck Hunt Dog is excellent at camping, but with proper prediction and approach he's pretty easy to deal with.

- Grabbing gets beaten by every attack in the game, where it used to go through every attack in the game. I don't like this.

Ooo ok its my turn to do characters!

[spoiler=Actual Impressions]

Shulk is good and yeah, some of his moves are a bit slow. Monado Speed mode helps with this a little bit but mostly just with movement speed. This is how Shulk can try to get out of Little Mac's spam-traps. B: Armor makes him less flinchy. Jump, if you get flown off stage a lot, use this mode. Buster and Smash are the ones you want for pure power. Smash seems to have more launch, while Buster does more damage...? I think. Shulk's down-smash is gr9.

Little Mac infuriates me. A lot. Hes absolute ass in regards to my playstyle. I cant get this guy to work at all. Im not too good with really speedy characters anyway (like Melee!Fox..oi..) and Mac can move quick. His air game is the shittiest thing ever and i have to have air game. However, a competent Mac player is a force to be reckoned with. He can trap you and it sucks. So hes good with playstyles that include ground and combos.

Mega Man seems to be easily accessible but very low on power. My opinion on him hasnt changed since the demo. Most people arent using him, i noticed.

Palutena...i feel like theres things about her that i havent figured out yet. Like customs and how some of her moves work. I do like the concept of her and she is usable with my playstyle. I just gotta get her moves down.

Rosalina is the best. I love Rosalina a lot and in capable hands, shes a destroyer. Its all about Luma manipulation and Luma Launch is really a great way to piss people off. lel

Greninja feels like Sheik meets Squirtle. I have only used it once and im not...i dont even..

Robin is so versatile, i love it. Theres a lot of balance there.

Bowser got really good all the sudden.

Lucina is spammy in the right hands. Really hard to catch and her counter hurts. (not as good as Shulk's, but its faster.)

Jiggs is gr9 again, but still too light. :/

Bowser Jr/Koopalings is really pretty good. I actually enjoy using that one. (i mostly use Ludwig skin) Side Smash is all of my yes.

Duck Hunt is my new main. Duck Hunt camps like a boss, and can really be the most infuriating asshole on the roster. Trick Shot. Just....Trick Shot. Move over there? You are going to explode. Jump over there? You are going to explode. Get close? Yeah...yer gonna explode. Clay Pigeon is also really amazing. DH's recovery is great too. While not on Villager levels, its nice. The Wild Gunman move (dspecial) is not too fantastic, but is fun for chip damage. I love Duck Hunt so much.

Samus (in her suit) feels like her Melee incarnation.

Peach is also her Melee self, but they changed her up-air.

I cannot make sense of Pac-Man. Like at all.

Miis are fun. Swordfighter can spam pretty well and Gunner has one of my fave up-air moves ever.

Yoshi has been buffed and its fantastic.

Dr. Mario doesnt quite have the power he did in Melee. But hes still decent.

Is it me, or is Master Hand on 7.0 and up difficulties, a cheap son of a bitch? D:

Ah. So there are certain outfits that are exclusive to certain types of Miis? I can't have a cyborg Gunner or a ninja Brawler?

yeah. Vampire Outfit seems to be exclusive to Brawler which makes me sad.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Yeah Loki, Yoshi is now top tier.

This pleases me. Big Gay Pink Yoshi is back in action. Theres a somewhat long story behind that nickname and it dates back to the OG Smash days. Having Yoshi be amazing again is just so happy. Im wondering where Duck Hunt sits on a potential tier list...

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I found it nice to hear that Duck Hunt Dog is good because before, there were never any higher tier characters I wanted to use. xP For once, I'm gonna use one because I planned to make the dog a secondary!

By the way, how do you guys change your character icon and message in your online profile? I can't find an option anywhere and changing my Streetpass profile info didn't affect it.

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