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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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If anything there will be an Ice Climber and they'll retool their kit. I mean other than the recovery, everything can be used by one singular Ice Climber. Just make the Up B that pterodactyl thing and give their moves some buffs. Then again, the 3DS does have the Ice Climbers trophy so perhaps not.

I highly doubt Sakurai would abolish their special gimmick just to get a climber on the roster. Either next time, or whatever "issues" existed on the 3DS for them will be solved.

Jumping the gun. They've still gotta be on both systems.

...How was I jumping the gun? Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I highly doubt Sakurai would abolish their special gimmick just to get a climber on the roster. Either next time, or whatever "issues" existed on the 3DS for them will be solved.

either is possible

i just want Wolf and Lucas (and possibly Roy) to return

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...How was I jumping the gun?

This. I don't get how Red Fox was jumping the gun either. o.O

EDIT: The Smash site's been updated, guys. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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Mewtwo coming back doesn't necessarily get me hyped, but as RFoF said, that could open up for other characters.

I really want Ice Climbers and Lucas to come back. LUCAS COME BACK! NESS IS GOOD AND ALL... BUT HE'S NO LUCAS. but he'll never come back because ness took his special as customs.

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This art is just awesome:


Rosalina looks awesome, and I'm loving her more than ever! I wish Peach, Zelda, or ZSS could appear in more (Peach does a bit, but not same art as this one).

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Oh wow. 8 player smash, many more stages, master fortress and Mewtwo. I did't went in expecting much, so this is a nice surprise. The Jr trailer was also pretty fun to watch even though the surprise was out for a long time already.

But ugh 5 december for me.

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I highly doubt Sakurai would abolish their special gimmick just to get a climber on the roster. Either next time, or whatever "issues" existed on the 3DS for them will be solved.

Well, it's a possibility mind you. I would like to see them in their special gimmick more than anything and it's not like I'm DYING to have them in the game but a guy can dream, right? Of course, a Metwo trophy is in the 3DS version already so there is still (albeit somewhat) hope that they can get worked in.

Nevertheless, this does clue in to the possibility future DLC/Spotpass characters and stages. But again, this is all speculation. Plus Mewtwo isn't coming until the spring.

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Man, what is Ike doing, KOing Ridley for a measly point? So much for fighting for your friends.

Haha, I've a feeling this was an intentional joke nod to Ike's line. XD

But Ridley chose to side with Ike. Because he knows Ike's the best. <3

Edited by Anacybele
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Haha, I've a feeling this was an intentional joke nod to Ike's line. XD

But Ridley chose to side with Ike. Because he knows Ike's the best. <3

But Ridley doesn't choose who to side with.
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Haha, I've a feeling this was an intentional joke nod to Ike's line. XD

But Ridley chose to side with Ike. Because he knows Ike's the best. <3

That, or because his Ragnell hit's like a truck and doesn't want to get PUNished

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i was hyped for mewtwo but then i heard "buy both versions". fuck you, nintendo.

Edited by Cornet
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I just realized that, if a Project M-like game for the Wii U comes into existence, it might not be that hard to make Ridley playable. He seems to have all of the mechanics of a proper fighter. Just code his attacks to buttons and shrink him down.

Of course, that's just my impression from what we know about Ridley in that video. I could be way off.

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I also wonder what Chrom and Palutena talk about. :o I'd have liked to see Ike talk to Palutena too. "Oh, you're a goddess, huh? I defeated one, you know." lol

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