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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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This really bothers me but, why is the track called: "Against the Dark Knight"? Isn't he a BLACK knight?

I believe he's called the Dark Knight in Japan and the song title didn't get localized correctly.

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Eventhubs doesn't have tier lists, it has popularity contests.

Well if its a popularity contest I can see exactly why shes first.

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Well, to be fair, the first 6 characters or so on the list are generally agreed to be in the running for a top tier position by nearly everyone, but some of the characters are blatantly overrated or underrated. For example, Lucina is 7th on the current list, which is ridiculous, as she has no pros over Marth in terms of gameplay, and Marth is 6 places below her, and Lucina is definitely not a top 10 character. On the other hand, there's Bowser, who is way near the bottom just because he loses his stock first during Bowserside, which is apparently the only way the people on Eventhubs know how to get a KO with Bowser. I would also argue that Dedede is also too low, but that's an argument for another time. The point is, many characters are rated higher or lower than they ought to be due to arbitrary reasons that have no relation to how effective said characters actually are at the competitive level.

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I feel like the eventhubs list is slowly going to prove the infinite monkey theorem.

With so many people contributing to it, they might actually be able to create something close to accurate.

Kinda like Twitch Plays Pokemon.

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LOL no

get a better opinion, there is like only 3 things better than kirby

My opinion is good enough, thank you.

I do love the Kirby games myself. But they lack something to keep me interested for a longer while. I'm generally not a big fan of the genre, so the games need something special to convince me. Donkey Kong does just that.

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I had fun playing Kirby games myself, but I agree, they just lack something to keep me interested. Though I can never stop playing a Mario game despite them also being platformers. I guess I just find the levels gradually getting more fun and stuff. Mario games also tend to have cool secrets to find and I love that. I especially loved it in Super Mario World with all the secret exits in levels everywhere. Then the Galaxy games had secret stars to find. I just love secrets! lol

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I feel like the eventhubs list is slowly going to prove the infinite monkey theorem.

With so many people contributing to it, they might actually be able to create something close to accurate.

Kinda like Twitch Plays Pokemon.

So then some day Ganondorf will be top tier! I dislike the infinite monkey theorem but that is something I can approve.

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Ike will always be the Mid tier Hero it seems.

Hey, don't say that! Wasn't Bowser low tier for like every game he was in until now? :P Ike could get the same treatment someday, who knows!

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Hey, don't say that! Wasn't Bowser low tier for like every game he was in until now? :P Ike could get the same treatment someday, who knows!

I hope for this, actually! Bowser is my favorite, even though he was low-tier in past Smash games. Well, Bowser is my favorite...along with Fox. Anyway! He (Bowser) is higher now! Hope Ike gets higher too, that'll make Ike fans like you very happy.

Also, back to DK, and totally random on my part, but I would love to have Cranky Kong as playable.

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Smash Tour is a downright terrible mode. The mode makes little to no sense due to all of the rules and mechanics that plague it. It's as if Sakurai thought Smash Bros. wasn't chaotic enough and turned it up several notches. In my opinion, this mode is honestly unplayable.

...which is why I'm so glad it exists and I'm not being sarcastic.

You can literally leave the game alone in a Smash Tour and it will unlock stuff. A 15 minute round will complete on autopilot in about 20 minutes. Just be sure to check it once in a while if the game is waiting for you in Home Run Contest or Target Blast.

You'll get around 18 items in that 20 minutes for essentially doing next to nothing.

The mode is still one of the worst game modes I've seen in a game in recent memory. But at least it's useful for something.

Edited by Starbound
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Hey, not a bad idea. Although to clarify, all the reasons you explained for it being terrible don't actually have anything to do with why you like its existence.

And wouldn't Home-Run Contest just time you out anyway? Target Blast, yeah, you need to actually start the timer on the bomb.

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I think what annoys me the most about Smash Tour is how it is hogging that "character as stocks" mechanic for itself.

I agree, It's not particularly original as an idea and we already have it in events. Having it in normal matches should be easy to do and opens up an entire other game mode.

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I think what annoys me the most about Smash Tour is how it is hogging that "character as stocks" mechanic for itself.

not to mention that hogging can be easily lost in a matter of a second because of a single item. It's like every single utility in the game is Chance Time of some form. What was the point of me collecting all these stocks of guys if I'm just going to lose them because of a single item.

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I'd like to imagine Marth as the racist grandpa of the Fire Emblem characters.


Well according to Ike, Awkward Zombie!Marth never had a chance to get any descendants.

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