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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm gonna assume this will also include a balance patch. I'm very interested in what songs may be attached to these stages. Maybe they'll surprise us with a character? I highly doubt it, but you never know for sure.

King K. Rool seemed like he was one of the most voted characters for Smash, apart from Isaac and veterans like Snake and Wolf, so that says something interesting.

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I'm surprised that the King of Kosplay apparently had this much backing after all these years, especially over in Japan. If we actually got a new DK character who wasn't Dixie, I would have assumed that it would be Funky Kong. Well, a costume is not exactly a character but either way I would have expected Funky over K.Rool.

Edited by BrightBow
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I feel mean because I laughed so hard when K.Rool was announced as an outfit, knowing the ridiculous amount of fans that wanted K.Rool as a character. While a fun character, I have never seen the appeal of why Sakurai should put him in the roster. Throwbacks to old Smash fans (Lucas, Roy, Mewtwo) or characters with unique movesets (Ryu) makes more sense to put in.

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I'm a little disappointed, honestly. King K. Rool is one of the DK characters I've been wanting added as a playable Smash Bros. character, along with Dixie Kong. DK needs more characters, and Smash could use more heavier brawlers. Hopefully this news doesn't de-confirm K. Rool, but my hopes are definitely not up.

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At least it's a reminder that he exists. When was the last time he appeared in a game before Smash 4 anyway? Was it as a trophy in Brawl? If he doesn't get to be DLC, a costume means that hopefully he'll be put under consideration for Smash 5.

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I agree DK needs more reps, that's a reason I wanted Dixie. She'd add another female to the roster too. I do feel bad for K. Rool fans, even though I personally didn't want him, but I can't say I don't like that this probably raises Dixie's chance of getting in.

I hope I can buy/download only the stages. I don't want the costumes.

Edited by Anacybele
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I agree DK needs more reps, that's a reason I wanted Dixie. She'd add another female to the roster too. I do feel bad for K. Rool fans, even though I personally didn't want him, but I can't say I don't like that this probably raises Dixie's chance of getting in.

I hope I can buy/download only the stages. I don't want the costumes.

They will probably be individual downloads like how you could.. get Roy, Lucas, Ryu&His Stage, Dreamland and the mii stuff apart from each other or in a bundle.

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They will probably be individual downloads like how you could.. get Roy, Lucas, Ryu&His Stage, Dreamland and the mii stuff apart from each other or in a bundle.

I hope so! I don't want to pay for content I don't want just to get content I DO want.

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Yeah I think Nintendo and Sakurai know that not everyone wants everything. Sure I get all the characters and stages but I couldn't give a crap about the Mii Costumes...although I might just get the Chrom one for laughs.

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In before "we never wanted Ike to reach higher than mid tier, he gun git nurft"

Despite me generally liking a good deal of time between balance patches, I do hope they do a little balancing in this patch (but nothing too major). Evo proved that Sheik is probably a touch too powerful, so she could do with some nerfs. But I doubt Ike will get nerfed. He has done virtually nothing in recent tourneys, other than Ryo's small successes. Honestly, Ike's as likely to get buffed as he is nerfed IMO.

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There aren't really many costumes I'd want anyway outside of Daisy (Sakurai, srsly, gimme her dress to go with her wig...) and Frederick since I don't think they have any chance of ever being playable. On top of that, we have a lot of Awakening content, so adding Frederick as a costume now would be overkill. I'd say Vaati or Dixie Kong, but I want them to be playable. If they got costumes though, I'd get them. I have a Vaati Mii Fighter that really doesn't look all that much like Vaati. :P

EDIT: I don't want Ike to be nerfed, but I don't want him to be buffed as badly as I used to either since he got a bunch of buffs already. :P But I'd welcome more buffs as long as they don't make him OP! ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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I've hoped for character costumes for a long time, but I'm pretty sure the most we can get out of that is Mii Costumes.

Here's hoping for a helmetless Mega Man costume if they make those, though.

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I would piss myself if they ever released a Goku Mii costume. Golden/black hair, with his famous orange gi outfit.

I don't bother with Miis at all. No customising, playing, or dressing them. But I'd buy the fuck outta that custom set.

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I would piss myself if they ever released a Goku Mii costume. Golden/black hair, with his famous orange gi outfit.

I don't bother with Miis at all. No customising, playing, or dressing them. But I'd buy the fuck outta that custom set.

Not gonna lie I might consider it....

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Despite me generally liking a good deal of time between balance patches, I do hope they do a little balancing in this patch (but nothing too major). Evo proved that Sheik is probably a touch too powerful, so she could do with some nerfs. But I doubt Ike will get nerfed. He has done virtually nothing in recent tourneys, other than Ryo's small successes. Honestly, Ike's as likely to get buffed as he is nerfed IMO.

Overpopular != Overpowered. A few very highly skilled players really like their Sheiks. But I don't think that the character herself is really all that, and is actually overrated on account of herd mentality/follow the leader. She's certainly nowhere near Diddy's pre-1.0.6 level, at any rate. I wonder how long Yoshi, the actual best character, will skate by before being noticed enough to be nerfed. He's been one of my mains since day one so that would really suck for me . . .

I've hoped for character costumes for a long time, but I'm pretty sure the most we can get out of that is Mii Costumes.

Here's hoping for a helmetless Mega Man costume if they make those, though.

The X set comes in two parts, so you can make a Gunner with the X Armor and wear a different piece of headgear (or even none at all, if you were so inclined).

Edited by Tamarsamar
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Overpopular != Overpowered. A few very highly skilled players really like their Sheiks. But I don't think that the character herself is really all that, and is actually overrated on account of herd mentality/follow the leader. She's certainly nowhere near Diddy's pre-1.0.6 level, at any rate. I wonder how long Yoshi, the actual best character, will skate by before being noticed enough to be nerfed. He's been one of my mains since day one so that would really suck for me . . .

She was considered better then Diddy even back then by the top players. She has way too many options compared to every other character, her only main flaw is that well, she doesn't KO super easily, but even that can be worked around.

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