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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I've started a new run of ff7 myself to celebrate, I also plan on watching my copy of AC (I like it despite how Cloud is characterized), watch Last Order and play Crisis Core.

If I really feel like it, I may throw in some Dirge of Cerberus, while its a bit weird. I do like some aspects of it.

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Can we start the toxicity debate, guys. Just facing people online who spam the same move, talk sh*t (Taunt when they think they have you), selecting a character on and off consecutively, and the good 'ol name tag change ("TEIRWHORE", "SCRUB", "Blah Blah"), it's just bad for the community, especially when you want to find a good player on For Glory, or just not finding one of these people on the internet in general.

I for one, try to avoid For Glory as much as possible, but I have nothing going around me, ever (Probably better off not playing Smash).

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Can we start the toxicity debate, guys. Just facing people online who spam the same move, talk sh*t (Taunt when they think they have you), selecting a character on and off consecutively, and the good 'ol name tag change ("TEIRWHORE", "SCRUB", "Blah Blah"), it's just bad for the community, especially when you want to find a good player on For Glory, or just not finding one of these people on the internet in general.

I for one, try to avoid For Glory as much as possible, but I have nothing going around me, ever (Probably better off not playing Smash).

yo join Anther's Ladder; it'll match you up to play against real people rather than random sociopaths. them having on the whole better internet and being more skill is just a bonus
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Can we start the toxicity debate, guys. Just facing people online who spam the same move, talk sh*t (Taunt when they think they have you), selecting a character on and off consecutively, and the good 'ol name tag change ("TEIRWHORE", "SCRUB", "Blah Blah"), it's just bad for the community, especially when you want to find a good player on For Glory, or just not finding one of these people on the internet in general.

I for one, try to avoid For Glory as much as possible, but I have nothing going around me, ever (Probably better off not playing Smash).

yo join Anther's Ladder; it'll match you up to play against real people rather than random sociopaths. them having on the whole better internet and being more skill is just a bonus

But...but...but it's fun to play against those sociopaths.

They are so predictable!

Joking aside, that why I play For Fun.

It's well...fun.

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Things wrong with Smash 4 not related to the core gameplay:

1. Amiibos

2. For Glory

3. Unoriginal money motivated DLC characters

4. Amiibos

5. Tournament mode 3 minute 2 stock matches

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Whether some people want to whine incessantly about third party characters, I want even more. Some people want gutter trash like K. Rool or Wolf, so I think it's fair. Ryu and Cloud were Earth-shattering and super hype. I just love them. While I like say Chibi-Robo or Bandana Dee, I also acknowledge that Inklings would work, even if I don't care about Splatoon.

In my perfect December direct, if there are only 3 more characters, there would be Magolor with his Another Dimension stage and then songs like CROWNED and Moonstruck Blossom. I also like Bandana Dee, but people would likely react better to Magolor. In a perfect world, Kirby would have like 5 characters though but alas. Then my second would be Elma from Xenoblade X with a New Los Angeles stage and some hype music. I'd imagine stuff like NLA-Day, Primordia-Day, THEMEX, MONOX, Uncontrollable, Black Tar, Don't Worry, and The Key We've Lost. Oh, I could gush about X's music for days.

As for a third party character to be as hype as Cloud, I think our candidates are:

Phoenix Wright

Professor Layton


Banjo & Kazooie

Yu Narukami


and as weird as it sounds, I think Hatsune Miku is perfectly eligible.

So I guess my perfect December direct would be Magolor/Bandana Dee, Elma, and one of said third party characters. I don't think that more Nintendo newcomers are bad, but I also feel that there's no way that Cloud can be topped without another Third Party. If there's no Hatsune Miku or Banjo & Kazooie level reveal, I definitely feel like they blew their Cloud too early.

If it's any combination of K. Rool/Wolf/Inkling, it'll be completely unhype, but I won't whine and complain about it.

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seems contradictory to call wolf and co gutter trash and then say you won't complain about them, just saying

Edited by PichuMaster3000
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Whether some people want to whine incessantly about third party characters, I want even more. Some people want gutter trash like K. Rool or Wolf, so I think it's fair. Ryu and Cloud were Earth-shattering and super hype. I just love them. While I like say Chibi-Robo or Bandana Dee, I also acknowledge that Inklings would work, even if I don't care about Splatoon.

In my perfect December direct, if there are only 3 more characters, there would be Magolor with his Another Dimension stage and then songs like CROWNED and Moonstruck Blossom. I also like Bandana Dee, but people would likely react better to Magolor. In a perfect world, Kirby would have like 5 characters though but alas. Then my second would be Elma from Xenoblade X with a New Los Angeles stage and some hype music. I'd imagine stuff like NLA-Day, Primordia-Day, THEMEX, MONOX, Uncontrollable, Black Tar, Don't Worry, and The Key We've Lost. Oh, I could gush about X's music for days.

As for a third party character to be as hype as Cloud, I think our candidates are:

Phoenix Wright

Professor Layton


Banjo & Kazooie

Yu Narukami


and as weird as it sounds, I think Hatsune Miku is perfectly eligible.

So I guess my perfect December direct would be Magolor/Bandana Dee, Elma, and one of said third party characters. I don't think that more Nintendo newcomers are bad, but I also feel that there's no way that Cloud can be topped without another Third Party. If there's no Hatsune Miku or Banjo & Kazooie level reveal, I definitely feel like they blew their Cloud too early.

If it's any combination of K. Rool/Wolf/Inkling, it'll be completely unhype, but I won't whine and complain about it.

Sir, you've made me laugh harder than I think I have in the past several years.

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Things wrong with Smash 4 not related to the core gameplay:

1. Amiibos

2. For Glory

3. Unoriginal money motivated DLC characters

4. Amiibos

5. Tournament mode 3 minute 2 stock matches

Remove Amiibo from that list and I agree. Whether you like Amiibo or not, I don't see how they make the game worse OR better when they don't do anything in it except add an NPC player for you to play against and train. It doesn't affect the game much at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Some people want gutter trash like K. Rool or Wolf,

Gutter trash? excuse me but could you explain how popular series characters are gutter trash without throwing your opinion around like its the next best thing since sliced bread?

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The biggest problem with Smash 4 to me honestly is that all the single-player modes and Smash tour are all either incredibly boring or incredibly frustrating, and none of them are reliable ways of unlocking customs, trophies, etc.

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Can we start the toxicity debate, guys. Just facing people online who spam the same move, talk sh*t (Taunt when they think they have you), selecting a character on and off consecutively, and the good 'ol name tag change ("TEIRWHORE", "SCRUB", "Blah Blah"), it's just bad for the community, especially when you want to find a good player on For Glory, or just not finding one of these people on the internet in general.

I for one, try to avoid For Glory as much as possible, but I have nothing going around me, ever (Probably better off not playing Smash).

I stopped playing the Wii U version and started focusing on 3DS game so I don't have to deal with constant name-griefing. It's also more convenient for me since I've been super busy lately. I would play Anther's, but it's a little too time-consuming for me. I prefer to hop online on a whim, play a few matches, and hop back off again.

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Yeah one of my huge problems with Smash Bros. is the fans...so many of them are elitist and pretty snobby.

Problems with Smash 4 are:

-Smash Tour. It's SO boring, and not reliable.

-Some of the challenges are too stupidly hard for me (looking at you Kirby's cave food eating thingy)

Otherwise...no problems. Love the rest.

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The reason SSB has a terrible fanbase is quite simple: take all the fanbases for all the games that are represented in SSB. Put them together. You have a HUUUUUUUUUGE fanbase comprised of terrible people across MANY fanbases! And of course there are good fans in all of those fanbases, but think to yourselves whether the "good" fans or the "bad" fans are the most vocal.

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I agree with Smash Tour being a waste of development time. Sure we don't have to play it but the exclusive content that the Wii U and it was supposedly a big one was all in all just not fun at all. All that development resource could have gone to something else and the reception is so bad for that mode it is no wonder we haven't even gotten any DLC boards for that mode.

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Would you like to elicit a very long response from me about this?

no, the thread already had enough complaining

I would hate for you to put that much trouble in response to something I made as an offhand half-joke

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Biggest problem with Smash is the elitist fanbase.

Not sure if worst ever, but definitely down there in Bottom 5.

Eh... as a guy who lurked (I seem to do that a lot) Smashboards from the moment SSB4 was announced to the Wii U version release, I think I can compare this complaint to the "elitism" in the FE fanbase.

X person doesn't like Brawl and SSB4 for reasons, people act like it's a personal attack on all things they hold sacred, argument gets heated, then descends into verbal warfare.

Am I going to deny that Reddit and Gamefaqs have their fair share of jerks? Nope.

But really, I see significantly more veteran-hate than actual elitism. People have taken how a few jerks behaved online and made it into a full-blown stereotype of the entire competitive Smash Bros. community. Though stereotypes hold an inkling of truth, it's only an inkling.

Also, that thread title seems to have been plucked straight from quite a few comments on Shoryuken.com (yet another place I lurk).

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I'm not even referring to the competitive scene when I talk about the elitism in the Smash fanbase.

There's a notable part of the fanbase that feels they are entitled to absolutely everything when it comes to Smash, openly stating that Sakurai is an incompetent director because X Character didn't make it in or something minor like that. These are also the people who send him death threats and hate messages, not appreciating all the effort and time he puts into the game.

It's obviously not the majority of the fanbase, but as I said it's notable because it's an extremely loud part of the fanbase. As a result, they tend to paint the whole fanbase in the same light, and it's a stereotype that has become prevalent these days. One can argue "Not all Smashers" all he wants, but it'll never change the perception people have of the Smash fanbase.

The "elitism" in the FE fanbase is for completely different reasons. But that's another discussion for another thread.

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