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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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This just gave me an idea: does anybody other than me think the Demon King would be a good boss?

Edited by Comet
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I just thought of a crazy idea: What if Lucina was an assist trophy and her role is to pair up with the character that summons her? She deals extra damage along side the user and blocks attacks.

She likely will be that since we never have had more than 2 Fire Emblem characters. But...three making it would be a miracle beyond belief.

This just gave me an idea: does anybody other than me think the Demon King would be a good boss?


Not even for a trophy.


I have some bad news. The wifi for DS and Wii are going to end on May 20th. Means no more online Brawl, 4th/5th gen Pokemon matches. Enjoy it while you can.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Yeah, probably the Black Knight since he's very memorable. And he's awesome. :D

Wondering why that we have never had him in.

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She likely will be that since we never have had more than 2 Fire Emblem characters. But...three making it would be a miracle beyond belief.


Not even for a trophy.


I have some bad news. The wifi for DS and Wii are going to end on May 20th. Means no more online Brawl, 4th/5th gen Pokemon matches. Enjoy it while you can.

not to be rude, but most if us have been aware of that for a while
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The only reason I want Lucina over Chrom is because of X chromosome and the fact that I'd rather the role of strong swordsman either stay with Ike or go onto newcomer Shulk.

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I'm wondering if the trophies they showed are hinting towards something.

Whoa. You might be on to something.

Hmm, thinking about it...I'm hoping they're hints for playable characters. FE13 char, Skyward Sword char, KI:U char.

Speculation, yay.

For Skyward Sword, heck, it might merely be Ganondorf (Demise-themed) returning instead of a new-to-SSB char. :o Ghirahim would possibly be a unique sword-fighter since he has projectiles (which people have mentioned a few times already). And warping abilities. And a wild stylish flair.

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The Black Knight would be cool, I once wanted him in as a character. His Final Smash should be "I'M INVINCIBLE," in which he gets all his limbs chopped off and proceeds to bite the legs off of opponents.

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Wondering why that we have never had him in.

We had Ike, didn't we? Both of 'em use giant swords that hit like cannonballs, so it's somewhat close enough, I think.

Anyway, have you guys seen this image yet? People are theorizing from the Smash Bros. Direct that those random trophy quizzes pseudo-confirmed four (maybe six) characters.


Palutena and Chrom are two that I'm more inclined to believe. Ghirahim and Ridley...not so much, since Ridley got somewhat deconfirmed to be a stage hazard in Pyrosphere on Wii U...or was he? Who knows?

Either way, I still contend that Chrom and Palutena have at least somewhat of a chance to get in the game. Besides, we can't just leave Marth as the only Fire Emblem rep and Pit as the only Kid Icarus rep, now can we? That's just barbaric.

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I think it's looking way too deep into things. If anything, it might mean that we'll see Chrom, Ganon, Palutena and Ridley as our next four reveals, which still sounds too unlikely.

I'm wondering if we'll have any more cuts from the Brawl roster.

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It'd be a clever piece of foreshadowing on Sakurai's part, I was also wondering if that's true, perhaps the Zelda newcomer will be a Zelda Wii U character, given that the only noteworthy time between now and the release to show characters is E3, where Zelda U will probably be shown as well. Remember, Roy was put in to promote a future game, as well as the gekko in the Shadow Moses stage in Brawl. Perhaps the same could be said for Metroid. Nintendo also trademarked that "Codename S.T.E.A.M." title, and if they were hoping for that to be the next big thing, they might put a character from that potential project.

Edited by Knight
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Anyway, have you guys seen this image yet? People are theorizing from the Smash Bros. Direct that those random trophy quizzes pseudo-confirmed four (maybe six) characters.


Oh shit, totally did not know about this. That just shot me down big time. :c Me so slow. And darn it, I forgot about the fourth trophy...

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Serious talk now, I did consider that. When I first saw the Pseudo-Palutena and thought it was Palutena, for a split second I was disappointed because I figured it meant Palutena wouldn't be playable.

I wouldn't mind Ridley, but I still don't see how it would work.

I'd be fine with Demise, but not Ghirahim. Ghirahim is such a terribly stereotypical, comically evil villain. Might as well add Gangrel.

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Ghirahim plays a much larger role in Skyward Sword than Demise does though. Plus, it would be easy to give him a moveset since he uses all sorts of moves in the game. Swordplay with a katana, teleportation, sharp-looking projectiles, and also a zweihander. His Final Smash could be him in his third form using that zweihander.

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Here's an interesting video, a really in depth analysis of hidden stuff.

Edited by Knight
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The trophy foreshadowing is an interesting theory... ...but I think that's probably reading too much into it.

I'm thinkin' Black Knight would make a great antagonistic Assist Trophy, but we do have lots of ATs with swords already... Either way....?

Also, there is no way at this point Ghirahim will be playable. We already have 4 Zelda characters at this point, and it would be incredibly shortsighted to have Ghirahim replace Ganondorf as playable. Again, though, I think he's a noteworthy enough character to make a cool Assist Trophy.



...erm... you're trolling right? .__. It's hard for me to tell sometimes... Sorry...

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Serious talk now, I did consider that. When I first saw the Pseudo-Palutena and thought it was Palutena, for a split second I was disappointed because I figured it meant Palutena wouldn't be playable.

I wouldn't mind Ridley, but I still don't see how it would work.

I'd be fine with Demise, but not Ghirahim. Ghirahim is such a terribly stereotypical, comically evil villain. Might as well add Gangrel.

Yeah and we can watch him be an ass on 3d. XD

The trophy foreshadowing is an interesting theory... ...but I think that's probably reading too much into it.

I'm thinkin' Black Knight would make a great antagonistic Assist Trophy, but we do have lots of ATs with swords already... Either way....?

Also, there is no way at this point Ghirahim will be playable. We already have 4 Zelda characters at this point, and it would be incredibly shortsighted to have Ghirahim replace Ganondorf as playable. Again, though, I think he's a noteworthy enough character to make a cool Assist Trophy.

...erm... you're trolling right? .__. It's hard for me to tell sometimes... Sorry...

At least he should be that.

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The trophies are definitely cluing in or teasing at something.

Or maybe they aren't. Just a thought.

I don't see Ghirahim happening, but maybe that' just me.

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