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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Some gameplay videos of the Wii U Version

3DS Version gameplay

Why not any stocks?

Point games suck. xP

Ike hasn't been shown in action yet....but Palutena is good enough for now. I'm already too excited. XD

Edited by Bimbo
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Metroid deserves a second aswell ;_;

Samus + Zero Suit Samus = 2

You know what, im done, theres no way Meta Knight is gonna be in the new smash with all the new fighters coming

There's only been 8 new fighters. Brawl had 18 newcomers.

Meta Knight is fine.

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You know what, im done, theres no way Meta Knight is gonna be in the new smash with all the new fighters coming

I don't see a reason for him to be cut.

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What's wrong with Pauletina?

Apparently she's bitchy. I, for one, think she's pretty damn badass. Kid Icarus: Uprising kinda proved that to me awhile ago.

Yeah, I want some Ike too. Why is Sakurai ignoring him all of a sudden? :(

FFS. Sakurai's not a fangirl like you. He's not going to gush over Ike all the damn time. If you wonder why he's not in the demo, he's probably not coded yet.

Kinda the same reason the E 4 All demo of Brawl was missing a shitton of things.

Christ, Ike goes unmentioned for a short time and you're already upset.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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FFS. Sakurai's not a fangirl like you. He's not going to gush over Ike all the damn time. If you wonder why he's not in the demo, he's probably not coded yet.

Kinda the same reason the E 4 All demo of Brawl was missing a shitton of things.

Christ, Ike goes unmentioned for a short time and you're already upset.

Whoa, you're overreacting. I never said Ike should be in the demo, I didn't think he would be. I just thought we'd get a little footage of Ike in the E3 stuff because we hadn't gotten any yet. It's not so much about him being mentioned at all, it's gameplay footage rather than screenshots. Which we got none of for Ike so far.

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Lol, you know Refa is kidding AMIRITE :smug:

Regarding the Digital Event: 9/10. It was really awesome, so many good titles PREPARE YOUR WALLETS BECAUSE NINTY IS COMING

I was one of the main haters about the mii concept being introduced to SSB4, but I dunno what did Sakurai do or Iwata or Reggie, but I really loved the idea of the mii fighters. I'm really excited about them, the three fighters seem pretty interesting but ZOMGEFFINGGOD PALUTENA PALUTENA PALUTENA MADE IT. Though it was expected/10, the way they introduced her was so beautiful and gorgeous that I already want to use her and won't wait for the Wii U title and'll buy the 3ds one asap.

Apart from the awesomeness of SSB4, I'm quite concerned that Sakurai said the game's nearly done and the reléase date is on Oct 3rd, and they've revealed less tan 40 chars. I expect 1) more reveals or 2) chars kept hidden and unlockable. He said further info will be revealed but I CAN'T KEEP DA HYPE

Also, at what time is the SSB conferences/whatever? I'm at UTC -5h

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The biggest mystery is what Greninja is doing in this game. :P I mean, he's the best Kalos starter because of Protean, but is he that popular?

Ironically, even though he's a Dark type, I don't like him very much. Sometimes I like being a hipster and hating popular things, I guess.

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