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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Meh, board the platforms isn't different enough from break the targets to warrant a return imo, and break the targets is better.

What does need to return is unique break the targets stages for every character.

Which likely will be only for the 3DS.

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EDIT: Actually, Jave, I wouldn't care. Because they're entitled to their opinion. xP

this is one of the things that irritates me the most. People do have their rights, but always indirectly using their rights and your rights to your advantage when you clearly know that you're going to end up pissing someone off just makes those people come off as (insert no no word here).

To contribute to this thread, I've been listening to smash streams and it seems that Sheik has much less landing lag than other characters.

Edited by Comet
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Agree on character specific Break the Targets. I was disappointed that Brawl just went for a generic one.

Also I want to add in that I enjoyed Coin Launcher a lot more than the lottery system from Melee. It was meant to be a distraction from the main game, nothing too deep or too difficult. I hope the rate of finding new trophies is increased to make the random factor less annoying, or do some sort of trophy trade-in for your extras though.

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Like many have already said, Break the targets would be fine Melee style, adapted to every character moveset. Multiman will be back like always and Home Run is already confirmed, plus in 3DS there is that new smash run mode. Its already fine with me for that + Event Match and Special Matches , I dont like anything else. I never enjoyed the money thing xD

I seriously dont want Boss Battle again because it was pretty "stupid" in my opinion, Tabuu is random as *** and most of the bosses were the same except Rayquaza and Ridley (And we want this as the newcomer he deserves to be), or at least pretty easy in the end with certain characters. With Master Hand/Crazy Hand only is fine, thats the classic.

Race to the finish was fine too, considering Time was specific for every character and it was somewhat a challenge with certain characters, I even had to go SilentWolf wavedashing with some to get to the real end xDDDD, that was fun, I would like to see it again.

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Question: Is there a reason for the lack of subtitle for these games?

"For Wii U" and "for 3DS" are so stupid. Makes is sound like it's the N64 game for the specific console. >_> *complain*

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I don't know, maybe Sakurai wanted to be different this time. But why do people complain about the name so much? It's not like it makes the games utterly terrible or anything. It's a freaking NAME.

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Mmmm in my opinion its only because they havent decided the name yet and it will be revealed when the game is launched, regardless we already know the cover. Or thats what I thought, doesnt matter much anyways

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Pretty much everyone just calls both games SSB4, using "Wii U Version" or "3DS Version" if there's any reason to differentiate. "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U" and "Super Smash Bros. for 3DS" are pretty clumsy and awkward titles. Though, maybe they sound fine in Japanese or something (lots of Japanese titles, when translated word-for-word into English, tend not to sound very good. In fact, that happens a lot when titles are translated between any two very different languages).

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Mmmm in my opinion its only because they havent decided the name yet and it will be revealed when the game is launched, regardless we already know the cover. Or thats what I thought, doesnt matter much anyways

Sakurai already said that the current names are final.

And Quintessence, it's just that I've seen so many people complain about this already that it's starting to get annoying. Sakurai works SO hard on these games and people just go nitpicking at little details like this? They should be happy they're getting these awesome games at all.

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I don't know, maybe Sakurai wanted to be different this time. But why do people complain about the name so much? It's not like it makes the games utterly terrible or anything. It's a freaking NAME.

It makes it more identifiable. "Melee" and "Brawl" are simpler than "SSB64" and "SSB4" and it puts a better context to the game. Imagine if the next Zelda was just called "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" or something like that.

Mmmm in my opinion its only because they havent decided the name yet and it will be revealed when the game is launched, regardless we already know the cover. Or thats what I thought, doesnt matter much anyways

It's way too late for that. It was too late even before they revealed the covers for the games. If there would have been a special subtitle, it would have been announced at E3 2013.
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Pretty much everyone just calls both games SSB4, using "Wii U Version" or "3DS Version" if there's any reason to differentiate. "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U" and "Super Smash Bros. for 3DS" are pretty clumsy and awkward titles. Though, maybe they sound fine in Japanese or something (lots of Japanese titles, when translated word-for-word into English, tend not to sound very good. In fact, that happens a lot when titles are translated between any two very different languages).

大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Nintendo 3DS

大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ for Wii U

"Dairantou Sumasshu Burazaazu Foa Surii Di Essu"

"Dairantou Sumasshu Burazaazu Foa Wii Yuu"

Freaking awkward as hell in Japanese too.

They usually abbreviate it as スマブラ (Suma-bra) and specify which one. DX (Melee), X (Brawl), 3DS/U is appended to specify which one.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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It makes it more identifiable. "Melee" and "Brawl" are simpler than "SSB64" and "SSB4" and it puts a better context to the game. Imagine if the next Zelda was just called "The Legend of Zelda Wii U" or something like that.

Zelda isn't like Smash Bros. at all though. It's a series that actually has stories, so it NEEDS subtitles to differentiate them. Smash Bros. doesn't really have stories at all. Brawl's Subspace Emissary was the closest thing.

Fighting games like Smash usually never have subtitles. Look at games like Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, and Street Fighter. They're always just numbered. No subtitles. Sakurai just might have felt that he should follow that example and that subtitles really aren't necessary.

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Mortal Kombat Deception/Deadly Alliance/Armageddon/Shaolin Monks/Mythologies. (´・ω・`)

Don't forget them Street Fighter Alpha/Ex/Hyper/Turbo/World/Ultra/Arcade/New Generation/Super/Edition

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Super Smash Bros. Fo(u)r Wii U/3DS.

フォア (For)/(Four) in Katakana sound exactly the same.

...Mother of crap, the puns.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Suddenly? Didn't we all notice that a year ago?

I did. But everyone questioning it makes me wonder "Dude, do you even wordplay?"

Then again I was staying away from this thread because I thought I was going to be gone for 2 years.

Like away from the internet.

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Then again I was staying away from this thread because I thought I was going to be gone for 2 years.

Like away from the internet.

I wasn't speaking about you. Just about the discussion from prior. You're cool beans, SoC. :P

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