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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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^- All children from Awakening share birthday with one FE release.

About the Ike-Sacred Stones thing? Think both games were developing at the same time or something, in fact some people said "originaly" Ike game would have been the 8th but Sacred Stones came before in the end due Ike going for a new system, thus he became the 9th game. It may be a bit too "deep" but it could be possible xDDD. Regardless it was a big suprise for most of the fandom, because people was expecting this in Aprial due the birthday of the franchise or the birthday of the franchise in West (FE7 release).

Sakurai is a big troll and he either revelaled a character due a special reason like an HD game remake coming or a new game of the character or either because he "felt like it" so its ok xDDD.

Anyways Its funny how just a little few knew/were sure that Ike would come back in this smash, but now suddenly Ike is everyone´s favorite veteran figther, its ridiculous xDDD specially due the high amount of FE possers due FE13 fanservice

Ricken's not one of the children characters though. And not all of them have an FE-related birthday anyway, actually. Morgan's birthday is instead Children's Day in Japan. :P

But that's true, I did hear that both were in development at the same time. So that's something I guess. XD

And yeah, I know right? People still whine for Chrom, but Ike still has a very nice fanbase, which makes me happy. He deserves it for how awesome he is!

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Fire Emblem isn't one of the games Sakurai is most knowledgeable about

I'm really not surprised at all that he keeps missing all the FE-related dates in light of that lol. Hopefully Ike's FS will have blue flames though, yeah.

Was that ever really in question at all?

Who CARES if he misses the release dates?

Who gives a crap that a character was revealed on a specific day?

Who cares if he doesn't have the asthetics?

Would you really care about those things after you get your hands on the game?

I thought people would be just glad by the fact that Ike is in the damn game.

Give people an inch, and they take a mile.

@BANRYU: Not directed at you.

The only thing I take solace in when browsing this thread is that I know there are much more rabid Ike fans someplace else on the internet.

Edit: Does anyone else even bring up the FE release dates anymore? You know, besides the person with the most posts in this thread.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I AM glad Ike is in the game. :/

I never said I really CARED what day Ike was revealed on either. I just thought I'd point out that he actually WAS revealed on an FE release anniversary. I just wanted Ike at all, regardless of when Sakurai decided to reveal him.

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I AM glad Ike is in the game. :/

I never said I really CARED what day Ike was revealed on either. I just thought I'd point out that he actually WAS revealed on an FE release anniversary. I just wanted Ike at all, regardless of when Sakurai decided to reveal him.

Except now you're whining about ERMERGERD BLUE FIRE.

You're talking about the man who made a moveset for Captain Falcon out of nothing and gave Ness and Lucas PSI moves that aren't in their repertoire (Don't give me the bullshit about the "backstory" for Smash that Paula/Kumatora taught them those moves. That's called a copout in the form of "lore").

Sakurai doesn't give a shit about making the characters 1-for-1 to their games.

The only thing I take solace in when browsing this thread is that I know there are much more rabid Ike fans someplace else on the internet.

Dare I ask...?

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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And then their tears were delicious, people saying "Ike will be replaced by Chrom" and they even said thats what Ike did to Roy. I was tired already of arguing with these kind of possers who have absolutely no idea about the game or as well the characters (God I even saw people claiming Marth and Roy were siblings)

Ike was going to stay 100%, because not only he is popular as hell, but he has a unique moveset and Sakurai said from the beggining that he would keep all the original/not cloning movesets (Funny thing he then brought Cloon Link back lul).

And what now? Chrom is the clone, Chrom is a mix between Ike and Marth so if he makes it at smash plus considering Swordmaster Mii Figther has already a 100% original sword moveset Chrom (IF IT MAKES IT TO THE GAME) will be just another clone or mix, becasue I doubt hard there are many chances or posibilities to do with him. (Not only he is a Marth 2.0 + Ike wannabe in personality, but he uses Marth Sword and copies Ike´s Aether just LOL).

In fact now the people are scared about Chrom not making into the game, being replaced by Robin/Avatar (Who would make more sense and is more popular, plus free female skin like Fit Trainer) while they were the ones laughing about Ike leaving smash.

Take that :

xDDDD Edited by Volug Vanguard
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Except now you're whining about ERMERGERD BLUE FIRE.

You're talking about the man who made a moveset for Captain Falcon out of nothing and gave Ness and Lucas PSI moves that aren't in their repertoire (Don't give me the bullshit about the "backstory" for Smash that Paula/Kumatora taught them those moves. That's called a copout in the form of "lore").

Sakurai doesn't give a shit about making the characters 1-for-1 to their games.

Except I'm not whining at all. I only stated that I think it would make sense and that it would be awesome to see, not "I WANT BLUE FIRE IKE GIMME IT NOWWW! WAAH!"

And then their tears were delicious, people saying "Ike will be replaced by Chrom" and they even said thats what Ike did to Roy. I was tired already of arguing with these kind of possers who have absolutely no idea about the game or as well the characters (God I even saw people claiming Marth and Roy were siblings)

Ike was going to stay 100%, because not only he is popular as hell, but he has a unique moveset and Sakurai said from the beggining that he would keep all the original/not cloning movesets (Funny thing he then brought Cloon Link back lul).

And what now? Chrom is the clone, Chrom is a mix between Ike and Marth so if he makes it at smash plus considering Swordmaster Mii Figther has already a 100% original sword moveset Chrom (IF IT MAKES IT TO THE GAME) will be just another clone or mix, becasue I doubt hard there are many chances or posibilities to do with him. (Not only he is a Marth 2.0 + Ike wannabe in personality, but he uses Marth Sword and copies Ike´s Aether just LOL).

In fact now the people are scared about Chrom not making into the game, being replaced by Robin/Avatar (Who would make more sense and is more popular, plus free female skin like Fit Trainer) while they were the ones laughing about Ike leaving smash.

Take that :


Exactly my thoughts! I felt Ike was going to stay too, not only because of what you said, but also because he was a default character in the roster and they have NEVER been removed entirely. Pokemon Trainer could be debated as an exception, but since Charizard is back, a part of PT's roster is still in, so he and his team were technically not removed entirely.

Still, I had my fears that Ike would be cut due to time constraints as Roy was, not be cut for Chrom. But that didn't happen, so yay!

And I too laugh to myself at those Chrom-supporters. lol I agree Avatar/Robin would make more sense as far as unique playstyles and standing out from Ike and Marth goes.

I also laugh at the Roy fanboys because most of them have probably even never played his game. Some people even claimed he and Marth were brothers though? Wow. Just wow. They aren't even from the same CONTINENT. lol that's nuts.

They're all free to like Chrom and Roy, sure, but they shouldn't really go claiming certain things without doing a little research first. :P

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Except I'm not whining at all. I only stated that I think it would make sense and that it would be awesome to see, not "I WANT BLUE FIRE IKE GIMME IT NOWWW! WAAH!"

Exactly my thoughts! I felt Ike was going to stay too, not only because of what you said, but also because he was a default character in the roster and they have NEVER been removed entirely. Pokemon Trainer could be debated as an exception, but since Charizard is back, a part of PT's roster is still in, so he and his team were technically not removed entirely.

Still, I had my fears that Ike would be cut due to time constraints as Roy was, not be cut for Chrom. But that didn't happen, so yay!

And I too laugh to myself at those Chrom-supporters. lol I agree Avatar/Robin would make more sense as far as unique playstyles and standing out from Ike and Marth goes.

I also laugh at the Roy fanboys because most of them have probably even never played his game. Some people even claimed he and Marth were brothers though? Wow. Just wow. They aren't even from the same CONTINENT. lol that's nuts.

They're all free to like Chrom and Roy, sure, but they shouldn't really go claiming certain things without doing a little research first. :P

And you've been doing it for so long that it is starting to piss people off. To give an indication, the first time you said you would've liked it/had it as an idea (or anything of the sort) was on page 338, that's almost a hundred pages ago.




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Whoa, sorry. Geez, you don't need to yell in my face about it. I didn't know I had mentioned it that much. I CAN mistakenly forget that I ever brought it up at all, you know.

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Apparently I do need to, because otherwise, you might mistakingly forget. Thanks for the apology though, appreciate it. =]

Moving on, I hope we'll get to know a bit more about the music for the wii u version soon, 3DS has two songs per stage off, but I'm curious if there has also been a set number of tracks made for every U stage. Or do some get more than others?

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didn't know you were sakurai and had absolutely certainty over characters, too

I amnot Sakurai and I can assure you 100% Mario will never leave Smash.

Seriously, whats the point of that argument xDDD? In fact I was 100% sure because what Sakurai himself said, of course I dont have any kind of powers xDDD, but if he says "Im planning to keep all original/unique movesets and I want to change or delete the clonic ones, because I think the game looses diversity when some characters have similar moves". So why should I not believe this as "Ike stays" when he matches those requirements? That simple

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I amnot Sakurai and I can assure you 100% Mario will never leave Smash.

Seriously, whats the point of that argument xDDD? In fact I was 100% sure because what Sakurai himself said, of course I dont have any kind of powers xDDD, but if he says "Im planning to keep all original/unique movesets and I want to change or delete the clonic ones, because I think the game looses diversity when some characters have similar moves". So why should I not believe this as "Ike stays" when he matches those requirements? That simple

So are you saying that all characters that weren't clones in Brawl will be returning? Snake, ROB, Ice Climbers, etc?

Sakurai's usually vague and I really don't think there's any worth in trying to follow his thought patterns.

But of course you would jump out after Ike has been confirmed and say "lol i told u so" when if Ike was never confirmed you wouldn't have said anything. We weren't sure Ike was returning, I didn't think he was certain to return, turns out he is, I was wrong, I'll admit it.

Edited by Tryhard
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So are you saying that all characters that weren't clones in Brawl will be returning? Snake, ROB, Ice Climbers, etc?

Sakurai's usually vague and I really don't think there's any worth in trying to follow his thought patterns.

But of course you would jump out after Ike has been confirmed and say "lol i told u so" when if Ike was never confirmed you wouldn't have said anything. We weren't sure Ike was returning, I didn't think he was certain to return, turns out he is, I was wrong, I'll admit it.

Snake isnt coming back because he was a guest character/third party and because Kojima stated that he didnt talk about it with Sakurai. He wont probably come back, but he could. Regardless this is a different case.

Ice Climbers were stated to come back, the only problem was 3DS was getting lag issues (4 players selecting Ice Climbers) and as it seems that was fixed, they are coming back. Plus we even saw Polar Bears and Topis, enemies from the Ice Climber game, so they are "definetely" coming back.

ROB is probably coming back as well, due he has been even portrayed again in that camera-shoot game presented in the E3 some days ago. He could have not returned, because he wasnt very popular and he was a "classic videogame history" character and we got already Game and Watch, but this will be seen.

And yes, Sakurai is vague and specially he TROLLS a lot (Saying he didnt want clones and then he brought Toon Link as a PURE CLONE), but regardless of that the most probably thing is that Ike was coming back due what he said about the moveset. You didnt think Ike was coming back? Why? What are your reasons? Let me guess "Ike took Roy´s place, so Chrom takes his" or "There is just going to be 2 FE characters, Marth because he is the first one and the last one, who is now Chrom" anything else? What else? Absolutely no reasons why you should think Ike stays out, really, there isnt any single one.

And the funny thing is there were TONS of reasons for he staying, like high popularity, high importance even for the developers of FE saga (Ike has 2 games, Ike is designed again in Awakening, PRIAM EXISTS JUST FOR IKE "fanservice", and SMT X FE portraits Ike again), unique moveset and indeed the most popular veteran in the series that came back to Smash. Ike is just important/cool/popular and unique in the game, he doesnt have any reason why you should initialy think he is going out, like you could think about the Melee ones who got out for being clones.

Its your problem if you think I am just acting "cool" now saying "Oh yeah Ike is back, I told you", but its not my problem if you thought for once he was leaving, I was sure all the time because I simply had no reasons to believe he was going out, and the reasons the possers/casuals/Ike haters/rest of people that thought he wasnt coming back, have no sense or base at all

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I do admit that I heard a rumor a loooong time ago said that Snake, ROB, and Pokemon Trainer would be the only cuts. And it still holds true so far. Neither of the first two have been confirmed and we know Pokemon Trainer is out because of the elimination of non-Final Smash transformations and the fact that Charizard is back but in his own slot.

So it just might be legit.

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Toon Link is not a pure clone at all.

Actually he is, his moveset is exactly the same the original Link has, except the "design" that its more childish. Obviously the effects/%/range/etc and that is different, but the animations are almost the same in all attacks, Toon Link is a clone, the same Young Link was to Link in Melee or Falco was to Fox in Melee etc. And its sad, because there are a lot of items he could use and be different, he could use the Deku Leaf for example as a recovery, but he is just "Link" in a different but same animations. He isnt a 100% clone, but pretty much


About the rumoor; the leak that people is believing hard now (Because it has proven to be right all the time and it started one year ago even before the game was announced at the E3) basically says this:

-All characters from Brawl come back, except Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle and Lucas (Lucas out due the series is dead and Ness is a veteran so he stays)

-The newcomers that remain are Chrom, Shulk and... CHORUS MEN

And that was basically the thing many people is believing today. Personaly I dont believe in this thing and I Sakurai will do whatever he wants. In fact I hope Ridley comes as a playable character after his trolling and suffering he is causing xD, and also other things like Isaac or K.K Rool as they were demanded for a long time.

Many people also believe the "Trophy theory", which was "proved" with Palutena (Who was a no big suprise considering Sakurai resurrected Kid Icarus xD) and would remain one Zelda newcomer, one FE newcomer and one Metroid Newcomer (Supossdely Girahim, Chrom and Ridley)

Anyways, everybody is free to believe what they want to believe, but the "non coming back" ones have explanation and its logical.

Charizard comes because he is the most popular Pokemon in history and he has even got it again now with the 2 mega evos, specially the X one main character in the famous Pokemon Origins and the other OVA. Squirtle and Ivysaur stay out because the idea of Pokemon Trainer got away in the end, but Sakurai already stated that "Pokemon in smash = Popularity", he will simply see what pokemon is the most popular atm and he will introduce it in the smash series, in fact Gamefreak told him even before the game came out that Greninja would be suitable for smash (As he stated in the E3) and in the end as you can see Greninja is in the game and its the most popular starter in Gen 6 (And Fenekkin who was the most popular 1st form starter is a pokeball along chespin).

Regardless Mewtwo hopes are still there due the popularity he has and the 2 megaforms, but like always "Its just Sakurai" he will do what he wants and we will give him our money xD

Edited by Volug Vanguard
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I would love for Ghirahim to be in, but I think Vaati would be chosen first for a Zelda newcomer. He's a more recurring villain and has a larger role in the series as a result. He's my most wanted Zelda newcomer anyway lol.

Also, Charizard isn't the most popular Pokemon, that'd be Pikachu. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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The "just assume everybody's coming back until both the games actually get released, or until clear and explicit official statement to the contrary" POV has plenty of comfy room, you guys

(and talking about who won't be in the roster is, speaking only for myself, my least favorite part of the buildup to any smash game)

(in general, smash seems to be one of those games where during the buildup to release, people talk and get hyped less about the actual gameplay than the roster)

(I myself enjoy fantasizing about what Super Punch-out!! characters are going to make it in would be awesome to play as much as the next weirdo who's played more Punch-Out than they have most big Nintendo franchises reasonable and well-represented guy, but come on man that still seems a bit on the bass-ackwards side)

(he shouted for the dozenth time at storm clouds)

Edited by Rehab
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Actually he is, his moveset is exactly the same the original Link has, except the "design" that its more childish. Obviously the effects/%/range/etc and that is different, but the animations are almost the same in all attacks, Toon Link is a clone, the same Young Link was to Link in Melee or Falco was to Fox in Melee etc. And its sad, because there are a lot of items he could use and be different, he could use the Deku Leaf for example as a recovery, but he is just "Link" in a different but same animations. He isnt a 100% clone, but pretty much

Toon Link is a semi-clone. He looks similar, but he plays much different. He's really not comparable to Young Link or Melee!Falco.

Charizard comes because he is the most popular Pokemon in history


An electric mouse would like a word with you.

Also, I want Ghirahim in about as much as I want Chrom in (which is "stay the fuck away"). One-off villains are terrible choices. If a Zelda newcomer is in, I think Impa is the best choice at this rate.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Well, if Vaati got in, we'd have both variations of Link as well as both of their main enemies. Ganondorf for older Link, and Vaati for Toon Link. Ganondorf is mostly fought by older Link, whereas Toon Link fought Vaati in like half the games he's in. I also really like this idea.

As for Impa, wouldn't she play similarly to Sheik?

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You may not believe that lol, but actually Charizard is the most favourite pokemon in the series, he was stated by that in many of the contests and quizes they did ( I simply put that the same to popularity, maybe I was wrong but its just really Charizard-Pikachu have equal popularity among the players if you ask me, maybe more Pikachu to the no gamers of the series tho). Similar thing happened to Rayquaza and thats how he got V-Create, but Charizard was without a doubt the favourite gen 1 pokemon and starter in all the series and that kept going, getting 2 mega evos and no else pokemon but Mewtwo (Who is also one of the favourites and the strongest pokemon) share that trait. Plus Pikachu is already in the game xD so Charizard would come to second, and he got a burst in popularity and specially usage after the 2 megaforms were revealed and now they are all day in the OU metagame and most of the teams.

About the trophy thing? I would like

Zelda newcomer: Either Girahim or Vaati, but just give me a new moveset Ganondorf and not a Falcon clone

Metroid: RIDLEY

Fire Emblem: Considering the only choice is FE13; Robin

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