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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I don't think Vaati stands much of a chance.

If there were another villain from the Zelda series to be playable in Smash Bros., it would probably be him. Problem is, he's not nearly as iconic as Ganon, and just hasn't been used nearly enough. And no, Toon Link does not fight him in Toon Link's games; Vaati only appeared in Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, and Minish Cap, whereas Toon Link is primarily based off Windwaker, where he fought Ganondorf (Toon Link was also used in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, among potential others depending on which Links you consider "Toon Link").

I'm pretty certain Sakurai could differentiate Impa from Sheik. In particular, I think she'd be heavier.

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Well yeah xDD. Avatar is unique/original unlike Chrom, magic and sword moveset in one character? Sounds nice and non that repetitive. Plus I believe Avatar is the real main character of the game, and I would choose him over than Chrom anyday xDDD.

But being objective, he is unique, Chrom would be somewhat a clon or a mix or certainly is far less original than what Avatar could ever be in the game.

Avatar is also the most popular character if I amnot mistaken (Either way he suprasses Chrom in all quizes) and well "You are him/her" so it even makes more sense xDDD (And then that Mii character came up owo).

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Snake isnt coming back because he was a guest character/third party and because Kojima stated that he didnt talk about it with Sakurai. He wont probably come back, but he could. Regardless this is a different case.

Ice Climbers were stated to come back, the only problem was 3DS was getting lag issues (4 players selecting Ice Climbers) and as it seems that was fixed, they are coming back. Plus we even saw Polar Bears and Topis, enemies from the Ice Climber game, so they are "definetely" coming back.

ROB is probably coming back as well, due he has been even portrayed again in that camera-shoot game presented in the E3 some days ago. He could have not returned, because he wasnt very popular and he was a "classic videogame history" character and we got already Game and Watch, but this will be seen.

And yes, Sakurai is vague and specially he TROLLS a lot (Saying he didnt want clones and then he brought Toon Link as a PURE CLONE), but regardless of that the most probably thing is that Ike was coming back due what he said about the moveset. You didnt think Ike was coming back? Why? What are your reasons? Let me guess "Ike took Roy´s place, so Chrom takes his" or "There is just going to be 2 FE characters, Marth because he is the first one and the last one, who is now Chrom" anything else? What else? Absolutely no reasons why you should think Ike stays out, really, there isnt any single one.

And the funny thing is there were TONS of reasons for he staying, like high popularity, high importance even for the developers of FE saga (Ike has 2 games, Ike is designed again in Awakening, PRIAM EXISTS JUST FOR IKE "fanservice", and SMT X FE portraits Ike again), unique moveset and indeed the most popular veteran in the series that came back to Smash. Ike is just important/cool/popular and unique in the game, he doesnt have any reason why you should initialy think he is going out, like you could think about the Melee ones who got out for being clones.

Its your problem if you think I am just acting "cool" now saying "Oh yeah Ike is back, I told you", but its not my problem if you thought for once he was leaving, I was sure all the time because I simply had no reasons to believe he was going out, and the reasons the possers/casuals/Ike haters/rest of people that thought he wasnt coming back, have no sense or base at all

A different case? Why should it be? Surely his statement implied it was for all characters who had unique movesets? Are you implying that Sakurai is WRONG?

The other two I can definitely see coming back, just examples, but you are saying probably for ROB which is different from certainty. But were Ice Climbers, Pit and ROB really that popular to begin with before they got placed in Brawl? This whole "importance" thing is something I've changed my mind on, because while I believe Ike is not that popular in terms of the FE series (his games sold like shit, for one, and he didn't start taking off until he was placed in brawl), I think many people have already said that Smash ain't a popularity contest, and that goes for both sides because I think importance plays a small role in characters now, honestly. I never said Ike was not going to be in this game and I was actually closer to being 50/50 about it, but I can't stand anyone who claims to be certain of characters not appearing or indeed appearing.

I have no desire to discuss subjective things.

I'm just gonna chill like Rehab now.

Edited by Tryhard
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I don't think Vaati stands much of a chance.

If there were another villain from the Zelda series to be playable in Smash Bros., it would probably be him. Problem is, he's not nearly as iconic as Ganon, and just hasn't been used nearly enough. And no, Toon Link does not fight him in Toon Link's games; Vaati only appeared in Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, and Minish Cap, whereas Toon Link is primarily based off Windwaker, where he fought Ganondorf (Toon Link was also used in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, among potential others depending on which Links you consider "Toon Link").

I'm pretty certain Sakurai could differentiate Impa from Sheik. In particular, I think she'd be heavier.

Uh, the Links in the Four Sword games use the same toony art style as Wind Waker. Also, Toon Link's palette swaps include Blue, Red, and Purple Link from those games, as well as Shadow Link who appeared in Four Swords Adventures. So I do consider all of the Four Sword Links to be Toon Links.

Volug Vanguard: Actually, both Chrom and Lucina surpass Avatar in popularity, at least in Japan. But Avatar is still very popular in her/his own right as well and Sakurai doesn't always choose the most popular character from a game/game series.

Edited by Anacybele
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I never said those weren't Toon Links. I said the SSB Toon Link is based off Windwaker. Proof:


(I even added an addendum for whatever other Links might be considered "Toon Link," so yeah)

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I KNOW he's based mostly off of the TWW Link. But like I said, he has palette swaps for the Four Sword Links, which means he's still representing them as well.

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Yeah Anacybele, but its true that Toon Link stands more for the Wind Waker series (Wind Waker-Phantom Hourglass-Spirit Tracks). You can see the stages and the "reason" why Toon Link came back was the HD release of Wind Waker. Plus he also uses the (I dont know how to say in english xD) that musical instrument for the wind, he uses it in taunts, he is definetely from the Wind Waker thing.

Vaati is the other villain in the series after Ganondorf, but Girahim was more unique, got more development and personality and its "unique" in the series. I would prefer him only because I can find any moveset easier for him than to Vaati who would be 100% magic.

But still I only care about Ganondorf, hopefully he recovers (as a skin at least) his Ocarina of Time look (Ocarina remake in 3D makes this happen) and with a brand new moveset pls

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If we got Chrom we would have the total of 6 swordfighters, those are 2 more compared to what we had in the previous game, and of course if no other swordfighter got in too but most people expect Shulk, who I think is a swordfighter.

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Thing is, Smash has FEW characters that use a lot of magic. Vaati would be a welcome addition since he uses all kinds of magic attacks as shown in Minish Cap. And if his normal form is the fighter, which I wouldn't doubt, his Final Smash can be his eyeball bat form from the other two Four Sword games.

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It's not enough to just be representing them. When it comes down to it, Toon Link is only fighting Vaati half the time, if that, and none of those are even the primary version of Toon Link we're getting, so describing him as "Toon Link's villain" isn't too accurate.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be opposed to Vaati being included (I'd be rather indifferent; mildly happy, as well, that it's not Ghirahim), I just think it's highly unlikely.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Uh, the Links in the Four Sword games use the same toony art style as Wind Waker. Also, Toon Link's palette swaps include Blue, Red, and Purple Link from those games, as well as Shadow Link who appeared in Four Swords Adventures. So I do consider all of the Four Sword Links to be Toon Links.

Volug Vanguard: Actually, both Chrom and Lucina surpass Avatar in popularity, at least in Japan. But Avatar is still very popular in her/his own right as well and Sakurai doesn't always choose the most popular character from a game/game series.

Just letting you know, regular Link gained the Four Swords purple colour too. It's really nice, I like it. Though I do think Toon Link better represents the Four Swords Links just because he's more vibrant and Capcom heavily borrowed elements from Wind Waker when they made Zelda games for Nintendo during that era (previously they borrowed from Link's Awakening).

And Toon Link only clones Link's B moves and FS, and even then the boomerangs are vastly different. Toon Link's aerials are NOTHING like playing regular Link.

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Yeah, and I really wish Capcom or even Nintendo themselves would make another Four Sword Zelda. I loved Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventures a lot. :( (haven't played Four Swords yet, though I did download the anniversary edition on my 3DS, so I'll be getting to it eventually)

And if Vaati got in, Four Sword Zelda might get some more love.

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If we got Chrom we would have the total of 6 swordfighters, those are 2 more compared to what we had in the previous game, and of course if no other swordfighter got in too but most people expect Shulk, who I think is a swordfighter.

Yeah, although it's possible his special moves could be magic focused.

I wouldn't mind Vaati, I think he'd be a great representation of handheld Zelda. Magical wind powers would be unique. The only problem is that he may not be as popular as other characters so I doubt he'd be added. I don't think there is another Zelda character popular enough that could be made into a fighter. (although I could be proven wrong)

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With how they showcased Impa in Hyrule warriors, and Impa being in a sizeable part of Skyward Sword I would give her the biggest chance of becoming the newest zelda rep.


Jave, have a cookie, that was brilliant

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Chrom is by far the most likely FE13 rep, and I'm actually starting to want him in the game more than Lucina because Chrom = Gematsu Leak and therefore Shulk. I have friends who weren't very excited for this game until I told them about the leak and that, if it's correct, Shulk will be in. Of course, despite the fact that Xenoblade is probably the best game on the Wii, it's still even more niche than Fire Emblem so there probably aren't that many people whose excitement for SSB4 hinges on the leak being true and Shulk being in. Also, if they keep Matthew Mercer as Chrom's voice (I know he says he didn't know anything about being in Smash, but he'd probably be under contract not to say if he was in or not, and also that interview was a long time ago so they might not have gotten the English voice cast involved yet), I have an excuse to talk about There Will Be Brawl.

Of course, Lucina's inclusion (as her own character. Not a Marth costume) would still be awesome, especially if Shulk gets in anyway. As for Avatar, I'd rather have Excellus as the Awakening rep than AvaSue.

And, concerning the Zelda series, I don't think either Vaati or Ghirahim is that likely. Ganondorf is THE iconic villain of the Zelda series. We're probably not going to get another Zelda villain ever, unless the next game goes as ridiculous with its roster size as one of those Dragonball Z fighting games. As for this game, I doubt we'll get a Zelda newcomer at all.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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I don't know if this was posted here already but we have all the alternate costumes/pallets available at E3:

Phazon Suit Samus!

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There's only 4 colours in the demo because that's the minimum they needed for the off-chance the demo players all picked the same character. We all know there's Wireframe Mac and he's not in the demo, so I guarantee we haven't seen every alternate. Otherwise I would miss b&w Kirby a whole lot.

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I demand a Hilda palette swap.

Also bonus points for invisible heroe's clothes and engineer's clothes for Toon Link.

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Yup, they probably showed a few costumes, not every character has the red/blue/green for team matches.

Specially considering you dont need to change costume now for team matches xDDD Still we will probably force that in tournaments in some cases, like it would be TERRIBLE if you were Red team vs Blue team and in the red team you were Standard Lucario or Sonic, that would be confusing xDDD

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Specially considering you dont need to change costume now for team matches xDDD Still we will probably force that in tournaments in some cases, like it would be TERRIBLE if you were Red team vs Blue team and in the red team you were Standard Lucario or Sonic, that would be confusing xDDD

Whoa really? I missed that for some reason, I prefer that idea rather than lame colored "uniforms". Though it makes sense for online, if that's the case.
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I don't know if this was posted here already but we have all the alternate costumes/pallets available at E3:

Either that's fake, or it's not actually ALL of the possible alternates, because Little Mac's wireframe palette isn't there and we know he's got it.

Also, no Fire Luigi is bullcrap. :(

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