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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Sakurai's Palutena comment was fake I thought.

Wow at first I thought this was gonna be fake, but... that's a lot of screenshots to fake. And the videos... wow.

Good for Shulk fans. From what I'm hearing though that DLC list is untrustworthy. This may be the final roster. Unless this build was from a looooooong time ago and they've since added some but I doubt that.

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Sakurai's Palutena comment was fake I thought.

Wow at first I thought this was gonna be fake, but... that's a lot of screenshots to fake. And the videos... wow.

Good for Shulk fans. From what I'm hearing though that DLC list is untrustworthy. This may be the final roster. Unless this build was from a looooooong time ago and they've since added some but I doubt that.

Apparently, as All-Star is not unlocked, they suggest there are characters missing in the leaked CSS, so there's a possibility for more newcomers, or returning people?

edit: there's more


Edited by Quintessence
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dat Tharja lol.

So much hate will commence.

The Esrb rates the game. Its only fitting some of the pictures are of possible religious content and more sexualized stuff

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People say those are the last characters but they exclude Ridley and K. Rool.

*waits for next direct/trialer*

If so many chars are to be revealed, Nintendo will just cluster a bunch of newcomers in a couple of vids, because I don't see them doing more than two directs/trailers, because release date is almost here.

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Also, Ike on the With Anyone button, yes plz. :D :wub:


Oh, also, if this shot is real, Ike has to be a default character again! Sakurai wouldn't put a secret character on a menu button, that just defeats the point of it. Unless you can customize the buttons' appearances, but that's kinda silly. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Tee hee I knew it was real. Known for about a month that it was (I've had some photographs about it for a month; Jedi can confirm this if you don't believe me).

Welcome Bowser Jr. and Shulk to the world of Smash Bros. Thanks for bringing Duck Hunt Dog with you too!

The All-Star mode thing is by far the biggest deal left. Turns out we don't have everyone unlocked... Hrm.

Edited by Doofina
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...well. regarding all these leaks, this is a lot to wrap my head around, and provide impressions and thoughts of.

The main thing I have to say right now is I hope Sakurai backed out on his "Wii U and 3DS rosters will be exactly the same" comment. I mean, cutting the Ice Climbers from both versions just because the 3DS couldn't handle it seems much more unreasonable than making them Wii U specific. And I still have to wonder about the polar bear being a 3DS Smash Run enemy if they're cut...

...on that note, that may give Lucas and Wolf (not Snake since I doubt they'd keep a 3rd party specific to one version) some hope for you supporters of them out there, but I'll admit myself that those 3 being Wii U specific are kind of slim.

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...well. regarding all these leaks, this is a lot to wrap my head around, and provide impressions and thoughts of.

The main thing I have to say right now is I hope Sakurai backed out on his "Wii U and 3DS rosters will be exactly the same" comment. I mean, cutting the Ice Climbers from both versions just because the 3DS couldn't handle it seems much more unreasonable than making them Wii U specific. And I still have to wonder about the polar bear being a 3DS Smash Run enemy if they're cut...

...on that note, that may give Lucas and Wolf (not Snake since I doubt they'd keep a 3rd party specific to one version) some hope for you supporters of them out there, but I'll admit myself that those 3 being Wii U specific are kind of slim.

If I'm not mistake, Lucas, Wolf, and Snake are slated to be DLC. Unless I'm thinking of a different leak.

Edit: ICs and Chorus Men are DLC too according to the leak.

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If I'm not mistake, Lucas, Wolf, and Snake are slated to be DLC. Unless I'm thinking of a different leak.

Edit: ICs and Chorus Men are DLC too according to the leak.

Snake I highly doubt it.

The DLC text leak that was posted was considered "do not trust at this point" from the guy who posted the pics as the Leaker didn't post that text.

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Snake I highly doubt it.

The DLC text leak that was posted was considered "do not trust at this point" from the guy who posted the pics as the Leaker didn't post that text.

I see.

I'll hold out hope to the bitter end for snake, even if he's DLC. I've never seen a good reason for him to be cut. Quite frankly there's no good reason to cut any of Brawl's roster IMO.

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It still astounds me how much people will buy into these leaks. I have no doubt that it'll be proven fake, just like the Gematsu leak, all in due time.

If it's just been around for a few pics, then it still IS kinda new. And I still think Sakurai is putting too much KI stuff in this game and not enough of certain other franchises.

Late, but

It's not new. We've known about everything shown today since E3.

that is the last KI:U stuff i'd complain about being in the game since it's a pretty neat mechanic from it


On the one hand, it DOES bother me that mechanics and ideas from other Nintendo games aren't being as strongly represented, (I'm still hoping for more puzzle-like boss battles a la Zelda and Metroid than the boring smack-it-till-it-dies Kirby bosses), but on the other hand, I guess you can only expect someone to go so far out of his area of expertise. Sakurai DOES have that habit of leaking shit from his recent games into the latest Smash Bros, but like Ulir says, as long as they're good ideas, what's the harm?

I can no longer participate in this thread due to the leaks, at least until the game comes out, don't want to spoil the entire thing for myself. Goodbye!

Despite any legit looking leaks... I only have wait a few weeks now anyway.
And so do you people, considering everyone and their mother will be looking at Smash Bros. spoilers from the Japanese 3DS version.

NOT ME LOL I'm with Knight on this one. Come September 13th I'll be going dark on most of the internet.

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Thing is, Banryu, this is A LOT of content to just go and fake. The videos, the fuck ton of screenshots, someone would have to have A LOT of time on their hands to make all of this. The shots have unique character models and stuff too. Besides, how do you hack a game that isn't out yet to make the videos showing Shulk and Bowser Jr.? You can't argue that it's just a Brawl hack, because these are 3DS videos.

I'm thinking these leaks are actually legit. They make Gematsu look like an amateur.

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I wonder what Shulk might want to do at Marth's fairing range

Show me the playstyles, Sakurai, I already got Mac and Fire Emblem you've done just about all I can reasonably expect you to do for me, the rest is just icing

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These leaks ARE legit. You can't just fake video evidence like that. If you still think all this is fake then you're obviously in denial.

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Not bad

I would find it hilarious if a potd/trailer was shown soon that completely debunked this entire leak

Kinda wish this whole thing didn't happen, though. Sakurai controlling the announcements gets me hyped so much more than leaks. Mind you, if it was debunked I'd be much more stoked for the game

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I see.

I'll hold out hope to the bitter end for snake, even if he's DLC. I've never seen a good reason for him to be cut. Quite frankly there's no good reason to cut any of Brawl's roster IMO.

I personally think snake's moveset would of worked well with a Nintendo War series characters but eh it's Sakurai.

It still astounds me how much people will buy into these leaks. I have no doubt that it'll be proven fake, just like the Gematsu leak, all in due time.

Sure the video seems to be a recorded offscreen of an ESRB workplace. Granted they aren't given the actual games themselves but they have to provide them the most graphical, suggestive and most intimidating content of images and footages for them to analyze before ratings can be added. They seem way too authentic to be considered fakes at this point.

Most fakes are either one or two screenshots and maybe some really bad photoshopped video editing. These ones are too good to be fakes.

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@Ana: That potd was the one on... was it Friday? It was late last week, I know that. They've just acknowledged the leak, is all

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These leaks ARE legit. You can't just fake video evidence like that. If you still think all this is fake then you're obviously in denial.

I'm sorry I wasn't aware you worked for Nintendo.

I remember people(myself included) said "there's no way you could guess Wii Fit Trainer" with the Gematsu leak. Then Chrom was deconfirmed.

People said the Palutena leak was foolproof, and there was no way it could've been a Photoshop or a fan model. Then she turned out to be in the game...with a different model.

There's nothing wrong with being sceptical about leaks. It may seem unlikely, but faking video evidence is possible. Difficult, but possible.

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