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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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You'd have to be extremely retarded to SD yourself on what is basically Final Destination...

As for this tourney thing, I'm going to decline and spend my time hiding in the "For Fun" section, where none of you guys will ever find me...

Well, I wouldn't say "retarded" but some newer players are more prone to accidents than others. Also on the actual competitive scene I doubt we will just stick with the FD version of stages.

I feel like a scrub compared to you guys...


I have legitimately never done a "wall tech up from near death bottom of the stage" before. This is my first time.

Is it bad I feel proud of myself?

Nah, you should be proud of yourself.

I thought three stock was the standard. Anything above that seems like way too much.

The main reasons that people are suggesting 2 stock is because of vectoring which is explained here: http://smashboards.com/threads/vectoring-the-replacement-to-directional-influence-in-smash-4.368780/

and the blast zones are farther away from the stages now.

Edited by Shulk
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I feel like a scrub compared to you guys...


I have legitimately never done a "wall tech up from near death bottom of the stage" before. This is my first time.

Is it bad I feel proud of myself?

No...? Thats actually pretty wiggy.

Hell, i was only really good with Melee. Pulling off cool moves in Brawl became a huge pain in the ass. I never did really adjust to Brawl's physics.

Also Robin's recovery...Is that Elwind?

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I have to say that I very much doubt that.

Why? Just because for Glory mode does it doesn't mean we have to restrict ourselves when it comes to actual competitive play. Regular Battlefield for example, is a perfectly tournament viable stage. In Melee we don't just restrict ourselves to Final Destination. We don't in Brawl either, but Brawl's competitive scene is kinda dead right now.

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Also Robin's recovery...Is that Elwind?

Yup. Robin's specials are Elwind (up B), Thunder/Elthunder/Arcthunder/Thoron (neutral B), Arcfire (side B), and Nosferatu (down B).

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I have to say that I very much doubt that.

You are an imbecile, one on one matches hardly ever just go FD its actually not even considered the most neutral stage, stop talking like you actually have knowledge on a subject.
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Yup. Robin's specials are Elwind (up B), Thunder/Elthunder/Arcthunder/Thoron (neutral B), Arcfire (side B), and Nosferatu (down B).

Eeeeheeeheee Thunder spam.

Yeah im really itching to try out Robin. Ungh this wait...its killing meeeeee

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Honestly, I don't think there ever IS any perfectly neutral stage. Characters have all sorts of different abilities and moves, so there will always be a stage where some characters do better than others.

Ike, for example, does well on stages with raised platforms because his sword goes right through them when he does Aether while his target can't touch him because he's below.

Characters with projectiles, such as Link, do better on completely flat stages because it's harder to dodge the projectiles.

Edited by Anacybele
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Honestly, I don't think there ever IS any perfectly neutral stage. Characters have all sorts of different abilities and moves, so there will always be a stage where some characters do better than others.

Ike, for example, does well on stages with raised platforms because his sword goes right through them when he does Aether while his target can't touch him because he's below.

Characters with projectiles, such as Link, do better on completely flat stages because it's harder to dodge the projectiles.

You are right, but stages such as Battlefield and Smashville are still a lot more "neutral" than most other stages in the game.

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Why? Just because for Glory mode does it doesn't mean we have to restrict ourselves when it comes to actual competitive play. Regular Battlefield for example, is a perfectly tournament viable stage. In Melee we don't just restrict ourselves to Final Destination. We don't in Brawl either, but Brawl's competitive scene is kinda dead right now.

Yeah, I'm totally going with this philosophy for the tournaments held here because Final Destination is so boring.

Ya'll are free to For Glory mode all you want though.

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Honestly, I don't think there ever IS any perfectly neutral stage. Characters have all sorts of different abilities and moves, so there will always be a stage where some characters do better than others.

Ike, for example, does well on stages with raised platforms because his sword goes right through them when he does Aether while his target can't touch him because he's below.

Characters with projectiles, such as Link, do better on completely flat stages because it's harder to dodge the projectiles.

Villager LOOOOOVES platforms. Timber and the Bowling Ball, mang. Hue~

Im cool with fighting on whatever stage as long as its not bullshit stages like Icicle Mountain, Mushroomy Kingdom, and other bullshit that scrolls. I hate scrolling stages SO GODDAMN MUCH :U


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I like Mushroomy Kingdom, but I never use Ike on it lol, it has to be his WORST stage. The reason is that he can actually KO himself in Great Aether because of the trenches in the ground. :P

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I have to say that I very much doubt that.

Final Destination is no longer even a starter stage in Project M because it's not neutral enough.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Honestly, I don't think there ever IS any perfectly neutral stage. Characters have all sorts of different abilities and moves, so there will always be a stage where some characters do better than others.

If there ever is to be a perfectly neutral stage, it's Smashville.

And all this is why the For Glory "FD form for every stage" crap is trying to appeal to tournament players while being blatantly ignorant of what they actually do.

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Final Destination is no longer even a starter stage in Project M because it's not neutral enough.

You don't know what you're talking about.

If there ever is to be a perfectly neutral stage, it's Smashville.

And all this is why the For Glory "FD form for every stage" crap is trying to appeal to tournament players while being blatantly ignorant of what they actually do.

Yeah. I think Sakurai honestly doesn't understand competitive play in Smash Bros when it comes to stage choices. (Although he at least realizes we don't want items) He's trying harder with the actual fighting than he did in Brawl though, so I do give him credit there.

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I like the idea of For Glory stages because im one of those that will try it out. Or like stages like Mushroomy Kingdom for the aesthetic and music, but hate the actual stage. For Glory, sadly, has no items. :/

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But isn't Smashville just like Final Destination?

I think I'd best leave it to a competitive Brawl player, but from what I remember back when I played Brawl (I still mess around with PM though) is that the platform above the stage makes a big difference.

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I believe prior to Brawl, the stage everyone believed to be the most balanced was Fountain of Dreams.

I'm fairly certain Smashville has it beaten (and it's the one stage Sakurai decides not to put in SSB3DS ._.) and it's likely due to the hovering platform that comes around. But I'm not well versed in competitive play much so I'm not a good source of information on the topic.

@KwehKweh: Little Mac is pretty bad on any stage with platforms from he looks of it (since his air game is so bad you can literally stand on a platform and he's at a disadvantage, or so I've heard).

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I'm down for tounaments :)

But yeah final destination is very very good for some characters (like falco or diddy) and very bad for others (like Shiek). There are no perfectly neutral stages obviously, but I would say things like battlefield and pokemon stadium 2 (pm version) is the closest. PM still uses FD as a starter choice and the new one is not final yet but I would agree that it shouldn't be on the starter picks, but a fine counter pick stage.

I would say 3 stocks but I haven't played it. I like 3 since I believe that is what they use in brawl and just in case you make a silly SD or something its not as bad as with 2. Melee uses 4 fyi but that is much faster and much easier to gimp people.

For stages at the beginning we could just agree on how we do it/what is selectable. Preferably ones with ways to die below and not just ones you can walk off stage.

Also the two tournaments could be cool, one more casual (item lolz anyone) and one more serious.

Also fountain of dreams is not balanced and I believe they are taking that one out as a pick for PM.

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Aren't projectiles too easy to avoid on stages with platforms like Battlefield/Smashville?

I heard somewhere that Little Mac is good on Final Destination but godawful on Battlefield.

It doesn't make projectiles too easy to avoid, but a projectile user will have to work harder to hit with them on Battlefield because of the platforms.

I'd imagine the platforms are why Little Mac is apparently awful on Battlefield. He's a close range fighter with a really bad air game, and characters can use the platforms for both spacing purposes and to force air combat. FD lacks those things, which is probably why is supposedly better on FD.

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