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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Oh, I'll use my Target gift card that I got from my aunt to buy her then. I like Rosalina. :)

So that means my Link will be joined by Luigi, Ike, Toon Link, and Rosalina now! I'll be making quite a collection. lol Also considering getting Duck Hunt Dog and Bowser Jr. when they come around.

Robin, I would, but considering that only the female Wii Fit Trainer and male Villager got a figure, I'm assuming that only male Robin will get a figure. I'd rather have female Robin even though I play male Robin (only because I like his alt colors and voice better).

Edited by Anacybele
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I think we're talking about pre-orders. It's possible to run out of stock in pre-orders...? It makes sense anyways. Rosalina is exclusive, as well as popular. No doubt she'd run out like that.

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Oh. It's true. I'm getting so fucking tired of this BS Nintendo. Rosalina better get in stock again or I will be mad.

Target is out of stock in a lot of the figures too. It's a good thing I already reserved Ike at GameStop.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh. It's true. I'm getting so fucking tired of this BS Nintendo. Rosalina better get in stock again or I will be mad.

Target is out of stock in a lot of the figures too. It's a good thing I already reserved Ike at GameStop.

Nintendo is at fault here because they are innovative and release a new idea, are cautious with supply because they do not know how great the demand will be, and run out of stock because they can't meet the initial demand. Nintendo is BS how because of this?

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Don't panic, Nintendo said to Game Informer and Polygon that it is likely some amiibos will be discontinued/won't have another production wave, but they will have the most popular always available (Mario, Link, Marth (?), etc.) so maybe Rosalina can be among this group. I've been hunting a Little Mac amiibo and it's been unavailable for weeks on amazon lol, rip.

Or I'll have to wait when Amiibos discover south america or something.

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Nintendo is at fault here because they are innovative and release a new idea, are cautious with supply because they do not know how great the demand will be, and run out of stock because they can't meet the initial demand. Nintendo is BS how because of this?

Nintendo is at fault because they keep discontinuing Amiibos that are clearly still in demand, like Marth, and now it seems that the same is happening with Rosalina. Also, Rosalina is obviously pretty popular. Why is she out of stock THIS fast?

Nintendo is right to be cautious, but they're being TOO cautious, if you ask me.

Edited by Anacybele
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The reason why Nintendo might be discontinuing amiibo production is, according to several sources (http://www.polygon.com/2014/12/11/7376027/amiibo-discontinued-nintendo-toys-figurines), shelf space constraints. If they don't bring up a solution they will have trouble releasing another wave of amiibos or supplying the most populars that are currently or will soon be in the market.

Edit: we'll just have to wait for newer responses from Nintendo and not make anticipated dramas about amiibos being out of stock. I hope they won't be so dumb to not solve this type of issue with the high demand these figurines are having.

Edited by Quintessence
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Well, that's what happens when they make the packaging so freaking big. The boxes could honestly hold two or three Amiibos. they're so huge.

I assume it's so that Dark Pit can have an amiibo and not have to use a different packaging to fit his Dark Pit Staff. That thing reaches out really far and makes him the widest character trophy in terms of length.
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It's so they can fit the inevitable Ridley ambio once he becomes DLC.

Still too big for smash. Charizard stole his slot so he can be the dragon character.

Speaking of Charizard, when the Charizard amiibo comes out, I think I'll get it, pick the purple color, and name it Ridleyzard.

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I assume it's so that Dark Pit can have an amiibo and not have to use a different packaging to fit his Dark Pit Staff. That thing reaches out really far and makes him the widest character trophy in terms of length.

I...really doubt that's the case. It's just protective packaging.

Rosalina was up and gone while I was asleep, and I will be hella mad if there's not another chance to get her.

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Is there an lucina amiibo because shed be a really great one to have.

Protip: Use Google.

Not yet. But she'll definitely get one.

I don't think she's great though.

Protip: That last line did not need to be added.
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