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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Oh so he stabbed the cartoon fatass version of Ganon in the head, great job. I could do that.

That ToonLink was terrible. I could probably do better and I've never used Toon Link except by mistake on random. I just SD'd that match.

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wait are we bringing smashboards' Link board to SF or what

also I was gonna say something about knife being hyperbolically negative but then I watched the vid myself

it was physically painful I stopped after the first stock

I take back what I didn't even say yet, knife; you have my apologies

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That ToonLink was terrible. I could probably do better and I've never used Toon Link except by mistake on random. I just SD'd that match.

Shit, I feel like even I could do better. That down air at the end was so dumb. I thought I would only see that kind of thing from For Glory spammers.
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Maybe this video will make you feel better.


wait it occurs to me

what did you mean by "feel better"

EDIT: whoops accidentally doubleposted, was looking at the wrong page

wow I am SO not voting for johnny bravo's monkey


never gonna give you up for the best tether recovery

also I tried out that tether jumping thing in uh[spoiler=this video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYcGaUeURE0


the platforms do need to be shaped exactly as the guy in the video shapes them, tho

Edited by Euklyd
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Nightmare, March 7, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Nightmare, March 7, 2015 - No reason given

EDIT: shit didn't mean to doublepost

Edited by Euklyd
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also I tried out that tether jumping thing in uh[spoiler=this video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYcGaUeURE0


the platforms do need to be shaped exactly as the guy in the video shapes them, tho

Ha this reminded me of the whip in Castlevania IV oddly enough. To be honest I'm still suprised Nintendo hasn't contacted Konami yet about getting Simon Belmont in.

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I've wanted Simon Belmont in Smash 4 since it was announced. Oh well. Maybe in Smash 5.

And he'd come in with something like THIS

Also yeah those Toon Link shenanigans are quite interesting.

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Also yeah those Toon Link shenanigans are quite interesting.

I tested it; it works with Link, Samus, and ZSS as well.

ZSS has the best time of it imo because she can tether behind her as well.

No, you do not want the Link smashboards to come over here. They scare even me, but cool people.

yes I agree completely

it was entirely about the tink negativity

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I've finally received my Smash Bros. Promo CD, and will be listening to it when I have the time (which is hopefully later today).

Mine hasn't even been shipped, yet. =<

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:Swag from the Smash event at Best Buy / ramshackle Tourney:

don't mind the arrows
[6:35:22 PM] Elieson: in the pix mix
[6:35:48 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqVZg/fa1c9b253a.jpg
[6:36:03 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqW0P/50e0661316.jpg
[6:36:18 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqW2i/863030c3c2.jpg
[6:36:44 PM | Edited 6:37:27 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqW6H/f354665ef3.jpg: This has glitter in the artwork on the sides, it looks cute as hell
[6:37:41 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqW8z/1a852a61df.jpg
[6:37:52 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqW9F/6acf255c98.jpg
[6:38:07 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqWas/0f62139c01.jpg
[6:38:17 PM] Elieson: http://puu.sh/gqWbd/9d008da41b.jpg
[spoiler=Photos of the links above]


The nintendo rep forgot to update Smash to the latest, so I ended up doing it lol. She couldn't figure out why there was no Amiibo compatability. It was hi-larious.
Edited by Sara.
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:Swag from the Smash event at Best Buy / ramshackle Tourney:


The nintendo rep forgot to update Smash to the latest, so I ended up doing it lol. She couldn't figure out why there was no Amiibo compatability. It was hi-larious.

Nintendo Reps man. It's cute when even they encounter technical difficulties. Those pins are the same ones I got during the best buy invitational unfortunately my white one is starting to rust so the sides are bleaking brown right now.

Edited by kingddd
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Mine hasn't even been shipped, yet. =<

I got no e-mail confirming mine was shipped, and I got mine in the mail today. Happened to my friend in Portugal, too. Rather odd. He was a bit annoyed about the quality of his case (something around a few scratches, iirc). Mine's in immaculate condition, thankfully

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I got no e-mail confirming mine was shipped, and I got mine in the mail today. Happened to my friend in Portugal, too. Rather odd. He was a bit annoyed about the quality of his case (something around a few scratches, iirc). Mine's in immaculate condition, thankfully

This is only outside the U.S. though, right?

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I wish I would get something about my Soundtrack arriving.

Getting jealous seeing that people are getting it and I haven't gotten anything about it being shipped.

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I got an email yesterday saying that my Soundtrack CDs have shipped. I think they should come in sometime during the coming week.

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i can't wait to download it

you do know that a complete rip was posted like, in december, right
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