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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Because I've got no notification from them yet. Europe already has theirs and aren't looking at any Youtube vids of him yet since most of us don't have him yet.

Europe does not have Mewtwo yet. There are no YT vids of SSB4 Mewtwo because he isn't released yet - anywhere. If there are, they are from developers/testers who have access to him.

When he is finally released, I have no doubt that he will be released worldwide at the same time in a single update.

Edited by Raven
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In this day and age any leaked developer footage would spread like wildfire; I can't imagine that any exists at this time.

And given that maintaining cross-region online compatibility seems very important to the big N, I'd definitely agree that any release would be simultaneous.

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Genuinely curious how you (Puff) thought Mewtwo was released in Europe already.

Unless you were actually talking about something else, in which case you can simply disregard everything I've said.

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I wonder how many songs there are in the Wii U version of SSB4... Also, does Mew always drop a CD assuming there are still CDs left to pick up?

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I wonder how many songs there are in the Wii U version of SSB4... Also, does Mew always drop a CD assuming there are still CDs left to pick up?

hold on let me check itunes

I count 468

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I wonder how many songs there are in the Wii U version of SSB4... Also, does Mew always drop a CD assuming there are still CDs left to pick up?

No. I've encountered 5 Mews and they gave me jack and this was before I got majority of the CDs. You're better off actually farming the CDs in Crazy Orders using the Homerun Bat Custom Character trick assuming you have the 3DS version to transfer those equipments.

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hold on let me check itunes

I count 468

Holy crap that's a lot. How many do these amazing CDs have?

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Holy crap that's a lot. How many do these amazing CDs have?

72 iirc

36 from each game

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72 iirc

36 from each game

This is including the CDs from challenges, right? And the "36 from each game" part is referring to the songs used in the 3DS version, right? Or do you mean something else?

Edited by Levant Caprice
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This is including the CDs from challenges, right? And the "36 from each game" part is referring to the songs used in the 3DS version, right? Or do you mean something else?

I thought he was asking about the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U Official Soundtrack CDs, which is a set of two CDs of 36 tracks each; one disc for 3DS tracks, one for Wii U.

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I thought he was asking about the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U Official Soundtrack CDs, which is a set of two CDs of 36 tracks each; one disc for 3DS tracks, one for Wii U.

Okay. Anyways, 468 tunes in the game? Wow.

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Okay. Anyways, 468 tunes in the game? Wow.

well I mean

that's basically just an estimate from the game soundtrack rip I have (and I'm not counting the announcer tracks or victory jingles or SFX or anything)

I'm not actually sure how many tracks there are "officially"

but yes I agree it is like

w o w that's a lot of songs

So when is the 1.05 patch hitting the Wii U? I would really like the ability to Hylian shield Falco's laser on a good console.

doesn't luma still behave differently between the two versions when rosalina is grabbed? I thought there were alrady significant differences that weren't getting patched Edited by Euklyd
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So, yesterday, I got my Ike Amiibo, my Smash Soundtrack, AND my second replacement copy for Smash Wii U just about delivered together. And the replacement disk actually works this time.

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The link mentions that Takamaru was considered to be a playable character, but the idea was rejected due to lack of familiarity. There's an 105-minute video in the link as well, which I'm guessing is where the information comes from (it's in Japanese, so I don't understand it)

Edited by DodgeDusk
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The link mentions that Takamaru was considered to be a playable character, but the idea was rejected due to lack of familiarity. There's an 105-minute video in the link as well, which I'm guessing is where the information comes from (it's in Japanese, so I don't understand it)

"Lack of familiarity" didn't stop the Ice Climbers appearing in Melee.

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it certainly wasn't enough to keep them in though

They were cut for technical reasons, and because Sakurai wanted both versions to have the same roster. If the Wii U version was the only one, the Ice Climbers would probably have stayed on the roster.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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"Lack of familiarity" didn't stop the Ice Climbers appearing in Melee.

Sakurai wanted a character from the NES era to represent the NES in Melee. Out of a list of possible contenders, he ultimately chose Ice Climbers, thinking they would fit best. I don't think familiarity played that much of a factor when choosing a character to represent the NES area, if at all. The "two-in-one" archetype may have also increased their chances, but I can't say that for definite

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Huh, I wonder if Randoman knows about that Takamaru bit... (he really wanted Takamaru to be playable).

On another topic, I found a cool Smash meme a little while ago and used it. ^^


I can also link the blank meme if anyone else is interested in using it. :)

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it certainly wasn't enough to keep them in though

Sakurai wants both rosters (Wii U and 3DS) to be identical. 3DS could not handle Ice Climbers (I assume 1 was fine, but a game with 4 Ice Climbers would cause massive slowdown or even a crash) so the character was cut from both. It's got nothing to do with "lack of familiarity" - they would still be here if the 3DS could handle it.

This is also the reason why Mewtwo is being released on both 3DS and Wii U versions - so that both rosters remain identical.

I feel as though I've explained this to you before.

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Huh, I wonder if Randoman knows about that Takamaru bit... (he really wanted Takamaru to be playable).

On another topic, I found a cool Smash meme a little while ago and used it. ^^


I can also link the blank meme if anyone else is interested in using it. :)

how is it possible for lucina to be overrated

it's literally impossible to move her down further on the tier list

also elincia is barely in smash

she's what, a sticker? trophy?

[spoiler=also, meme'd]smashcontroversy.gif


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So us in Eastern Washington after having a tourney with custom moves are currently debating their viability. Quite the interesting topic, no one has started yelling yet, Jamntoast and I are firmly on the viable and won't be janky or gimmicky after people understand them. A good chunk seem to agree with that, others are frustrated with the fact they didn't know what most of the moves did and that it changes the meta too much, however I've convinced some that if we state the custom set before a match it could be better.

Some however see them as a total not fun alternative to vanilla (this camp is spearheaded by Robotnik a Yoshi/Wario Player)

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