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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Best Congratulations screen ever.


Dayum. Always knew Robin and Leon had the same face.

What does their All-Star clear image look like?

The 3DS classic mode one is pretty bland: it's M!Corrin on Arena Ferox taunting with transformed F!Corrin right behind him, positioned as if he just dismounted a dragon.

The All-Star mode screen is better: M!Corrin crouching on the Nintendogs stage while having taken a mega mushroom, while Yoshi, Kirby and I believe someone else flee.

I'll put up pics later today.

Edited by The DanMan
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Bayonetta's going to get nerfed next patch, if only so that 0-death combos aren't a thing.

It's frustrating that the scenario I predicted pretty much happened with her.

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Bayonetta's going to get nerfed next patch, if only so that 0-death combos aren't a thing.

It's frustrating that the scenario I predicted pretty much happened with her.

Peach's 0-death combos haven't been patched yet, so I doubt Bayo's will either, also we haven't seen them used in tournament play yet. DI might play a role.

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Zss 2

I've been saying it since the trailers. Eh

Corrins usmash is the most embarrassing smash attack ever, my god

Mac nerfs on uthrow and dthrow are super lame. His D/U throw into UpB or even daie combos are so much harder to pull off now. The dsmash angle really stood out to me last night as an issue since it is technically less knockback. The % buffs are neat at least.

Corn ftilt and dtilt feel really slow to come out. I like the reach of his/her long lanky Kong arms and Yato but still feels weird Landing them without getting shielded.

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Peach's 0-death combos haven't been patched yet, so I doubt Bayo's will either, also we haven't seen them used in tournament play yet. DI might play a role.

Those are tricky, and are on a character with fewer options than Bayonetta.

Plus, the dev team probably will be on the lookout for things like this with newly released characters.

Really, I would've preferred no new 3rd-party characters in Smash 4 (or at least not made the way they are); all the DLC ones are high-top tier easily, while the 1st party ones sit around as middle of the road.

ZeRo said it best when talking about Bayonetta "(she) doesn't feel like a Smash character". I would much sooner have comparatively straight-forward, middle-of-the-road fighters that feel like they belong in Smash over fighters with unique gimmicks that are virtually designed to be better than most of the cast. As is, it feels like that was done to motivate people to buy them, with proper balancing being a secondary concern.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not WiiFolderJosh-ing it here and hating on the characters as characters; I'm really just concerned from a gameplay perspective and balancing standpoint.

What if Cloud didn't have the limit gauge and was a bit slower overall to compensate for his power and range? What if Ryu and Bayonetta actually played like Smash characters and weren't designed to have combos coming out the wazoo?

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Really, I would've preferred no new 3rd-party characters in Smash 4 (or at least not made the way they are); all the DLC ones are high-top tier easily, while the 1st party ones sit around as middle of the road.

I had an opinion once, it was pretty fun.

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I had an opinion once, it was pretty fun.

I know you're probably tired of me bellyaching about this, but I'm coming from a purely gameplay and balancing standpoint. Did you even look at the rest of my post?

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I know you're probably tired of me bellyaching about this, but I'm coming from a purely gameplay and balancing standpoint. Did you even look at the rest of my post?

I did, but there's nothing really worth responding to.

As someone who helped Brawl+, I can say balance isn't about having a homogeneous cast. Out of the DLC characters, Ryu is pretty good, Cloud is fairly decent, Roy and Lucas are mediocre and Mewtwo's fairly questionable. That's a pretty good spread to be honest. Whilst the DLC characters are pretty wacky, the same can be said for the likes of Shulk, Villager and Rosalina... as well as Ivysaur, Snake and the Ice Climbers in previous games.

Smash has evolved to have a fairly diverse cast, some who are better than others. You're completely entitled to your own opinion, but you need to take a look at the bigger picture before jumping at the DLC characters. They're different, but it doesn't mean you need to get your pitchfork ready.

Besides, people realised most DLC characters weren't as good as they initially thought. Go have a cookie, I hope you've got better things to do than complain about Smash!

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I did, but there's nothing really worth responding to.

As someone who helped Brawl+, I can say balance isn't about having a homogeneous cast. Out of the DLC characters, Ryu is pretty good, Cloud is fairly decent, Roy and Lucas are mediocre and Mewtwo's fairly questionable. That's a pretty good spread to be honest. Whilst the DLC characters are pretty wacky, the same can be said for the likes of Shulk, Villager and Rosalina... as well as Ivysaur, Snake and the Ice Climbers in previous games.

Smash has evolved to have a fairly diverse cast, some who are better than others. You're completely entitled to your own opinion, but you need to take a look at the bigger picture before jumping at the DLC characters. They're different, but it doesn't mean you need to get your pitchfork ready.

Besides, people realised most DLC characters weren't as good as they initially thought. Go have a cookie, I hope you've got better things to do than complain about Smash!

Which can be more trusted to be able to balance a large and varied cast: a modding team who keeps close ties with their community, or a large company just in it for the money? (And Roy's viability is still pretty up in the air, due to few people having actually used him since his release.)

I do have issues with characters like Zelda and Jigglypuff sucking, or Shiek and ZSS having crazy combos and the shenanigans Rosalina and Luma can do. The base game is far from perfectly balanced (and that's part of the reason why I think adding powerful, diverse DLC characters doesn't help anything). I've talked about DLC characters in this thread because that's generally what the topic on hand has been.

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Bat Within activates on air dodges and spot dodges on frame one (not sure when it activates on rolls). Makes her really difficult to juggle which is nice because she's a decent sized target.

Witch Twist OOS is so good too because it's a brilliant way to start a combo. It's a frame 4 move too.

Her frame data is kinda meh like Jedi was referring to a few days ago. Jab is frame 9 and her fastest ground move is frame 7. She'll need to use Bat Within to grab the advantage again because she's not great in the disadvantage.

Really think she's a top 5 character though.

Edited by Scrub Lord Doof
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Check the credits?!?

The male English Voice Actor is Cam Clarke. A lot of people guessed it right (unless he announced it beforehand and I didn't catch it). Damn, I haven't heard from him in a while. The last time I heard of him, he was Kratos in Tales of Symphonia!

Time to only use the blue alt for Leonardo

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"if you need help talking to a lady, ask your mum"

said when fighting Samus/Lucas

And every single FE rep. And Cloud. And Mewtwo. I'm probably missing someone else.

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I knew she would be good. I think second best DLC after Ryu. Not as braindead as Cloud. Enough said about her.

As for Corrin, he has some pretty big flaws.

The bad:

His air speed is pretty bad, making horizontal strings hard. Its pretty obvious he was designed to be a primarily vertical killer with fair comboing into up b and a strong uair (comparing this to prepatch Diddy uair is dumb though, there is no grab setup into it and it has more startup/endlag). His edge guard potential is also pretty low, especially when opponent elect to recover low. All he has to horizontally knock away in the air are RAR Bair and side b. I mean you can try to hit them with side b, but he can't really go too deep because of his semi-bad recovery distance. The recovery itself is pretty safe and has good protection, though I was able to counter it with Marth and eventually gimp. No grab combos hurt him when playing against shields.

Good stuff he has is range in smashes, which are also pretty strong with tipper and not even that slow (other than his usmash). Side b is really strong (though a bit gimmicky), but unfortunately doesn't pierce shield. His projectile is pretty decent, though his middling speed only let's him follow up with dash attack or side b most of the time. Down tilt is a great combo starter and maybe a kill setup that leads into uair at kill %.

Overall, I'd say he's mid tier. Ike is slightly better than him, and possibly Roy/Marth are on the same level as of the patch.

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And Rosalina.

And Bayonetta herself coming to think of it. In fact looking at the roster there's a woeful lack of material figure in the lives of all these characters. The only one I can find with a confirmed living mother is Ness (granted the fact that Lucina's actual original parents died in her original world).

Edited by Jotari
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