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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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So how many 0 deaths for Bayonetta are there now?

I do have to say Bayonetta just feels so weird. It feels like she just doesn't belong. Cloud feels like he fits in really well, Ryu fits, but Bayonetta just......feels out of place here. Almost as much as it would if someone like Scorpion got into Smash. Just really jarring when you see a fight between her and something like Pikachu.

Edited by Tolvir
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So how many 0 deaths for Bayonetta are there now?

I do have to say Bayonetta just feels so weird. It feels like she just doesn't belong. Cloud feels like he fits in really well, Ryu fits, but Bayonetta just......feels out of place here. Almost as much as it would if someone like Scorpion got into Smash. Just really jarring when you see a fight between her and something like Pikachu.

I think it's 4 now; there may be more that I haven't seen.

I second this: as ZeRo said, "Bayonetta doesn't feel like a Smash character". Purely moveset wise, she's extremely powerful but handles extremely differently.

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I'd actually disagree with that. She fits about as well as Ryu does, if not better than Ryu. Both are extremely different for being combo based fighters (which aren't usually what Smash is about). Ryu's moveset was ported to Smash in a way that we likely won't ever see from any other character.

In terms of the character herself, I can agree with you there because she's way more edgier than anyone else in this game. I do feel like she fits better than Snake though because she's a more goofier character and intentionally supposed to be silly.

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I'm in quite a salty mood right now... I went into an a hyper realistic thought discussion with myself about Corrin. I went straight to thinking where our new characters would place on the tier list. I thought Corrin was very high, but I wondered why. After a couple of matches with Marth against Corrin's, I think I found out why.

Corrin outdoes and makes the rest of the FE cast useless. Robin neutral game. Who cares when you have charge projectiles that goes across the stage and paralyzes and can be used to follow up into combo's or strings, with a faster character. Did I mention infinite projectile use.

Corrin took a lot of Marth's moves and basically Sakurai let them be able to combo and have better use such as kill potential. Tipper and longer, safer range on FSmash and USmash. Usmash tips like Marth, but is safer because Corrins hurt box is lower, while FSmash can KO just as well as Marths, but is safer. Not to mention if Corrin tips on recovering opponents, they'll either be gimped or just die, as early as Marth's FSmash tip would.

Not even Marth or Roy could Dtilt, to UTilt, to FAir, to UAir. Like... wat? It's hard as hell for Marth or Roy to even get combo's because they're strings, but Corrin's UAir is a like their Uair but always Sweetspots... cause it's fast and kills bloody well with any part of the blade. That's quite unfair. Even Ike's SideB is unsafe and can't be canceled leaving with one option compared to Corrin having so many and being really safe. I also think, this is the best counter next to Bayo. It does vertical knock back compared to other diagonal counters. You can counter an UAir string and kill off the top as ear;y as 70+.

I'm all for creativity, and Corrin has it, especially when Corrin is a vertical based character, but who needs any other FE character Marth's spin Nair, when you can combo and kill easier with Corrin's wider range Nair.I'm not saying Corrin is broken and unbeatable, but Corrin is quite overpowering in some cases to the point where if you want to win, just main Corrin. Like all those people who said "I'm gonna main Corrin." Before release and even knowing Corrin's potential, they'll feel no struggle.

I think Sakurai could have handled this DLC character better instead of making other characters feel less viable. I could be just making excuses, but I need someone to knock me out of this critical thinking. I think I'm just over exaggerating and wait until the meta develops further.

I never did this with any other DLC characters... Oh boi...

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I mean

The buffs Marth and Roy got this patch were really good, so I hardly think Corrin makes them less viable.

I don't think Marth and Corrin's fSmashes are that similar at all; Marth's is a close-ish arc, whereas Corrin's is either a narrow line ending at a precise sweetspot or, with charging, a close range multihit "get-off-me" option.

Surprised you haven't said anything about Cloud instead of Corrin considering that he's already very prominent in tourneys and is currently considered the best swordie in the game (excluding Meta Knight). Not to mention his uAir shenanigans are just as dangerous as Corrin's, if not moreso.

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>Comparing a stabbing pierce to an arcing slash

>Comparing a completely circling Nair to a horizontally rotating Nair

The reality is that they function differently, where Corrin's game focuses on vertical air play with a 45 degree variation from straight up, and Marth's is more of an aerial game focused at a 45 degree angle, with variations going 45 degrees up and down from there.

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Cloud has less range on it. It's like Ike's but it has a sour spot unlike Ike Uair which is brutal until it ends.

Though, Marth's FSmash is arc motion, it's unsafe on shields. Punishable. Corrin has range, and it's safer.

The reality is that they function differently, where Corrin's game focuses on vertical air play with a 45 degree variation from straight up, and Marth's is more of an aerial game focused at a 45 degree angle, with variations going 45 degrees up and down from there.

No matter the degree, the out come is better for a character that can get more out of t like combo's and easier KO's.

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And Bayonetta herself coming to think of it. In fact looking at the roster there's a woeful lack of material figure in the lives of all these characters. The only one I can find with a confirmed living mother is Ness (granted the fact that Lucina's actual original parents died in her original world).

Well, if you write the story for a game where character X goes on an adventure, saving the world, saving the princess, beating up sentient mushrooms, it's much easier to write them without parents I'd assume.

The main character of a game or a movie being an orphan is about as clichéd as the anime-plot "ordinary high school students meets mysterious girl with amnesia".

I'm guessing that the newest patch didn't improve anything about Zelda?

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Well, if you write the story for a game where character X goes on an adventure, saving the world, saving the princess, beating up sentient mushrooms, it's much easier to write them without parents I'd assume.

The main character of a game or a movie being an orphan is about as clichéd as the anime-plot "ordinary high school students meets mysterious girl with amnesia".

I'm guessing that the newest patch didn't improve anything about Zelda?

True, the vast majority have parents unknown as their situation (and several are pokemon so not really characters in the first place). But still given a group of over fifty characters it's still quite surprising that only a single one has a known and living mother.

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I just noticed something in the Umbra Clock Tower stage.

It's the the clock on the stage is showing the same time as the clock on the 3ds or Wii U.

I already tried it, but just to make sure, could someone else confirm that this true?

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True, the vast majority have parents unknown as their situation (and several are pokemon so not really characters in the first place). But still given a group of over fifty characters it's still quite surprising that only a single one has a known and living mother.

Too bad nobody counts Olimar's mother, who is acknowledged and supposedly alive

Edited by Elieson
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True, the vast majority have parents unknown as their situation (and several are pokemon so not really characters in the first place). But still given a group of over fifty characters it's still quite surprising that only a single one has a known and living mother.

I think it's rather funny than surprising. Apart from the Pokemon, we also have to take into account that most of the games featured in Smash aren't particularly story-heavy and sometimes pretty wacky, like the Kirby games. It's not like anybody cares about the Wii Fit Trainers backstory when playing Wii Fit. xD

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the only major series featured in Smash that focuses much on story is FIre Emblem.

Edit: Haven't played FE6/7 in a long time. Has it never been confirmed who became Roy's mother?

Edited by Nova
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I think it's rather funny than surprising. Apart from the Pokemon, we also have to take into account that most of the games featured in Smash aren't particularly story-heavy and sometimes pretty wacky, like the Kirby games. It's not like anybody cares about the Wii Fit Trainers backstory when playing Wii Fit. xD

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the only major series featured in Smash that focuses much on story is FIre Emblem.

Edit: Haven't played FE6/7 in a long time. Has it never been confirmed who became Roy's mother?

I wanna say Ninian so bad. Because Roy would be better off a dragon... not a lion.

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Too bad nobody counts Olimar's mother, who is acknowledged and supposedly alive

As I noted somewhere I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of everyone in the cast. I did know Olimar has a family and reminisces about home cooking but I wasn't aware he had a living mother. Doesn't surprise me though.

I think it's rather funny than surprising. Apart from the Pokemon, we also have to take into account that most of the games featured in Smash aren't particularly story-heavy and sometimes pretty wacky, like the Kirby games. It's not like anybody cares about the Wii Fit Trainers backstory when playing Wii Fit. xD

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think the only major series featured in Smash that focuses much on story is FIre Emblem.

Edit: Haven't played FE6/7 in a long time. Has it never been confirmed who became Roy's mother?

I think regardless who his mother is its confirmed she's dead by the time FE6 comes round.

Edited by Jotari
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Edit: Haven't played FE6/7 in a long time. Has it never been confirmed who became Roy's mother?

I wanna say Ninian so bad. Because Roy would be better off a dragon... not a lion.

I think regardless who his mother is its confirmed she's dead by the time FE6 comes round.

Considering Story events, Ninian is the most likely( and makes the most sense) since it seems like Eliwood( Roy's Father) had the most interest in her through the game and that also Ninian...well...had her life shorted, to say the least. :(

Edit: ...and now I'm wondering how many FE protagonists have their mothers alive?

Eliwood is one......that's all I got.

Edited by Busterman64
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Considering Story events, Ninian is the most likely( and makes the most sense) since it seems like Eliwood( Roy's Father) had the most interest in her through the game and that also Ninian...well...had her life shorted, to say the least. :(

Edit: ...and now I'm wondering how many FE protagonists have their mothers alive?

Eliwood is one......that's all I got.

Eliwood also happens to be the only father of a main lord to live until the end of the game too (possibly excluding Fates idk yet).

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