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Interceptor vs. dondon151


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Everyone and everything deserves some benefit of the doubt, and I also find it better to think optimistically until the end.

That's just the kind of person I am.

well uh

good luck with that

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This is such a strange topic, I don't even know what to think about it. I think I kind of like it like this. Strange, I mean.

EDIT-If only my topics were like this, I would topic so much more often.

Edited by SeverIan
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I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you.

Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls.

You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.

No I don't hate Olwen.

i'm laughing so hard at the attempts to be srs

That whole "im laugh at ur srs bsns drama" attitude is so overused by now that the only reason it's annoying is the pathetic "troll" attempt.

for the sanity of those involved i would recommend ceasing all attempts to actually change anything because a) this is fftf and nobody gives a shit what happens in fftf and b) constable and DA BEAR aren't liable to actually listen to you anyway

...but then again this is FFtF... you serious discussion belongs elsewhere. No one gives a crap what you say in here.

I don't think it works like that.

Nowhere does it say that things said here can not be taken seriously. That's just a lame cop-out excuse to have the last word.

FFTF happens to be where this conversation is taking place. Be it a spam section or not, there is no excuse for ignoring someone making a point.
I would have done this in any other thread in any other section, but this is where the chance happened to pop up. In other subforums there are actual subjects going on and I could get in trouble for derailing also.
I appreciate that you had the guts to defend the guy even though there are guys like that running around who would say something offensive without willing to face the consequences.
EDIT: Anyway, the topic.
Are Interceptor and dondon enemies?
Edited by Soul
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dondon has more claim to the no avy thing than you, kiddo. :P:

What no avy? Isn't it extremely clear which one is which? I've always found it to be. Reggie has the wrong photo obv.

Actually that's shadykid. You can tell fairly easily, just look harder.

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