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What FE has the best difficulty?


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IMO, I wouldn't find RD hard mode enjoyable - I mean, normal mode in RD is challenging enough as is.

Normal Mode is more of a casual mode. Hard Mode is more of a challenge mode. Many people enjoy Normal more, I prefer Hard Mode because I relish the challenge but I can see others disagreeing.

That said your post was that you wouldn't enjoy it so wtv. Just worth noting that not even bothering to try something is kind of sad.

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FE12 Lunatic is actually really nice, other than certain ambush spawn locations. It's very positioning-heavy and the luck factor is pretty small.

Would say this is my ideal difficulty for something that's challenging but fair.

FE13 Lunatic got to a point where it's basically "throw tanks at enemies and destroy" since even without going for nosferatanks (hell, I didn't even have mages except the staffbots) and without grinding I had capped defense on Sully around lategame (granted I was probably blessed, but you can easily get it with +Def MU anyway with even better results due to Sol) and she kinda just didn't care about anything after a while, while earlygame (namely chapter 2) is more of a pain than FE12's chapter 2 (also a pain) IMO. But honestly it's not that bad except a few select chapters early and lategame (chapter 2, 5, and 24 I'm looking at you >|)

Edited by Thor Odinson
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fe5 isn't really hard so much as you don't fucking know whats going to happen the first time you play it - aside from a couple chapters in the manster arc its probably one of the easiest FE's.

I'd have to say HHM, other than sometime like FE6 hardmode, most othergames have a single strong unit (Seth, Titania, Sigurd, FE13 avatar etc) or a couple strong units (FE12MU, Palla) that are pretty much too strong not to just spam to win. FE6 hardmode just is a horrible mode because of weapon hit, it would likely be a lot better otherwise. FE10, while I haven't played it, seems like an auto lose with removing enemy attack ranges and the weapon triangle for no apparent reason.

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Those were among the difficulties I had in mind when I was accusing some of them of being blatantly cheap and unfair. I mean, I don't mind a challenge, but I've gotta draw the line somewhere!

I wasn't responding to you, and they're not cheap or unfair either. They're just very hard. There's nothing cheap or unfair about putting the player up against enemies that are stronger than they are. It's just difficult. How else would the game be made difficult? Putting more weak enemies doesn't do anything.

I was just pointing out that in places, FE6HM has the exact same "stupid enemies" that FE11 H5 or FE13 Lunatic have. It's a double standard to complain that enemies are too strong in those games, but not FE6, or for that matter, in certain places in FE10 either.

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I wasn't responding to you, and they're not cheap or unfair either. They're just very hard. There's nothing cheap or unfair about putting the player up against enemies that are stronger than they are. It's just difficult. How else would the game be made difficult? Putting more weak enemies doesn't do anything.

I was just pointing out that in places, FE6HM has the exact same "stupid enemies" that FE11 H5 or FE13 Lunatic have. It's a double standard to complain that enemies are too strong in those games, but not FE6, or for that matter, in certain places in FE10 either.

Understood. I'd rather not have to play a fiendishly hard difficulty to get a challenge is all. And I agree that it's a pretty big double standard when one doesn't complain about the enemies in one FE game being too strong, yet does so for others.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I have to go with FE12. The game is heavily reliant on teamwork to suceed unlike a certain other game I know. The difficulty not only comes from enemy stats, but also from different AI and positioning. Some goals are harder in clever ways and the game makes you think on how to fight off certain "traps" like in Chapter 16 and others. FE13 was a disappointment to me because the game heavily favors a lone unit with good stats. FE7 HHM is good too, but the enemies are sometimes terrible too. Cog of Destiny might be one o f the most challenging levels ever in that mode though, but for mostly the wrong reasons ( i loathe status ). FE6 HM is a mess due to its hit issues and lol thrones. Only Rutger stands a chance vs bosses. FE10 MM has dumb stuff but it is otherwise very challenging. It's balance is terrible and there's some cheap stuff in there. Fake difficulty is also pretty dumb and then there's the laguz trivializers youre given ._.. Havent played FE9 MM or FE5 yet so I cant comment on those.

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FE12 has the issue of the cast not being very balanced- the majority of characters are almost entirely useless. The difficulty is consistent and the game is hard to "break" though.

FE11 is just forges and warping which is boring. Well except for the first few chapters which are just incredibly annoying.

FE10 Hard Mode at least encourages you to train multiple good units because of the Parts system and the way Part 4 works. The game gives you too many broken units though (mostly temporary, but they kind of defeat the purpose of training a number of characters).

FE9 Hard Mode is easy. Why didn't we get Maniac Mode?

FE8 Hard Mode is also easy.

FE7 has a few challenging chapters, but most chapters are a Marcus stomp so I can't give it much credit overall.

FE6 might be the best out of the games I've played. The game maintains relatively consistent difficulty and while the lower accuracy is annoying it did make swords and bows better compared to FE 7/8. There are a few terrible characters in the cast, but most are at least kinda usable.

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I personally think FE6's balance is as bad if not worse than the DS games. Personal opinion.

Btw I completely forgot about FE11 H5 welp. I don't like it because earlygame is a bit stupid and luck reliant when it comes to LTC (and even normally) and the rest of the game can be easily trivialized unless you restrict the use of warp or something. I also find it easier than some other FE modes.

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FE12 has the issue of the cast not being very balanced- the majority of characters are almost entirely useless. The difficulty is consistent and the game is hard to "break" though.

FE6 might be the best out of the games I've played. The game maintains relatively consistent difficulty and while the lower accuracy is annoying it did make swords and bows better compared to FE 7/8. There are a few terrible characters in the cast, but most are at least kinda usable.

The fact you're complaining about a lot of FE12's cast being useless whereas you're not saying the same of FE6's cast sounds like a pretty big double standard to me. Also, while FE6 is noticeably harder than either of the other two GBA games, IMO, that is mostly for the wrong reasons (like the aforementioned accuracy problem, as well as all but a small portion of the cast being scrubs). IMO, FE6's balance is the worst short of FE4.

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FE5 is "hard" the first time and from withholding information. FE6 HM accuracy is seriously irksome. FE7 HHM is okay, but it can be a prepromo steamroll. I suppose S Rank is pretty challenging, but I never liked that. FE10 HM is fun, but gives too many broken units and too much bexp, plus the loss of various mechanics like seeing enemy range is just annoying. I didn't find FE11 H5 fun at all. I find FE13 Lunatic really fun, probably the most fun overall, but not really that hard because there's too much op stuff.

FE9 Maniac and FE12 Lunatic are probably the best overall imo.

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Marcus Emblem Sword of Zealots = Marcus Hard Mode > The rest IMO

In fairness, im biased against the DS games because I can't get past chapter 2 of SD consistently, while I can't even play FE12 at difficulty above H1 >_>

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The fact you're complaining about a lot of FE12's cast being useless whereas you're not saying the same of FE6's cast sounds like a pretty big double standard to me.

That's because you're drawing a false equivalency between the cast. You can use Wendy and Sophia if you spend a million turns of favouritism. Nobody is unusable. FE12 Lunatic, as much as I love the difficulty balance, makes it actually impossible to use certain units due to a lack of stat scaling for mid-lategame player units.

I really like that they did that in FE13, where HM/LM bonuses are dictated by jointime rather than enemy recruitment. It doesn't make them into suddenly godlike killing machines (except maybe Tiki), but it gives them a chance to be used if you so choose to. The Khans, for example, would probably not stand a chance with their NM stats and it'd be a case of FE12 unit usability again, but with their bonuses they were able to at least reliably block a reinforcement spawnpoint and take a few enemies before my team deals with them. Still doesn't make them good, but if you really wanted to use them you can probably pull it off.

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Lunatic+ is what Fire Emblem should be (thinking up new strategies every reset for the same map) with the exception of Chapter 2. Every other chapter in every other FE game that I can think of right now can be beaten with the same old preplanned strategies.

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It's the same case in FE12, Ive trained Wolf before. Horace has used SHEEMA in it. Never, is a unit completely unusable in FE. Except Donnel in Lunatic +?

Edited by Peekayell
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That's because you're drawing a false equivalency between the cast. You can use Wendy and Sophia if you spend a million turns of favouritism. Nobody is unusable. FE12 Lunatic, as much as I love the difficulty balance, makes it actually impossible to use certain units due to a lack of stat scaling for mid-lategame player units.

I really like that they did that in FE13, where HM/LM bonuses are dictated by jointime rather than enemy recruitment. It doesn't make them into suddenly godlike killing machines (except maybe Tiki), but it gives them a chance to be used if you so choose to. The Khans, for example, would probably not stand a chance with their NM stats and it'd be a case of FE12 unit usability again, but with their bonuses they were able to at least reliably block a reinforcement spawnpoint and take a few enemies before my team deals with them. Still doesn't make them good, but if you really wanted to use them you can probably pull it off.

Okay, even if I WAS making a false equivalency between both games' respective casts, I still think that FE6's cast is pretty awful all in all. Especially in hard mode.

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do a lunatic run that used Ymir >_>

Ice Sage used Wolf.

It's totally possible to get anyone up to speed in fe12 via boosters and the arena

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3 from Lunatic shop, 3 from Secret Shop, 1 in Ch9, 1 in C11 and 1 in C16. Yes. There's also the Pot of Crack.

Obviously, FE12's balance is still crappy. There's no denying that, but I think it is definetely better than FE6's.

EDIT 2: But then again, that might be because I'm a lot better at 12 than 6 so idk.

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fe6 does have infinite statboosters as well, and you have tons of money although it is somewhat late, still enough to make a mediocre unit like dayan into a beast

Edited by General Horace
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