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Ya know, I just don't get some things.


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I kind of wanted non-trollish replies to this. If this isn't appropriate for serious discussion then please move it to another section.

Why do some guys get upset about getting friendzoned? Why I just don't make any sense of this reaction.

To be fair, this is based off of IRL experience. And I have gotten harrassed by a bunch of juvenile minded guys whenever I have gotten friendly with a gal. Then the teacher gets in on the act and then the girl turns red and yells at me not to talk to her.

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Well if you desire something and can't get it, of course you'll be sad.

Getting totes depressed about it for a long period is well, another thing though. XD

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I've said this in a few threads. Some guys see "not getting the girl" as a failure, and aren't happy with anything less than winning "their prize". Often it stems from jealousy. There was one girl I was close to in the past, a male friend of mine was infuriated even though we were just friends. There's no pleasing some people.

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That's not quite it. It's okay to be friends with girls--no one gives a damn if you are. Getting friendzoned when you like the girl, however, is a disappointment to the guy because he likes her. It's not about "winning a prize," as another poster pointed out, it's about having feelings for another, but the feelings are unrequited.

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There's a difference between being friends with a girl, and being friendzoned guys. It's like what Phoenix Wright said. There's nothing wrong with being friends with a girl, and imo it's really nice to have some close friends who are girls, since you can talk about things you wouldn't talk about with to most guys. You can also work the relationship up from being friends into something more over time if you want. Being friendzoned means that you're attracted to a girl but she doesn't (and probably never will) feel the same way about you. I don't know if you've ever had to deal with unrequited feelings, but it's not a fun time. It's not just guys who face this dilemma though; girls get friendzoned by guys all the time as well.

Edited by Helios
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yea i friendzoned a girl

ever since, despite having 3 classes and me being her TA for another, she hasn't talked to me except when i stole her bike (her backpack was on the damn thing for like 10 minutes and i really wanted a bike) at the gym. that was awkward. That was 2 and a half years ago? and before that was super clingy sooooooooooo it was a little tough for her i guess

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I think it's like...in some cases, you spend so much time with a person, and learn to love their good and bad, and you know them from inside out, and appreciation turns into infatuation - so that when they think of you as only a friend - and you realize that that's the limit of your relationship with them, it becomes sad.

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that's just how Societies these days, they were attracted to those kind of thing and exagerrates those stuff to make things fun for them or some are just too stupid to realize the platonic values insides,, some friendzoned relationship got ended up just because of this 3rd parties,,

it's kinda a pity that there are so many meddlesome people who endlessly keep watering the *flower sprout* that doesn't mean to bloom. in the end the sprout ended up withering because being watered too much, the sprout would keep live longer or miraculously bloomed had these meddlers didn't interfere keep watering them out of their interests

Edited by Pukuriripo
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Why do some guys get upset about getting friendzoned? Why I just don't make any sense of this reaction.

Are you serious? Unrequited love is like the most universally understood conflict in the history of humanity.

Although I would suppose friendzone could be more universally used and less romantically, it should be really, really easy to understand why some people get upset about being friendzoned: Because it's frustrating to be pushed into the distant position of friend when you want to be more than that.

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I don't get it either.

When they get friendzoned they usually approach girl with the intent to become friends with them rather than lovers which indeed leads to getting friendzoned.

To be fair, this is based off of IRL experience. And I have gotten harrassed by a bunch of juvenile minded guys whenever I have gotten friendly with a gal. Then the teacher gets in on the act and then the girl turns red and yells at me not to talk to her.

It's loser mentality, when they see something they'd never do they try to take you down to their level of cowardice. They're jealous.

Anyway getting friendzoned is a good thing. It's simply a woman's way of saying : I'm not worth your time or you aren't good enough for me.

Then you can try some new stuff.

Anyway love is overrated.

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Well, I find it easy to jump out of the friendzone.

But yeah, what I meant was.

I get friendzoned with a classmate, and the punks act all jealous of me for doing so.

that kind of thing.

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Wait, people are jealous of you because you were friendzoned?

Are we...talking about the same thing?

I don't think we're on the same wavelength...

OP there's a difference between being friends with a girl and being friendzoned by a girl...

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I don't think we're on the same wavelength...

OP there's a difference between being friends with a girl and being friendzoned by a girl...

In that case. Aquaman: Uh, friendzoning is when you're trying to be in a romantic relationship with a woman and she is relegating you to the position of a simple friend. This is usually implied to be done so indirectly, leaving an incredibly awkward scene of one obsessed-looking guy that can't take a hint and one creeped out girl that STRINGED ME ALONG I LOVE YOU SUZY Q WHYYYYY

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Girls get upset about getting friend-zoned too. Some people think that if they've invested a certain amount of time into building a relationship, it should flourish when they will it.

There's always the awkward moment when you either have to turn someone down, or sense that they want something more. In my experience, it's better to just play aloof.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Or a fleshlight/Tenga.

At 17 to 20 it's basically the top guys that have all the hot women, don't feel bad about not getting what you want.

You'll need to wait it out.

The best revenge for the unpopular/nerdy 17 years old is being the now established/full of cash 30 years old and telling the bitch that did not want anything to do with you when you were 17 years old but now that you have a good career and that she's suddenly very interested to fuck off!

Edited by BluBlaDe
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