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Dancer Promotions


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Something to note about dancers is that in most games they never promote. I honestly see this as kind of strange since we've seen loads of extra abilities given to dancers that could justify promotion such as increasing stats with dances and refreshing several units at once etc. So I've been playing with the idea of a Dancer Class Tree and this is what I've come up with.

(The blue number indicated movement)


So what about you? Do you think Dancers should be a single tier unit or should they promote and if so what advantages could they get in either standard or branched promotion?

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I wouldn't be opposed to promotions. But I think the herons were the best example of what you want. With I transformed being the base class and transformed being promoted. Maybe have some item that changes how many people they can dance for.

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I like the idea of making the promotion branches giving similar abilities to that of the Herons: The first branch would give the character the ability to move 7 squares, the ability to use swords, but dance only for one character, as well as give some other boosts like Ninian/Nils/the Herons; the second branch would give the character the ability to move 6 squares, use swords, dance for two characters just like Leanne, and just a few boosts like Ninian/Nils/Herons; the third branch would give the character the ability to dance for everyone, move only 5 squares, and that would be all.

Edited by Rapier
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Can I make a joke that Dancer promotes into Thief Fighter?



TBH your idea of dancers promotion is kinda unbalanced. Soloist and Coryphee is lol

Still, MAYBE an ability to dance in 1 - 2 range?

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Refresh four.....Isn't that too OP? Maybe three units for balance sake, or 1-2 dance range like Dragon Boner have said.

Reyson could refresh four in his transformed state and Rafiel could refresh four without being transformed at all yet none of it seemed over powered, at least to me.

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If they can steal items like Theives then....Why would you have a theif?

You'd bring a Sword Coryphee or Blade Dancer. Then they dance while they rush to their steal targets earning themselves exp on the go without taking away from the other units who are required to kill people for theirs

They make Theives redundant.

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If they can steal items like Theives then....Why would you have a theif?

You'd bring a Sword Coryphee or Blade Dancer. Then they dance while they rush to their steal targets earning themselves exp on the go without taking away from the other units who are required to kill people for theirs

They make Theives redundant.

That's a very good point. I think I'll change it to only opening locks similar to The Sacred Stones assassins. The reason I thought to go down that thief sort of route in the first place is partially based on that one dancer promoting from a thief in Fe5. And because it would really add to their ability as a utility unit.

Edited by Jotari
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I don't see dancers needing a promotion mostly because they are unique utility units and are only used as such. They're not made for combat (even in early FE's when they had weapons it was really only to counterattack). If we're going to bring back weapon-using refresher units, they should be more in the style of FE10 staff users where they can counterattack but not initiate attack.

In all honesty even a combat-efficient dancer would still be a refresher unit anyway. Imagine Sylvia leading a charge? Yeah no.

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That's a very good point. I think I'll change it to only opening locks similar to The Sacred Stones assassins. The reason I thought to go down that thief sort of route in the first place is partially based on that one dancer promoting from a thief in Fe5. And because it would really add to their ability as a utility unit.

I dont think thats enough. It still only creates a tiny niche for theives while having to protect said thief all the way to the target you want something stolen from.

Just give The Blade Dancers some form of "You can dance for one person but it doesnt use your turn and you can Canto to a target and attack it"

The Sword Coryphee "You can dance and Canto away but you cannot attack" Higher caps than Blade dancer

and Soloist gets a form of stat buffing skills like Ninian and Nils' rings.

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In all honesty even a combat-efficient dancer would still be a refresher unit anyway. Imagine Sylvia leading a charge? Yeah no.

That's why you marry her to Holyn and create LUNAR LEEN.

In all seriousness, dancers don't really need promotions. In FE4 Inflation there was a Dancer Promotion, I don't speak Japanese so I just called it the "Master Dancer" class or something like that, it was a promoted dancer, the only difference was higher stats. But it fit because the entire game was inflated. Unless there are CRAZY CAPS EVERYWHERE that people are actually hitting in a game, I don't think that dancers need promotions.

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That's why you marry her to Holyn and create LUNAR LEEN.

In all seriousness, dancers don't really need promotions. In FE4 Inflation there was a Dancer Promotion, I don't speak Japanese so I just called it the "Master Dancer" class or something like that, it was a promoted dancer, the only difference was higher stats. But it fit because the entire game was inflated. Unless there are CRAZY CAPS EVERYWHERE that people are actually hitting in a game, I don't think that dancers need promotions.

Ironically HolynxSylvia is the pairing I'm doing in my playthrough...

But I can't be assed to abuse Sylvia to Level 30 so...

maybe after I kill Reptor in C5...

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