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Paladin and Nomad Trooper Debate


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38 members have voted

  1. 1. Paladin/Nomad Trooper

    • Kent
    • Sain
    • Marcus
    • Lowen
    • Isadora
    • Rath

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Since I'm pretty sure that Hector wins in the lord contest, Lyn in second place and Eliwood in a close third. so now it's time for... PALADINS: The class that usually has the most units. Paladins could use 3/4 of the weapons in this game. They are great because of there movement range and since they have all three weapons of the weapon triangle they usually have an advantage but there are weapons specifically against mounted units. And... NOMAD TROOPERS: In this game the only nomad is Rath. Nomads begin with bows and after they promote they could use swords which is a nice combo of weapons(they would be more awesome if they had dragons). They also have great movement (but if they had dragons they would have better movement).

Kent: Personality: A real knight of Caelin, he is always ready to serve his country. He is calm and nice.

Stats: He is a very good cavalier and has around the same stats as Sain. Think of the green knight out of the usual social knight duo (speed and skill).

Sain: Personality: A real... Gheb womanizer from Caelin, he is always ready to... hit on anything in a skirt a carefree knight but when he is in battle, he is a great knight. He is a womanizer.

Stats: He is a very good cavalier and has around the same stats as Kent. Think of the red Knight out of the usual social knight duo (strentgh).

Marcus: Personality: ...Think of a real old knight. Pheraen

Stats: He is a Jeigan (horrible stats in the end and is a prepromote)

Lowen: Personality: Sorry I don't know much about him. Pheraen

Stats: He is apparently pretty good but I never use him a lot.

Isadora: Personality: Sorry don't know much about her. Pheraen

Stats: She is a prepromote who comes pretty late in the game but some people say that she is decent.

Rath: Personality: He is always serious... And he is a "prince" of a Sacaen tribe. I don't know much about him.

Stats: For the only nomad trooper in all of the american games I think that he represents the class pretty well. He is a great unit, he rarely dies and he criticals a lot for some odd reason.

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Let's see, Kent and Sain are some serious business, both having great stats.

Marcus is what makes earlygame Hector Hard Mode S rankable.

Lowen is a nice horsetank.

Isadora, she only has speed.

Rath, I don't see how he's relevent to Paladins. If it's a horse, have that cute Priscilla join on in. Anyway, as for him, it's not that flashy, but he's your best bow mainer, if you really want one. At least he gets a sword to get him out of being stuck to a terrible weapon.

It's hard to tell between Kent and Sain, but I use Kent more, so...yeah, not a fair way to judge who's better between the two. Marcus, quite controversily, comes in second, or if you want to be picky, third.

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Let's see, Kent and Sain are some serious business, both having great stats.

Marcus is what makes earlygame Hector Hard Mode S rankable.

Lowen is a nice horsetank.

Isadora, she only has speed.

Rath, I don't see how he's relevent to Paladins. If it's a horse, have that cute Priscilla join on in. Anyway, as for him, it's not that flashy, but he's your best bow mainer, if you really want one. At least he gets a sword to get him out of being stuck to a terrible weapon.

It's hard to tell between Kent and Sain, but I use Kent more, so...yeah, not a fair way to judge who's better between the two. Marcus, quite controversily, comes in second, or if you want to be picky, third.

Because he is the only nomad so I will leave him with the paladin to not exclude anyone.

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I voted for Sain, he has a great personality and his stats are pretty good. I managed to cap strenght, speed and defense but his resistence aganist magic is poor.

Kent is too serious at times, but he has good overall stats which makes him useful just as Sain.

Marcus/Isadora have crap stats,

Rath makes a good Nomad Trooper, has high attack power, speed and skill, but his defense is poor.

Never used Lowen

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I voted Rath. He's cool and stuff. Also, he's got good strength and speed.

If I could have a second vote it'd definitely go to Sain. He's got an awesome personality and He's pretty dang strong.

Kent = Meh

Lowen = Meh -1

Isadora = Bait +Free Silver weapons

Marcus = Bait -5

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Sain > Lowen > Kent > Marcus > Isadora

(I'm not including Rath because he's a different class and is used differently.)

I put Sain and Lowen above Kent because they actually have a specific specialty. Sain has overkill strength while Lowen is a tank on a horse. Kent has a balanced set of growths with no major strengths or weaknesses. He's basically Eliwood with less luck and resistance. Next in line is Marcus. Marcus is basically Kent with a lot less HP and speed. He makes S ranking a little easier and is still a passable fighter later on. Isadora is last because her only good stat is speed, which is completely undermined by her dismal constitution.

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Kent is the best Paladin offensively and defensively.

Lowen's defenses are super good.

Sain's offense is also super good, but Lowen's offense>Sain's defense.

Marcus is your best unit for half the game.

Isadora sucks.

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Marcus - prepromote suck

Isadora - prepromote, though less suck

Kent - A good guy, needs to lighten up a bit

Lowen - Needs a haircuit, training under Marcus (who sucks)

Rath - Nomad, could use a personality booster though

Which leaves:

SAIN - Of course! Possibly my favorite character of all time because of his insane womanizing ways. He's absolutely hilarious to listen to in cut scenes and is a hell of a fighter too. His defense is less important to me because he lays out such big hits and has enough HP to soak a couple attacks. Of course we all know that he's so awesome that he's going to hook up with Fiora too, the only man in the squad worthy of her sweet pegasus-riding hand in marriage. An instant favorite from the moment you recruit him.

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Eugh. I can't say I use any of them regularly... I used Sain before, he turned out strong and speedy, pretty reliable. So I'd go for him... But I have a feeling that when I finally do give Rath a go, he will kick some serious tail...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lowen, surely.

Marcus is a horrible prepromote.

Kent's too balanced for my taste.

Sain couldn't take a hit.

For Isadora, see Marcus.

Rath is a very close second.

I prefer Units with either really high dodge rates or really high defense, with a bit of prefrence to the latter because it's more reliable. Lowen's Oswin on a horse.

Edited by ChaosNinji
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