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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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I'm not really much of a hacker, but if it's a simple task and only a matter of a lack of time on the part of the FE12 translation team, then if I have their permission, I suppose I could. Admittedly though, I haven't even played FE12 (or FE11 for that matter).

Before I move on to other games though I'd rather get FE6 to a level I consider complete. Although the text will effectively be "done" soon I still want to spend time polishing it, and there are also some things I can't fix in the text editor that I need to either have someone do for me or figure out myself (menu text and such).

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If there are any games that I'd want Gringe to work on, it'd be FE4, FE5, and maybe TRS because those games have more problems with their translations than some name issues.

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Yeah. Honestly, people get way too fixated over names. The TRS patch is almost unreadable after about halfway through, and still nothing amazing even before. A much bigger priority than some names in the FE12 patch, if Gringe knows how to hack PS1.

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If there are any games that I'd want Gringe to work on, it'd be FE4, FE5, and maybe TRS because those games have more problems with their translations than some name issues.

if it's any consolation i'm already working on FE4's script on the side, sans possessing any actual ability to hack the damn thing. i'm no gringe but my work so far isn't half bad

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I too would love to see some other games with improved translations. And on that note...

Just finished grabbing Armads and was pleased to see the term "anti-coup d'etat" replaced with "loyalists". There are no words for how much nicer this text is to read now.

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Yeah. Honestly, people get way too fixated over names. The TRS patch is almost unreadable after about halfway through, and still nothing amazing even before. A much bigger priority than some names in the FE12 patch, if Gringe knows how to hack PS1.

Agreed, though last I've heard the patch was still ongoing, so maybe if he were interested, he could just offer to help the team currently working on the patch? Assuming he wanted to of course.

Edited by shinpichu
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Most of you seem to be forgeting about me mentioning Gaiden. Noone loves Gaiden. *Gaiden Forever alone*

Gaiden's translation patch at least works for the whole game, unlike FE4(which I believe crashes the ending?) and FE5(with the menus). Also, unless I'm mistaken I don't believe that Gaiden has any scene where the translators repeatedly get the gender of a character wrong.

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Admittedly though, I haven't even played FE12 (or FE11 for that matter).

I'd recommend Checking out FE11, it's a good game. It's kinda like George Lucas' Star Wars Special Editions for FE3, but Han still shoots first and the changes have a valid point. It's soundtrack is beautiful, and the title has what I consider the Best rendition of the FE Theme to date. The game's grafics are gorgeous for the DS (esp. When compared to FE1 and 3) and the prologue chapters give insight into Marth's early trials. Most of the good stuff for "Hardcore" FE fans are the Gaiden (A speck of love for it?...) Chapters, which force you to kill of your Units so you have 15 or less, (and are usually accepted as non canon because of that) and the Brand new Characters in those. One thing to note is that there are two completely seperate Translations which have different character names. The HoS Patch uses the NTSC Localization, Just so you know. The bad about this game is that while it is obviously a remake of FE3 instead of FE1, Nintendo split the remake into 2 parts, and it really shows. presumably to make money and screw English Speakers over.

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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I translated manga for so long but what I'd always wanted to do was translations of games like FE. I'm so glad to finally have the opportunity. <3

First I'll finish FE6. I'll look into getting involved in other major projects once this is done.

if it's any consolation i'm already working on FE4's script on the side, sans possessing any actual ability to hack the damn thing. i'm no gringe but my work so far isn't half bad

FE4 is my favorite FE, so I'd be glad to lend a hand to improving that one if I can be of any use.

Most of you seem to be forgeting about me mentioning Gaiden. Noone loves Gaiden. *Gaiden Forever alone*

I don't really enjoy the pre-FE4 games to be totally honest. Sorry. >_>

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FE4 is my favorite FE, so I'd be glad to lend a hand to improving that one if I can be of any use.

i'm always more than happy to have another set of eyes on hand to critique my work, particularly if said set of eyes has your amount of experience. i regularly post snippets of my work in progress over here, in addition to the occasional pointless ramble about ideas and particular translation choices and rephrasings, and if you find yourself sufficiently interested in my work i can send you the full copies of my first drafts so far
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To be completely honest, with FE2, there really isn't much to work with.

I'd totes be down with him fixing up FE4 and TRS, though(TRS is a mess though, people have many different names, Gwenchaos randomly switches between ye olde english and normal english, random japanese honorifics here and there...).

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It's just my opinion that FE2, 6, and 12 should take priority over 4 and 5 since A: Gharnef is allegedly working on officializing FE4 already, B: 7, and FE11 in particular, were left hanging for the English audience that never got FE 6 or 12, which both really didn't have one damn reason not to be localized in the first place!!! And now that my rant is done, C: they already have partial translations (esp FE12 and 6) that really would take barely any time at all for even a bumbling programmer to finish in a few Months. D: FE 5 was horribly mutilated by it's "Translation" (Let's call it what it is; a hack* job) and would take a large and difficult amount of time to finish, and since the other games will take barely any time, it is logical and better if they were done first in order to keep things going, otherwise gringe might lose interest. FE4 could be done later once the partially English series are finished.

*Unintended Pun, +200 Points

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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Well, in the end, it's really gringe's decision.

*Note I stated my opinion. I was just going on to point out that there are many many many reasons that doing Fe2 and FE12 after FE6 is done, then moving on to 4 and 5 is better for everyone, even gringe, the principal arguments being that Gharnef (the user on this website, not the villain) is working on overhauling 4 already and that FE12 and 2 would just need touch ups, I know 2's translation only needs 2 or 3 complete changes in names, while the others need letters swapped out (o instead of a, etc.) or simply removed (Like take the "e" out of Claire to Make it Clair). But 4 and 5 need to be overhauled, which at best and with a whole team of translators will take 6 months. In the end, gringe is an individual who will do what he wants, I have no control over him. I can politely suggest and point out what I think is a better idea, but he will do what he wants.

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If you're planning to do another patch, I'd say FE5. That patch needs serious work.

I say he does the whole series. This order would be easiest and most efficient: Fe2-> FE12->FE4->FE5 In order of easiest to hardest to do. of course, the reverse is always viable... BTW Looking good so far gringe!

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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At long last... Here we are. That's right, I actually met a deadline I set for myself!

Fire Emblem - The Binding Blade Translation Patch Redux v0.9

Apply to a Japanese FE6 ROM using a UPS patcher such as NUPS.


With my recent translation projects I don't really like making credits for a few reasons, but if you were involved and you'd like a shout-out, just say so.

Please note the patch isn't quite 100% finished yet, hence the v0.9... A few little things aren't done, and it's possible I missed a couple very minor bits, BUT the main story is done on all paths from start to finish and, seemingly, the vast majority of supports work fine.

Known issues:
-Elphin's music cuts out halfway during his play animation. This doesn't cause any major gameplay issues but it's something I'd like to fix at some point. I'm guessing it's an issue caused by FEditor's auto patch that was never identified before and therefore not patched out by Onmi's patch (patch patch patch).
-Chapter 17 Ilia route chapter title is still borked out. Apparently there's a ready solution to this but I need to look into it.
-A few supports may give the wrong conversation. I only know of one unverified instance of this and a solution will require more testing.

Still to be done:
-A review of all the dialogue and formatting. In particular the "ToggleSmile" function was used rather erratically in the original patch, but I didn't pay it much mind early on. I'd like to make it so characters only smile when appropriate.
-A few graphics still need to be done and inserted (will require someone who knows what they're doing, unlike me)
-Some chapter titles may need to be updated (I remember bookofholsety agreeing to a few changes but I don't think he posted graphics for the changes)
-Most of the character descriptions
-The pre-title screen opening cutscene (will require a good deal of ASM work)
-Menu options and level up screens need to be updated for consistency with FE7 and FE8. In particular, something needs to be done about the horrendous three-character commands on the item screen--is widening the window a possibility?

-Character endings and titles have received some quick treatment but need more thorough work.

-The tutorial (partly done but untested...pretty low priority but will be done eventually)

Want to help test?

Great! You don't need any technical skills. Just play the game normally. Please report issues telling me where they occurred and with either a screenshot or a verbatim quote that I can search. I'm looking for these kinds of things in particular.

-Dialogue occurring in the wrong places or being duplicated where it shouldn't be (this was a serious problem with FEditor early on in the project but I think I found a workaround partway through... Still it's possible some duplications leaked through the cracks)
-General technical problems in dialogue (the wrong characters saying the dialogue, characters' mouths not moving in situations other than ellipses, etc.)
-General goof-ups in dialogue (typos, incorrect grammar, awkward phrasings, etc. Note however that "awkward" is subjective so a report doesn't guarantee a change if I disagree.)
-Support conversation testing--after getting to A level, just tell me if the support worked properly. If it doesn't, try to make it to A level and be as specific as possible about what's wrong (refer to the support chart below for reference if you want to help test supports. Latest updated support chart will always be in the first post.)

Roy: Marcus Allen Lance Wolt Shanna Sue Lilina Lalum Cecilia Sophia

Marcus: Allen Lance Wolt Lilina Roy

Allen: Lance Wolt Wade Tate Roy Marcus

Lance: Wolt Lot Clarine Roy Marcus Allen

Wolt: Roy Sue Marcus Allen Lance

Bors: Astore Lilina Barth Wendy Ogier

Elen: Chad Lugh Saul Milady Zeiss

Deke: Wade Lot Shanna Clarine Rutger Klain

Wade: Lot Shanna Echidna Allen Deke

Lot: Shanna Echidna Lance Deke Wade

Shanna: Jerrot Tate Juno Roy Deke Wade Lot

Chad: Lugh Raigh Cath Hugh Elen

Lugh: Raigh Milady Hugh Elen Chad

Clarine: Rutger Dorothy Klain Lance Deke

Rutger: Fir Dayan Karel Deke Clarine

Saul: Dorothy Cecilia Igrene Jodel Elen

Dorothy: Shin Perceval Jodel Clarine Saul

Sue: Shin Fae Dayan Roy Wolt

Jerrot: Treck Noah Tate June Shanna

Treck: Noah Gonzales Milady Juno Jerrot

Noah: Fir Juno Karel Jerrot Treck

Astore: Lilina Barth Wendy Igrene Bors

Lilina: Barth Wendy Ogier Gonzales Cecilia Garret Roy Marcus Bors Astore

Barth: Wendy Ogier Bors Astore Lilina

Wendy: Ogier Bors Astore Lilina Barth

Ogier: Lalum Bors Lilina Barth Wendy

Fir: Shin Bartre Karel Rutger Noah

Shin: Zeiss Dayan Sue Dorothy Fir

Gonzales: Echidna Bartre Garret Dayan Treck Lilina

Geese: Lalum Echidna Cath Garret Douglas

Klain: Tate Elphin Perceval Deke Clarine

Tate: Juno Allen Shanna Jerrot Klain

Lalum: Echidna Perceval Garret Douglas Ogier Geese Roy

Elphin: Perceval Cecilia Fae Douglas Klain

Echidna: Wade Lot Gonzales Geese Lalum

Bartre: Cath Zeiss Karel Fir Gonzales

Raigh: Sophia Hugh Niime Chad Lugh

Cath: Garret Hugh Chad Geese Bartre

Milady: Zeiss Jodel Elen Lugh Treck

Perceval: Cecilia Douglas Dorothy Klain Lalum Elphin

Cecilia: Douglas Roy Saul Lilina Elphin Perceval

Sophia: Igrene Fae Niime Roy Raigh

Igrene: Fae Douglas Saul Astore Sophia

Garret: Lilina Gonzales Geese Lalum Cath

Fae: Niime Sue Elphin Sophia Igrene

Hugh: Niime Chad Lugh Raigh Cath

Zeiss: Karel Elen Shin Bartre Milady

Douglas: Geese Lalum Elphin Perceval Cecilia Igrene

Niime: Jodel Raigh Sophia Fae Hugh

Dayan: Jodel Rutger Sue Shin Gonzales

Juno: Shanna Jerrot Treck Noah Tate

Jodel: Saul Dorothy Milady Niime Dayan

Karel: Rutger Noah Fir Bartre Zeiss

Are you an actual hacker unlike me and want to help resolve some unsolved issues?

Great! Just make a post or send me a PM with specifics. These are the immediate issues I can't solve myself.

-Inserting a couple graphics
-The pre-title opening cutscene
-Editing menu text and level up screens
-Elphin's music problem (see known issues)

Edited by gringe
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I'm going to get it and use it for the FE6 run I'm doing. Do you know if it makes any difference if the ROM I'm using is prepatched?

I think you have to use a clean ROM.

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