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Tharja figure in colour/pre-orders tomorrow

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It's been a while since the figure was revealed, but finally some new details have come!

Mikatan's Blog has posted an in-depth look at the Tharja figure here, which includes a whole bunch of nice clear shots.

The figure is 1:7 scale and 20.5 cm tall.

It's coming out this Winter and pre-orders are apparently open tomorrow.

Edited by VincentASM
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Amazing. So I guess they finally made if official that Fire Emblem is a H-game series now. About time. About fucking time.

...I wish I could still say how disappointed I am. But since March 2012, too much has happened for me to even give a damn anymore.

So just fuck IS, I guess.

Edited by BrightBow
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I have literally no idea why people are so butthurt about this.

So this! May that figurine haunt you all in your sleep!

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I have literally no idea why people are so butthurt about this.

Ain't buying, but still.

Worth repeating.

If people like it/want to buy it, then it's fine. It's literally a figurine.

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Worth repeating.

If people like it/want to buy it, then it's fine. It's literally a figurine.

Whoa, hang on a minute; I thought these these came with a numbered Certificate of Innocence Abused. Switching my position to "do not want". If they can't personally guarantee that someone shouts a dirty word at a child every time a figurine is made, I want nothing to do with this amateur hour crap.
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Amazing. So I guess they finally made if official that Fire Emblem is a H-game series now. About time. About fucking time.

Irrational hatred much?

I don't think you've ever seen an actual H-game if you consider this to be enough to make Fire Emblem one.

It's fanservice, no more, no less. Fanservice does not make a H-game.

And nobody forces you to buy it or even look at it. It's literally not even in the game. It's just a figurine.

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Worth a look. It'd be nice in the kitchen. Good figurine.

Edited by 綾波
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I don't like tharja so I'm not gonna get this. Also my parents would flip. On to the wielded aspect of this, did anybody actually read what he was saying. Just no. It's a figurine.

Also according to the scale she is barley 5 feet tall. This including the fact that she is leaning over.

Ignore that last part I rechecked the size of her torso. She's actually five-seven in heels.

Edited by Randa
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I liked his paragraph about the books.

Each book has beautiful golden corners and you can even make out the separate pages in the books! Even when zoomed in like this they still look great! I love it when I get this excited about even the smaller parts of a figure – it shows just how amazing they are!

I’m sure that many of you aren’t paying too much attention to the books though… one’s eyes do tend to wander a little bit further upward don’t they?
I can’t help feeling a little bit jealous at that volume… (=゜ω゜=)
...I feel dirty.
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Only considering getting because WOAH LOOK AT THE DETAIL ON THE BOOKS.

I'm not really interested in Tharja BUT THOSE BOOKS LOOK SO DETAILED.


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Worth repeating.

If people like it/want to buy it, then it's fine. It's literally a figurine.

Some judge others based on his or her own opinion. People don't like Tharja's character or how sexual it is, but may have a hard time recognizing that others do. I'm not interested in having one of these, and I couldn't care less who does.

If you dislike the figurine, express it towards whoever is funding production of it and/or decided it would be Tharja in that pose, and let them know your opinion just in case they make a future one.

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Looks pretty neat! It's a shame that I couldn't even afford to buy a 3DS or FE13, let alone this figurine. /whine

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Irrational hatred much?

I don't think you've ever seen an actual H-game if you consider this to be enough to make Fire Emblem one.

It's fanservice, no more, no less. Fanservice does not make a H-game.

And nobody forces you to buy it or even look at it. It's literally not even in the game. It's just a figurine.


Fire Emblem is a fantasy themed strategy RPG... or something like that. RPG, you know story, characters, that sort of thing.

So how those any of this crap service a fan?

The fact that IS seems to think that this is fanservice is specifically what pisses me off about this. Because I just so happen to be a fan and I don't feel serviced. Just insulted.

And while I technically couldn't care less about random merchandise, I also can't ignore how it fits in the bigger picture.

Because the attitude that makes this figurine is the same attitude that produced Awakening. And it will produce the future games in the series.

And that matters because this is not why I play RPGs or Fire Emblem.

My life has already become richer for having played this series. It left me with tons of positive experience and some of my favorite characters ever, most of them who just so happen to posses ovaries.

And if IS continues to produce characters that are mere vaguely human shaped sexual fantasies rather then anything coming close to resemble the characters that I play the series for, then it's naturally a concern for me.

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Dang man, I shoud find a job so I can get me one of those. I have the perfect place to put Tharja and he books, in either the lving room or the dining room, where everyone coud see/appreciate her. Yes.
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