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Who else thinks Cordelia is a terrible character?


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I think it's a little unfair to compare Cordelia to an arguably worse character, so let's just judge Cordelia on her own merits. Personality-wise, how she's written, anything, what do you think of Cordelia in general?

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I find her bland and uninteresting.

Her entire dynamic is "Hi I'm a Chrom fangirl but I can't end up with him just like every other Chrom fangirl playing this game. *sob sob*" and just that. Tharja has a way more interesting character and dynamic (with that apparent Noire abuse), but I don't really like her, either. At least I was looking forward to read her supports.

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As a person she's likable enough, but as a video game character she's fairly bland. Her survivor's guilt is never explored in any detail in her A or S supports with the Avatar, which is unfortunate since it's ostensibly the main reason she hates being called a genius. Her Frederick support doesn't do much for her characterization (while making Fred look like a sweetie). Her Kellam support is charming, but not particularly memorable.

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I can't really vote in this, unless you have an option for being indifferent.

But that's how I feel towards Cordelia. She's pretty bland, but she doesn't hit as many bad points for me as Tharja, I feel.

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Given that she's written in the game as Catria's reincarnation, I find it difficult to agree. Yes, she's depressed over being unable to support with Chrom, which I find as a terrible way to force a story, and her survivor guilt, being the one sent away to Chrom's party while her own is butchered off-screen (And then similar group is on-screen), but that doesn't make her worse than the terrible hint that the writers give that Chrom is supposed to be with Sumia (Caeda's reincarnate). In characterization, she is just like everyone else, her own person.

Speaking about the Catria/Caeda archtypes, I personally disliked both Sumia and Caeda before I knew Sumia was written to be like Caeda, a kluzty Girly-girl with a crown aimed at her head. I felt that Catria provided more than Caeda, and that the only reason she didn't get Marth was that he had met Caeda first. As for what it has to do with Cordelia and Sumia, Sumia was utterly useless up until the Shepherds came across the convenient Pegasus mount left alone on the path between Feroxi and Ylisse, at which point it had not been hinted at all (or ever so slightly) what ability Sumia might've had that allowed her to tend to the raging mount, and even then, I disliked her ever so slightly less, and Cynthia doesn't save her one bit.

Cordelia, on the other hand, had a working profession identical to Sumia's, just along with the terms OCD, Genius, and Ace, which are things she worked for and earned, unlike Sumia, which is why I strongly hate the fact the Dev Team forced this Caeda/Catria setup again. I didn't like it the first time, and I sure don't like dealing with this again. Cordelia was also not the one boasting her skills; she simply amazed people by proving that she was much better than she let on, and They were the ones who oh'ed and Awe'd while she continued her task.

Tharja has been brought up, but beside her dark magic girl tendencies and the back-stabbing streak as the only recruitable female dark mage (Not counting the tons of DLC/Spotpass characters), she is sole saved in this mention by what I said earlier, she has her own personality that doesn't necessarily rely on another person. And Noire is a Kick-Ass unit for being an Archer.

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I tried to like Cordelia, I really did, but nothing about her character struck me as interesting. She seemed like she was trying to serve the same role Fiora did in FE7, but there was something about the way it was handled that didn't quite click. Even her gimmick as a genius didn't seem to work. It doesn't come up unless you do her supports, and it never really seems to...show? For lack of a better word. Even though she was constantly referred to as a genius, it never felt like that in game.

I didn't like the way her unrequited love with Chrom was handled, either. It seemed really generic.

I don't dislike her character, but she doesn't really leave much of an impression, either.

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Cordelia is a pretty overrated character. Most people just simplify her as "MAI WAIFU!" which I find to be pretty shallow.

Her Chrom crush and perfectionism is fairly boring on paper, and she's nothing special beyond that. In a game with so many other characters with unique personalities, I'd probably put Cordelia pretty far down on my likable list.

Also, saying one bad thing about her will invite her entire defense force.

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Thinking about it more, I think that the difference in Sumia getting Chrom and Cordelia doesn't is because of her low self-esteem. While Sumia knows (and states) that she's a clutz, she is at least willing to do the continuous effort needed to make Chrom notice her (as dense as he is). Cordelia kinda wallows in her own self-pity or delusions regarding Chrom, but doesn't really do anything about it, which means that Chrom will naturally overlook it thanks to his denseness. Despite what the roster says, I think she has the talents to win over Chrom, but because she stays silent since she doesn't think she's worthy of falling in love with him, unlike Sumia who will pursue it (denseness be damned), she misses all sorts of opportunities to... shall we say... raise flags with him.

The thing about the harp in Stahl's Support is kind of like the only thing I've seen in which she tried making her love clear, but it's still pretty subtle as far as wooing goes, so Chrom's denseness naturally passes this over. (And the scarf in Henry's support was pretty much done half-heartedly, given that Chrom is married at this point in time.)

I'd actually think Sumia getting a support with Chrom while Cordelia didn't would be unfair if both had given it their all, but because Sumia never gave up and did continuously make the effort while Chrom was still single, while Cordelia did nothing (and when she did do something, she did it in ways that caused Chrom's denseness to see it as something else, did it half-heartedly, or after Chrom was married), I think it's pretty much her own fault that it didn't work out.

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As a unit I like her, but then again I like flyers in general so I guess that doesn't matter much. But as a character? Meh. Not really. Her guilt over her comrades dying is never explored, among other things that aren't explored. I don't like the whole "*Sigh* Chrom this and Chrom that and oh why can't I be with Chrom *whine whine sigh sigh*" I know she's supposed to be designed after Catria, but Catria wasn't that, uh...whiny. Catria is one of my favorite characters in that series of FE games and I think Cordelia was a failed attempt at that kind of character. So yeah.

Speaking about the Catria/Caeda archtypes, I personally disliked both Sumia and Caeda before I knew Sumia was written to be like Caeda, a kluzty Girly-girl with a crown aimed at her head. I felt that Catria provided more than Caeda, and that the only reason she didn't get Marth was that he had met Caeda first. As for what it has to do with Cordelia and Sumia, Sumia was utterly useless up until the Shepherds came across the convenient Pegasus mount left alone on the path between Feroxi and Ylisse, at which point it had not been hinted at all (or ever so slightly) what ability Sumia might've had that allowed her to tend to the raging mount, and even then, I disliked her ever so slightly less, and Cynthia doesn't save her one bit.

I don't remember Caeda being portrayed as a klutz anywhere?

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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When it comes to Awakening characters, they're half-gimmick and half-personality and background. And because this gimmick shows up a lot, because that's what they're based on, it can affect how you like them because you see it so often that you can't last 5 seconds without it being shoved in your face.

In Cordelia's case, drooling for Chrom even when married is not something that I like being shoved at me from all directions. And before somebody says "she says herself that she doesn't love Chrom anymore after marrying a husband", let me just say that you have all the time in the world to hear her constant ramblings in level up quotes, DLC and barracks conversations.


Regarding her background and personality, I will say that Cordelia has a rather interesting background in relation to her comrades which is very well done, but her personality seems really dry whenever she's not eyeing Chrom. I'm not sure why, but she just felt really... plain.

As a unit I like her, but then again I like flyers in general so I guess that doesn't matter much. But as a character? Meh. Not really. Her guilt over her comrades dying is never explored, among other things that aren't explored.

You probably haven't read the support conversations between her and the Avatar.

Edited by The Fush
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You probably haven't read the support conversations between her and the Avatar.

Those were some of the first supports I got, actually. I wouldn't call that being explored, though. If it'd been talked about in more than just one support set, then maybe I'd say it was explored.

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6/10 for Cordelia. Her theme of having a crush on Chrom but not being able to confess her feeling for him gets old and doesn't really add to her character. Besides that her other gimmick is being perfect at almost everything and this is shown in both gameplay and supports. In all she's bland with very little going for her. She's usually the first person people S ranked in this game so that's something.

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Cordelia suffers from "Show Don't Tell" syndrome.

Everyone talks about how perfect and skilled she is but its never shown like with other aces like Virion or Gregor.

She needs to be the Gregor to somebody else's Lon'qu.

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I like Cordelia. Her mugshot is pleasant to look at and she's a good unit. Others have pointed out her shortcomings when it comes to her character development. I'll gladly concede all of the points, but none of it is bad enough to really make me dislike her.

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Given that she's written in the game as Catria's reincarnation, I find it difficult to agree. Yes, she's depressed over being unable to support with Chrom, which I find as a terrible way to force a story, and her survivor guilt, being the one sent away to Chrom's party while her own is butchered off-screen (And then similar group is on-screen), but that doesn't make her worse than the terrible hint that the writers give that Chrom is supposed to be with Sumia (Caeda's reincarnate). In characterization, she is just like everyone else, her own person.

Speaking about the Catria/Caeda archtypes, I personally disliked both Sumia and Caeda before I knew Sumia was written to be like Caeda, a kluzty Girly-girl with a crown aimed at her head. I felt that Catria provided more than Caeda, and that the only reason she didn't get Marth was that he had met Caeda first. As for what it has to do with Cordelia and Sumia, Sumia was utterly useless up until the Shepherds came across the convenient Pegasus mount left alone on the path between Feroxi and Ylisse, at which point it had not been hinted at all (or ever so slightly) what ability Sumia might've had that allowed her to tend to the raging mount, and even then, I disliked her ever so slightly less, and Cynthia doesn't save her one bit.

Cordelia, on the other hand, had a working profession identical to Sumia's, just along with the terms OCD, Genius, and Ace, which are things she worked for and earned, unlike Sumia, which is why I strongly hate the fact the Dev Team forced this Caeda/Catria setup again. I didn't like it the first time, and I sure don't like dealing with this again. Cordelia was also not the one boasting her skills; she simply amazed people by proving that she was much better than she let on, and They were the ones who oh'ed and Awe'd while she continued her task.

Not to be insulting, I always found "Catria will win Marth easilly" thing a total bullshit

Catria does nothing outside of.... being recruited. And recruited the blonde Hunter dude.

Sheeda recruited a grand total of 6 person, indirectly recruited 4 more person, not to mention at least 3 of them played a rather crucial role at one point in the next war. In term of contribution alone, Sheeda curbstomped Catria. And in term of characterization, she is still a likable girl who knows how to act during a war, despite still holding straight to the "girly gender roles" in the same way as Sumia. I don't know about you, but I don't think there are any Main Lord x A girl pairing that is half as good as Marth x Sheeda

Another thing, Catria's love towards Marth is blatantly shoehorned(oh, I have a dead quote. How tragic). Some might love the sublety of this kind of stuff. However, the way that IS retried to milk the hell out of this is indeed stupid

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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why you're saying she's Catria when she's def Fiora of FE13

Also, I like her. Sue me >_>

Same like Sumia and her trippings, I think it's a bit unfair that she's hated because of one specific gimmick. I guess you might have another reasonings, but isn't that just double standard?

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The gimmick get in a way to solid characterization

Hello there Frederick support, and "I mess up everything and suddenly Fred see what is good about me"

Or another character example(and arguably the most notable one) "I want to grow up from my flaws, and have a hard time about it which is(should be) okay. But NOOOOOO we should have silly love talk for no reason that ends up making the guy looks like an angel. Thankfully the ending set the path straight again, as it should be. But NOOOOOO the fandom think my husband is a bastard because I am having a hard time to correct my flaw"

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