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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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rerailing the thread: "Pick a god and pray" is not the best critical quote, even though it's in my top 3

ZM, back me up here

My thoughts: The best critical/skill quote is "This is the end, friend!"

Does anyone even like Chrom? >_>

I think he's a creep. But he has his moments.

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Does anyone even like Chrom? >_>

I really have no strong feelings either way.

I don't think this game is very oversexualizing or sexist to females when it comes to costuming.

This. We see a lot of male fanservice too so it really balances out.

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Does anyone even like Chrom? >_>

He's not terrible. He's better than Lolerwood, er Eliwood, and Roy that's for sure. He's more competent than Sigurd, and while he's kind of naive, but he's no Eirika.

And there are times where I think he's got more of a head on his shoulders than anyone else (I'm looking at you "Robin". End of game.)

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I really don't get how Japan loves Chrom so much, but not Ike. I'd say he's based more on Ike than Marth. I'm thinking it has to do with the fact that Chrom also has a bit of Marth in him and he fathers a female Marth look-alike. >.>

Edited by Anacybele
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Ike's all muscly in the sequel, and muscle doesn't appeal much to fangirls in Japan. Chrom is pretty spaghetti and voiced by Sugita.

Uh... I can see why Chumb's more popular than Ick.

Edited by 春閣下
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I really don't get how Japan loves Chrom so much, but not Ike. I'd say he's based more on Ike than Marth. I'm thinking it has to do with the fact that Chrom also has a bit of Marth in him and he fathers a female Marth look-alike. >.>

Or... Sugita has to do with it too. Voice actors get worshiped like gods there. *AND* some people like characters BECAUSE of their voice actors.

...And Chrom doesn't get a sequel that makes people go "what the hell happened to him?"

You might not see it, but a character's popularity is based on... you know... popular opinion... and Ike has at least SOME backlash due to his changed appearance in FE10.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Ike's all muscly in the sequel, and muscle doesn't appeal much to fangirls in Japan. Chrom is pretty spaghetti and voiced by Sugita.

Uh... I can see why Chumb's more popular than Ick.

Chrom is muscley too. Not quite as much as Ike, but he's not far from it. And hating Ike just because of some muscles is stupid. I find that hard to believe.

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Difficult... Majority of my likes and dislikes seem to follow the norm...

I guess I could start with:

-I don't care for Owain much.

-I kind of actually like tharja, not for THAT reason, or because she's a good character, but for Noire.

-I for one dislike the Valm arc, and would exchange it for something else, so long as I still get cherche of course.

-I would have wished to see Vasto again, as opposed to any other boss.

Maybe a few more, I lack in hipster opinions about FE.

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Chrom is muscley too. Not quite as much as Ike, but he's not far from it. And hating Ike just because of some muscles is stupid. I find that hard to believe.

I hate RD Ike not because of the muscles, but because I played PoR first, and seeing him get butchered personality wise like that, made me upset.


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Kindly keep to the topic, kthx.

Speaking of. . .I think Emmeryn makes a crappy Paralogue character.

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As much as I didn't like the Valm arc, I did enjoy its characters. Except Yen'fay.

Say'ri's pretty cool, Cervantes is entertaining, Excellus was an alright villain, and honestly, I found Walhart kind of hilarious. Something about his design combined with Richard Epcar's delivery just makes it.

Yen'fay's probably the worst character in the game by a long shot, in my opinion. It may or may not be saying a lot.

Also, we need more villains like Mustafa. I know that we already have the Camus archetype, but if there was a game where the main villain was someone like him, I would be pleased.

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I like ChromxfeMU supports, even the S one. Not saying it's the best piece of writing, but I like them.

Henry got some funny moment, but overall I don't like him. I do like Say'ri and would use her every playthrough.

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Kindly keep to the topic, kthx.

Speaking of. . .I think Emmeryn makes a crappy Paralogue character.

Agreed. Shes not that great overall in my runs and ehh.

Excellus pisses me off because hes basically a 1-dimensional shitty version of Varys from ASOIAF. He even refers to himself as a "spider" at one point. And its likely hes a eunuch. But unlike Varys, Excellus is an incompetent piece of shit who cant form a spy network worth a damn. The unpopular opinion? I dont like him not because hes a jerk, but because of the above reason. I swear...at least the localization, had some GRRM Nerds up in that shit.

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Excellus pisses me off because hes basically a 1-dimensional shitty version of Varys from ASOIAF. He even refers to himself as a "spider" at one point. And its likely hes a eunuch. But unlike Varys, Excellus is an incompetent piece of shit who cant form a spy network worth a damn.

...I thought this was the point, really. He's Varys, except terrible. So terrible that he doesn't actually accomplish anything.

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