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Project X Zone - RED ZONE[A] (LTC do-over)


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Chapter 31 - 6(18)

It's not a good chapter when a flying unit determines whether or not I get this turn count. Luckily, it came off of the railing, which meant that I could smack it around and kill it. Walked everyone up the middle, and this time, Eins didn't wander off. Thus, I was able to KO everything (relatively) efficiently.

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Chapter 32 - 6(3)

Whether this chapter is doable in five turns is dependent on Nemesis' speed boost - if he doesn't get it on turn 5, I don't think it's possible (and the five-turn is a theory of mine, and one I don't feel like testing). Since I don't like strategies that rely on enemy skills activating on a coin flip, I'll stick with this. Nemesis died in three hits, mostly due to X/Zero insanity (57K on his undead rear). I had Frank and Haken keep Raptor busy. Ryu cleaned up the lower right corner, while KOS-MOS took care of the lower left corner. Finished this round with Zephyr's multi-attack.

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Chapter 34

Probably won't beat that turn count, but did find a minor error - X with his innate stat boost and X-Buster can OHKO some of the enemies with his multi-attack.

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i'm still never getting over the fact that PXZ took out ROCKS from the english version (it's supposed to play in that stage where i think either haken's theme or the endless frontier theme overrides all other character themes)

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i'm still never getting over the fact that PXZ took out ROCKS from the english version (it's supposed to play in that stage where i think either haken's theme or the endless frontier theme overrides all other character themes)

It still has this right? As the only mentioned games I've seen which I like are Tekken, this is probably the main reason I would want to buy it right now

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It still has this right? As the only mentioned games I've seen which I like are Tekken, this is probably the main reason I would want to buy it right now

You, uh, linked to something on the PXZ soundtrack. :sweatdrop:

I need to figure out how to make the wall fall on turn 1. I think a four-turn is possible on Chapter 34. . .but it'll require somewhat precise positioning, despite what the map looks like.

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Chapter 34 - 4(15)

I'm not sure what the criteria is to drop the wall on the end of the first turn, but that needs to happen. This turn count is dependent on getting rid of Omicron and Necron - the faster they die, the faster Selvera can be dealt with. Ayame should be dealt with primarily by Reiji with an attack boost (I used Rikiya for this). Prelude can be smacked around by anyone, as he never learns how to block. I had the western group rush south to give Selvera a hard time (okay, mostly Toma with Steel Body). The eastern group should focus on Ayame, and the group closest to Prelude should (obviously) focus on him. Multi-attacks were used to clean up.

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 35 - 15(11)

I'm not sure if 14 would be possible if only one person was sent down to mess with Drei. After some fiddling, I found that Toma can take care of Eins by himself (hello Invisible). Kurt MUST stay in the middle of the map, or Toma can't reach the enemies that spawn at the group's starting point (which will cost me more turns). Gemini split from the group to go up to the final level using the stairs on the right. Everyone else went up the left. Dante/Reiji can take care of Jedah quickly. The units around Mr. Nails either need to be counter-attacked a couple of times or require a super to kill.

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Chapter 36 - 16(9)

Slapped something that negates status ailments on Soma and had him climb the right stairs towards the center. Akira stayed in Vajra's area and used it as a meter builder. Kite/Frank assassinated Skeith, KOS-MOS followed Soma (and used Boost when necessary to clear stuff out of Soma's way), and Haken/Chris tackled the left side. Soma might have been able to use Heihachi's null ZOC to trigger the Nemesis trio a turn earlier, but I felt that Lady's stat boost would be overall more useful (and it was, because it gave Soma enough defensive power to survive a Nemesis attack and super with less than 2K HP remaining). Since Soma drew two Nemesis, uh, clones, I had to be slightly more conservative with him. Otherwise, the cheating RNG would give Nemesis their turn first, which would screw over poor Soma.

Between Akira holing himself up near Vajra, Soma being unaffected by status, and KOS-MOS acting as Soma's roadblock remover, I was able to get Nemesis to appear on turn 11 or 12. Kite abused Ap Do to get to the final Nemesis before everyone else, and Chris finished the level. Given the lack of universal move boosters, I'm not sure if it's possible to finish this chapter any faster.

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Chapter 37 - 11(7)

Blew a couple of supers on the rock golems, which wound up saving turns, as Yuri/Ichigo could move without interference. Zephyr and Ryu used a robot and a high-health generic for meter, so X could 3HKO Due (she's more durable then Jedah, but not by much). I had everyone meet in the center of the map - because of the way I did things, Vile triggered without Ichigo going to some obscure corner of the map. Due walked past X on one of the turns, which put her in range of everyone else. Vile went down on turn 11 (not my fault he ate an Ichigo counter on turn 10).

The far flying robot things will move on their own volition, so I didn't need to send anyone up there. This also helped to save turns.

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Chapter 38 - 10(3)

Most of these turns was spent walking to Seth and his goonies. I left Chun-Li and Akira behind to deal with the Dural downstairs, and Yuri to deal with the pudding monster. Everyone else took their sweet time walking to Seth. Between Seth, a few Tyrants, and a couple of Durals, it took multiple turns to hose them all.

Current damage record: X/Zero on a Tyrant (64K)

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Chapter 39 - 6(7)

I used the Shielders as meter, so I could blick the Astaroths ASAP (something like turn 3). After that, killed the two ladies (turn 5). I had Ichiro, Gemini, and Zephyr wait near Jedah's spawn point. As a result, he went down not long after turn 6 began. Ichiro speed boost FTW~!

This strategy is EXTREMELY risky, because of the sheer amount of enemies that spawn next to Jedah. For this to work, everyone's Speed needs to vary as much as possible, and Cpt. Command: Mountain is also handy. Chris/Frank kept the trio near Jedah alive with items.

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Thanks~! Two more, and Chapter 40 is pretty relaxing~!

Chapter 40 - 4(24)

I cheated a bit and used a couple of Ether Pack S towards the end to kill off a Sanger wannabe. To minimize the amount of damage I had to heal, I did the following:

- Heihachi, Saya, and Juri were subject to attacks from people who had three range

- Alisa, Sanger, and T-Elos were pummeled by people at two range (since they could counter three range)

- Toma and Jin could attack whoever the hell they wanted (Invisible and Bahn's Tech Guard, respectively)

- Those who could attack with no fear of counter were used to build meter, situation permitting

- The lone exception was X/Zero, who did so much damage that they were on blicking duty, counters be damned

By being careful with my meter, I was able to kill off everything in four full turns.

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