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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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The Bills top 3 draft picks look like studs, and the team looks really good this year.

I was kinda hoping they would lose the game so I wouldn't have any expectations for the season...
Atlanta has such a talented team but their coach is way too conservative. It's a shame. He really holds that team back.
LOL, Geno Smith's butt fumble v2.0.
Denver is ridiculous. Barring catastrophic injuries, they will be the Super Bowl champs.
WTFuck is Cleveland doing? Anybody? The Steelers are going to end up drafting a good QB as Ben's replacement and the Browns will be stuck with mediocre QBs for another 10 years.
@ Ana - Dont get disappointed. At this point you should actually hope they lose more than they win for a better draft. Ben is getting old and you could end up with his replacement the way Green Bay did with Favre to Rodgers.
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Ben doesn't need replaced yet. He's just fine. Todd Haley is the one that needs to be replaced, his playcalling is trash most of the time. Dick Lebeau should retire too. He's been a great defensive coordinator, but he's honestly getting too old for this. I wouldn't be surprised if he's said that himself.

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Are you really saying that the steelers need to replace Ben or are you really just uninformed? You know their RB and offensive line are respectively inconsistent and blow right? And that Haley's scheme doesn't fit that situation too well?

Anyway- fuck zone blocking

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Im not saying he's the reason they are 0-4.

He's over 30 years old though, and very few QBs age as well as Manning, Brady, and Brees have. If the Steelers have a top 5 pick and have the opportunity to draft a top QB prospect they should absolutely draft one. There is nothing worse than having your longtime franchise QB retire/leave without having a competent replacement already on the roster.

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If the steelers have a top 5 pick why aren't they trading up to get clowney. I mean he adds an actual pass rush to that defense. And Ben isn't that bad he's still in the 60th precentile.

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Ben's the best QB we've had since Bradshaw and we've had several QBs since then. The dude that was run out of the city after they lost the Super Bowl in the nineties, Maddox, Stewart, and probably a guy between Bradshaw and the dude that got run out of the city too.

Big Ben's the toughest QB in the league too. He'll take a lot of hits and dish out some awesome right back. He's not fast, but his bulk makes it hard to tackle him, he's good at moving around the pocket, and he's ace on third down. His o-line just needs to protect him better.

EDIT: Dolphins vs Saints has started too. Go 'Phins! Stay undefeated! :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Lions tied for the NFC north. Awesome game against Chicago. Our defense actually played up to it's potential and we only had 3 penalties the whole game. I was irate at the end of the game when Durham got speared by a Bears defender on the last onsides kick and no flag at all. Fucking bullshit if it had been a Lions player they'd have been thrown out. Fuck the refs and Goodell

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ClevelandSteve- I haven't kept up with Browns History, do the Browns have a history of QBs who started out showing promise for a few games and then became a failure? And do you fear Hoyer will become the same? I think Cleveland fans tend to be perennial whiners but I still want them to succeed if only because of 1996.

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ClevelandSteve- I haven't kept up with Browns History, do the Browns have a history of QBs who started out showing promise for a few games and then became a failure? And do you fear Hoyer will become the same? I think Cleveland fans tend to be perennial whiners but I still want them to succeed if only because of 1996.

Usually, they just start out as failures and stay that way. A lot of hype is always built around them before they actually play, though. Whenever a new quarterback is picked to start a game, everyone in Cleveland automatically thinks "this is going to be the guy". Derek Anderson is the only one like that I can think of right now who ever looked good before starting to suck. Tim Couch actually might have really been a decent QB but the team around him was so awful (this was right after we first came back, when our team was loaded with untrained rookies and trash that other teams didn't want... I mean, more than it is now) that it didn't matter. Colt McCoy might count, too, but even at his worst he wasn't as bad as Brandon Weeden. Weeden himself actually isn't as bad now as his godawful first game (against the Eagles last year. It starting with him getting tackled by the American flag and just went downhill from there), but still just plain sucks (I hope he realize we won today in spite of him, not because of him).

I hope Hoyer recovers from his injury quickly, but I'm worried. Virtually every team in every sport has stories of good players getting injured and then never being good again, and it's still not impossible that Hoyer's skills were just flukes. I mean, he did get cut from three teams (including the Arizona Cardinals, who don't exactly have the best QB situation themselves).

As for playoffs, I doubt it. If the Browns do somehow make it in, it will be a crushing disappointment like with the Indians last night.

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Cardinals probably cut him because of Carson Palmer, whereas I think New England wanted a new backup (Ryan Mallet), but he didn't seem to play badly whenever he was out in. Pittsburgh cut him because he was a fourth string (and remember that Charlie Batch was the only one out of the two to learn the play book so naturally he'd come in after some freak accidents). It's possible that this is kind of a Kurt Warner situation but it might not be. Just hope that he recovers and he does to the Browns what Warner did to the Rams and Cardinals. Jordan Cameron could be today's Larry Fitzgerald, you never know.

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Hoyer's out for the year. Good news for the Steelers, they're not going to be in last place in the division.

My predicted AFC North final standings:

1. Ravens (10-6) (Losses to Bears, Lions, and Patriots, and an upset loss against either the Dolphins or the Packers)

2. Bengals (6-10) (Bengals aren't very good in divisional play, and the AFC North schedule this year is brutal. They'll beat the Bills, Jets, Chargers, and Vikings)

3. Steelers (5-11) (Wins vs. Jets, Raiders, Browns Twice, and Bengals Once)

4. Browns (4-12) (We'll beat the Jaguars)

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Browns will definitely get more than 4. You kidding? Steelers offense is in way worse shape than the Browns - Jordan Cameron and that receiver are better than what they've got now and the defense is miles better.

I'm predicting Ravens lose to the Dolphins myself, they can probably beat the Packers though. More detail in this post when I get back. The Bills were our upset loss..

For the record I think the Chargers can beat the Bengals..

Edited by Lord Raven
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Browns will definitely get more than 4. You kidding? Steelers offense is in way worse shape than the Browns - Jordan Cameron and that receiver are better than what they've got now and the defense is miles better.

I'm predicting Ravens lose to the Dolphins myself, they can probably beat the Packers though. More detail in this post when I get back.

Jordan Cameron and Josh Gordon do look very good, but they can only use their talents if the ball gets to them. We could have Jerry Rice (in his prime) and Larry Fitzgerald, too, and they still won't be able to do much with Brandon Weeden.

Ben Roethlisberger, on the other hand, is still probably the best QB in the division, even if the rest of the team is in shambles. Since Weeden has a talent for throwing a rocket straight for an opposing player, the Steelers could probably rely on pick-sixes to beat us.

We might be able to get more wins with Jason Campbell, but I hear he's not very good, either. And, to make it worse, we don't even have our top scorer from last year, Phil Dawson. Now, we have Billy Cundiff. As a Ravens fan, you probably remember him. Since Brandon Weeden has a talent for turning touchdowns into field goals (when he doesn't get intercepted), and Cundiff has a talent for missing field goals... I'm sure you can do the math.

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Weird thing about Cundiff was he had two pretty reliable seasons before that championship game but he may flop (since he was fucking awful everywhere else).

Not sure if you saw the Baltimore game but Cameron was burning us up the middle and generally I think Weeden has the arm (not the talent) to get it going. Add to that how he did indeed play most of the Bills game and you have a game manager quarterback even if it is Weeden. Ravens won a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer you know...

In fact, Stover vs Cundiff aside, the storyline behind this Browns season is not too different to the storyline behind the 2000 Ravens.

I would keep Weeden in before I put in Jason Campbell. Rocket launcher of an arm yet still a lot more ineffective than Weeden.

Edited by Lord Raven
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