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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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Wow ive been away for a few weeks and I come back to see the Steelers mentioned more in the last 153 posts than all 12 playoff teams combined.

The Chargers seem destined to win it all because of the Philly connection, but I want to see Peyton get his second so I hope that streak ends.

I like the idea of each of the remaining teams winning the SB except for NE. As long as its not them I will be pretty happy (sorry Randa, nothing personal).

Superbowl winner preference list: Broncos > Chargers > 49ers > Colts > Seahawks > Saints > Panthers > Pats

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Pittsburgh fans are so crazy o.O http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/1/8/5290338/steelers-fan-in-prison-sues-nfl-saying-chargers-should-not-have-made They should just accept it with a grain of salt

Uh, the guy is in jail. Of course he'll be nuts. Link doesn't work, btw.

But still, even I wouldn't sue because of something like that and I still don't accept the Chargers getting into the playoffs over the Steelers.

My Super Bowl champ preferences for this season: Panthers > Broncos > Seahawks > Saints > Colts > Pats > Chargers = Niners

I don't know if I'd rather the Niners tie with the Steelers for the most Super Bowl wins or the team that took the Steelers' playoff spot to win.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh, the guy is in jail. Of course he'll be nuts. Link doesn't work, btw.

But still, even I wouldn't sue because of something like that and I still don't accept the Chargers getting into the playoffs over the Steelers.

My Super Bowl champ preferences for this season: Panthers > Broncos > Seahawks > Saints > Colts > Pats > Chargers = Niners

I don't know if I'd rather the Niners tie with the Steelers for the most Super Bowl wins or the team that took the Steelers' playoff spot to win.

Interesting fact,the Ref who helped Chargers get to the play-offs,helped the Steelers win the Super Bowl :P after researching a bit.

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Uh, the guy is in jail. Of course he'll be nuts.

This is pretty ignorant

But still, even I wouldn't sue because of something like that and I still don't accept the Chargers getting into the playoffs over the Steelers.

I bet you're about to accuse all other playoff teams of doing the same because the Steelers got shafted out of 8 other wins as well? I'm also finding it amusing how much you ignore every fact brought up against you ever, in any thread I have ever seen. Terrible sportsmanship. You know that the refs screwed the Chargers out of a win in week 1 right because of a new special teams rule that they called incorrectly right? So they'd go 9-7 anyway because of refs, and still make playoffs over the Steelers assuming refs called everything right.

Every team has 16 games to prove they should be in the playoffs. No one team stole a playoff berth over another, they just didn't prove they were worth of a playoff spot. My team didn't prove it was worth, your team didn't, and so did 18 other teams in the league. Put up or shut up, and stop whining that the Chargers didn't deserve to go into the playoffs over the Steelers when the Steelers had an incredibly mediocre year that started 0-4.

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This is pretty ignorant

No it isn't. Most people in jail are fruitcakes because they were stupid enough to get themselves landed there in the first place.

Interesting fact,the Ref who helped Chargers get to the play-offs,helped the Steelers win the Super Bowl :P after researching a bit.

Huh, I actually didn't know this. That is an interesting fact.

Edited by Anacybele
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Marquess Colston doesnt seem to understand what constitutes a lateral


No it isn't. Most people in jail are fruitcakes because they were stupid enough to get themselves landed there in the first place.

I'm not getting into it but please avoid posting in this thread, it legitimately makes me uncomfortable Edited by Lord Raven
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I'm not getting into it but please avoid posting in this thread, it legitimately makes me uncomfortable

Sorry, but I'm allowed to post here if I want to. There's no rule stating I can't.

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Three years in a row baby. Back to the championship game. Lets make it three years in fox borough. Also as a fact that I might be the only one who cares about. The pats have beat each of their last three opponents in the divisional round by 20 points or more.

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They beat the Texans by 13... and a lot of teams could've beaten those Broncos at some point (the Steelers were incredibly boneheaded in those playoffs, because the Broncos lost like 2-3 games prior to that because teams figured out that you just stack the box because Tebow can't throw - somehow the Steelers didn't get the memo.)

Man, I'm nervous for the Broncos tomorrow. I don't believe Peyton Manning is a choke artist, and this person perfectly articulates why I say that. Points like this get buried under people saying he chokes. Last year he went 3 TDs/1 Int against Baltimore before the infamous Rahim Moore play, every other year his defense shit the bed and its clear that once Manning/Wayne are stopped or slow down then the team goes down with them. The only reason they went to the Super bowl in 2006 was because of the Defense stepping up because they played some incredible defenses in those playoffs - the Chiefs D may not have been good but they couldn't do anything on O, whereas they had to go against the Ravens/Pats/Bears to win a Super Bowl, so the defense had to step up, making it seem like Manning played like shit and was carried by his team. 2009 playoffs he played his ass off and if Tracy Porter doesn't get that pick six by jumping the route we could be talking about a different game in 2009 where Manning doesn't choke at all and the game doesn't look like a blowout on the surface (it wasn't a blowout when watching the game).

In this case, they have two run-first offenses left. Patriots are run-first now, and Chargers are run-first. Their defense cannot make a single stop. I don't know how sustainable their offense is in these playoffs, but they have to play well enough to score on every drive, and GOAT QB or not you can't rely on that.

Edited by Lord Raven
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No it isn't. Most people in jail are fruitcakes because they were stupid enough to get themselves landed there in the first place.

as a white female, of course you'd say this. most people in the US are in jail because of minor drug possession charges. the ignorance and bigotry that oozes out of this statement is disheartening, to say the least.

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They beat the Texans by 13... and a lot of teams could've beaten those Broncos at some point (the Steelers were incredibly boneheaded in those playoffs, because the Broncos lost like 2-3 games prior to that because teams figured out that you just stack the box because Tebow can't throw - somehow the Steelers didn't get the memo.)Man, I'm nervous for the Broncos tomorrow. I don't believe Peyton Manning is a choke artist, and this person perfectly articulates why I say that. Points like this get buried under people saying he chokes. Last year he went 3 TDs/1 Int against Baltimore before the infamous Rahim Moore play, every other year his defense shit the bed and its clear that once Manning/Wayne are stopped or slow down then the team goes down with them. The only reason they went to the Super bowl in 2006 was because of the Defense stepping up because they played some incredible defenses in those playoffs - the Chiefs D may not have been good but they couldn't do anything on O, whereas they had to go against the Ravens/Pats/Bears to win a Super Bowl, so the defense had to step up, making it seem like Manning played like shit and was carried by his team. 2009 playoffs he played his ass off and if Tracy Porter doesn't get that pick six by jumping the route we could be talking about a different game in 2009 where Manning doesn't choke at all and the game doesn't look like a blowout on the surface (it wasn't a blowout when watching the game).In this case, they have two run-first offenses left. Patriots are run-first now, and Chargers are run-first. Their defense cannot make a single stop. I don't know how sustainable their offense is in these playoffs, but they have to play well enough to score on every drive, and GOAT QB or not you can't rely on that.

Sorry I was thinking of the regular season. But I love pointing a number like this out because all I've been hearing this week was about how the pats couldn't score enough and the defense couldn't hold and we haven't performed well in the post season(dumbest statement I've ever heard).

But about the broncos I still don't like the match up. San Diego is a team that can control the clock and the defense is good enough to hold the broncos to under 35 points. Which seems to be one of the magic numbers for the broncos.

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as a white female, of course you'd say this. most people in the US are in jail because of minor drug possession charges. the ignorance and bigotry that oozes out of this statement is disheartening, to say the least.

And those people in jail were stupid enough to make the dumb decision to possess illegal drugs. That's what I'm talking about. So stop insulting me.

Anyway, Panthers vs Niners today! COME ON, CAROLINA! Make NC proud! ^^

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And those people in jail were stupid enough to make the dumb decision to possess illegal drugs. That's what I'm talking about. So stop insulting me.

Child, either stop talking about things you know almost nothing about or make a thread about it.
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Child, either stop talking about things you know almost nothing about or make a thread about it.

Excuse me, but I'm not a child. I'm 22 years old. And I don't see what there is to make a thread about.

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Besides, I never said EVERY person in jail is stupid. There are some prisoners that wind up in there for something they didn't do and others that get put there for stupid reasons. For example, this story I heard recently about a guy who was put there for paying too much child support and seeing his kid too often or something like that. Basically, he was locked away for being a GOOD DAD. >_>

But a majority of prisoners are there because they got stupid and broke the law, regardless of how they did so. And the law is made clear to everyone.

I'm not an expert on law, but I've seen several crime shows (some real, some fake), and have a basic idea of how the justice system works. So you can't tell me I know "almost nothing about it."

There, I'm done. Can't wait to see some Cam Newton today!

EDIT: ...And Newton throws an interception. -_- That receiver should've had it though, it was a perfectly thrown ball, yet the guy let it get tipped and fall into the hands of a Niner.

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Cam threw that thing from like the 50 yard line too! FUCK YEAH! (I won't ever get how they didn't make that 4th and goal TD though...)

EDIT: Okay, more like the 32 yard line, but still. Freaking awesome.

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Child refers to the fact that you act like a child, and the above post hasn't shown me any different.

At any rate, a failed fourth down lead to a TD for the Panthers anyway. Great stuff. And it was from the 30 considering Ginn returned it from the 50 to the 30.

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Ugh, why'd the Panthers have to shoot themselves in the foot with all those penalties? They really messed this up. >_>

Well, I'm done with football now. I just hope the Super Bowl winner doesn't end up being the Chargers or Niners.

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